Top Items:

Alaskans Speak (In A Frightened Whisper): Palin Is “Racist, Sexist, Vindictive, And Mean” — “So Sambo beat the bitch!” — This is how Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin described Barack Obama's win over Hillary Clinton to political colleagues in a restaurant a few days …

Thanks, Guys — The media's attacks on Sarah Palin backfire. — The editors of THE WEEKLY STANDARD believe in giving credit where credit is due. The presidential race looks a whole lot better today than it did two weeks ago. For this, thanks are owed to two men—Barack Obama and John McCain …

Sally Quinn Does Complete U-turn on Sarah Palin — What a difference a few hours make. It is almost like Sally Quinn, the Washington Post faith columnist, was blinded by the light of truth on the road to Damascus. On CNN's “American Morning” on Friday, Quinn repeated her doubts …
Don Surber

Rival Tickets Are Redrawing Battlegrounds — Fresh from the Republican convention, Senator John McCain's campaign sees evidence that his choice of Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate is energizing conservatives in the battleground of Ohio while improving its chances in Pennsylvania …

Republican Recycling — This morning, Republicans tell me that a worker at Invesco Field in Denver saved thousands of unused flags from the Democratic National Convention that were headed for the garbage. Guerrilla campaigning. They will use these flags at their own event today in Colorado Springs with John McCain and Sarah Palin.

The Recycled Flags of the DNCC — Democrats brought out tens of thousands of American flags to Invesco Field, saluting Barack Obama as he spoke from the Styrofoam columns of the Barackopolis at the conclusion of the Democratic convention. Perhaps some of them took the flags home as souvenirs, but where did the rest go?

Gallup Daily: Obama's Edge Shrinks to 2 Points — Election Preferences Nearly Tied Again, 47%-45% — PRINCETON, NJ — Barack Obama's advantage over John McCain has been shrinking since the start of the Republican National Convention, and is now down to just two percentage points — 47% to 45% — too close to call.
The Swamp, The New Republic, Daily Kos, Taegan Goddard's …, Open Left, Wake up America, Don Surber and American Spectator

McCain, Obama tied in TV audiences
Liberal Values, The Politico, Sister Toldjah, Althouse, marbury, Reuters, Patterico's Pontifications,, and Nielsen Wire

Sarah Palin will be missing from action Sunday a.m. — As is The Ticket's custom, a post listing the entire roster of appearances on this Sunday's interview programs will pop up Saturday at noon PDT (3 p.m. EDT). — But here's an advance heads up, in part because of who WON'T be found on any of the chat shows.
The Swamp,, Balloon Juice, Stubborn Facts, A Blog For All and Don Surber

Team McCain and the Trooper
Washington Monthly, I Am TRex, Kevin Drum, The Reaction, Talking Points Memo, Firedoglake,, Blog, CREW and Petrelis Files

Obama rebukes Palin on earmarks — TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (AP) — Barack Obama made his first direct criticism of Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin on Saturday, saying she pretends to oppose spending earmarks when she actually has embraced them. — Speaking to 800 people …

George W. Palin — Frum again: … This decision is not worthy of a great power. Whatever skills Palin may turn out to have, however fabulous a person she may turn out to be, even if she becomes the Eva Peron of Christianism, McCain … He winged this. That's the critical, unavoidable, devastating point.
Jack & Jill Politics

THOSE OF US WHO ARE ABOUT TO TIRE SWING ... It always brings a tear to my eye when I see the Grey Lady hopping on the McCain tire swing. But there she goes. Yesterday the McCain campaign was all mum on the Walter Reed/Green Screen goof until deep in the evening when they released …

McCain and the Green Screen
Beyond Binary, Kevin Drum, VetVoice, Grasping Reality …, Talking Points Memo and TPM Election Central

An Adviser Puts His Stamp on McCain Campaign — ST. PAUL — It was what aides to Senator John McCain describe as probably the worst night of his campaign. As Senator Barack Obama claimed the Democratic nomination before a cheering sea of faces on national television, Mr. McCain countered …

Analysis: Biden's wealth in his house — Senator benefited from 2 deals with supporters — What's this? — Joe Biden likes to say he is the embodiment of the American dream — a middle-class kid who became one of the U.S. Senate's most-respected members and, now, the Democratic nominee for vice president.

The Vanishing Republican Voter — I LIVE IN WASHINGTON, in a neighborhood that is home to lawyers, political consultants, television personalities and the chief executive of the TIAA-CREF pension fund. Not exactly an abode of the superrich, but the kind of neighborhood where almost nobody does …
The Other McCain

McCain, Obama Set Joint Sept. 11 Appearance — Laura Meckler reports from Colorado Springs, Colo., on the presidential race: — The rancor of the presidential campaign will come to a pause on Thursday as Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama jointly visit Ground Zero …
The Moderate Voice

The Trail — One of the most compelling anecdotes in Sarah Palin's repertoire is that she auctioned off the Alaska governor's jet on eBay after taking office — a swift move made by a reformer hoping to clean up the excesses of her predecessor. — In fact, the jet did not sell on eBay.

Inhofe says patriotism question will sink Obama — ST. PAUL, Minn. — U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe predicted voters' uncertainty over whether Barack Obama really loves his country will help Republicans win the White House again in November. — A spokeswoman for the Democratic nominee …

Palin's Hockey Rink Leads To Legal Trouble in Town She Led — WASILLA, Alaska — The biggest project that Sarah Palin undertook as mayor of this small town was an indoor sports complex, where locals played hockey, soccer, and basketball, especially during the long, dark Alaskan winters.

Palin inexperienced? Not really — Greta van Susteren took a look at the “inexperienced” criticism of Sarah Palin by interviewing people who worked with Palin in Alaska. She spoke with the current mayor of Wasilla, which is — surprise! — one of the five largest cities in Alaska …
The Moderate Voice