Top Items:

Sarah Palin's Personal Emails — Did the internet just cause Sarah Palin to destroy evidence? The potential Veep is in a bit of trouble for conducting state business using her personal, unarchived email address ( instead of her official account (which is, of course …
techPresident, Fox News, Political Machine, Associated Press, The Gun Toting Liberal, The Strata-Sphere, Ben Smith's Blogs, The Washington Independent, Don Surber, Little Green Footballs, Salon, American Power, No More Mister Nice Blog, Atlas Shrugs, Balloon Juice, New York Magazine and The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Group Posts E-Mail Hacked From Palin Account — Update — Vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin's private Yahoo e-mail account was hacked, and some of its contents posted on the internet Wednesday. — The internet griefers known as Anonymous took credit for the intrusion …
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Hot Air, Wake up America, The Huffington Post, Taylor Marsh and The Caucus

Sarah Palin's private e-mail hacked, family photos raided; cesspool blog gloats; feds investigate — Scroll for updates...Wired News confirms...McCain camp responds: “This is a shocking invasion of the Governor's privacy and a violation of law. The matter has been turned …
Macsmind, Power Line, Gawker, Sister Toldjah, Wizbang, Wake up America, and Gateway Pundit

Sarah Palin's Personal Email Hacked — I am advised that this is not a hoax. — As the political impact becomes clear, Swampland readers might want to take some time to make sure they have a tricky password on their own email accounts. — UPDATE:'s blog “Threat Level” has the scoop.

Obama Invokes Rush Limbaugh in New Spanish-Language Ads — The Obama campaign has released new radio and TV ads in Spanish that seek to tie Sen. John McCain to anti-immigrant comments made by radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh. The ads also suggest the Republican has “dos caras” …
Weekly Standard, The Swamp, TalkLeft, Salon, Hot Air, JammieWearingFool, Lonewacko, Fausta's Blog and Firedoglake

Limbaugh, hitting back over usage in ad, says Obama “stoking racism” — Rush Limbaugh, featured in a new, Spanish-language Barack Obama ad, says the commercial distorts his past statements and amounts to “race-baiting” by the Democratic nominee. — The commercial, to air in Limbaugh's home state …

Despite Claims Today He Warned of this Crisis, McCain in 2007 Said He Didn't See This Crisis Coming — “Two years ago, I warned that the oversight of Fannie and Freddie was terrible, that we were facing a crisis because of it, or certainly serious problems,” Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., told CBS this morning.
Crooks and Liars, The Corner, Campaign Silo, Comments from Left Field, Washington Monthly and Liberal Values

McCain's attempt to fix Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac in 2005; Update: Obama can't get AIG right — With the financial sector in turmoil today, the media and the politicians have started throwing around blame with the same recklessness as lenders threw around credit to create the problem.

Senate Majority Leader on Economic Woes: ‘No One Knows What to Do’
Hot Air

Excerpts from Palin's Hannity Interview — Part I — GOV. SARAH PALIN TELLS FOX NEWS CHANNEL'S SEAN HANNITY — ‘THE CORRUPTION ON WALL STREET’ IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FAILING INSTITUTIONS — Palin: 'CEO's and Top Management' Have Been ‘Addicted’ to 'O-P-M, Other People's Money'
The Daily Dish, Top of the Ticket, The Washington Independent, Salon, SFGate, Wonkette, No More Mister Nice Blog, Hot Air and Sister Toldjah

WE'LL BE WATCHING — Sarah Palin goes mano-a-mano with Sean Hannity starting tonight.
Spin Cycle

Poll: Virtual tie in battleground states — CNN Deputy Political Director — WASHINGTON (CNN) — New polls in five battleground states that could decide the presidency suggest the battle for the White House between Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama remains a dead heat.

Senate Dem Raises Keating Five, Rips McCain On Economy, Palin — One of the Senate's most progressive members ripped John McCain on Tuesday for offering a phony populist self-portrayal in the wake of the current crisis in the financial markets. In the process, Sherrod Brown of Ohio raised …

McCain Embraces Regulation After Many Years of Opposition
Guardian, Associated Press, Matthew Yglesias,, The Corner, NY Daily News, New York Times, Think Progress, The Huffington Post, NPR, The Caucus, Simply Left Behind, Comments from Left Field, Political Machine, The Washington Independent, Patterico's Pontifications, Democratic Strategist, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, MoJoBlog, Marc Ambinder, TPM Election Central, The Nation, and Booman Tribune

Can He Stop ‘Troopergate’? — A McCain lawyer scrambles to block a Palin ethics inquiry. — A former top Justice Department prosecutor now working for John McCain's presidential campaign has been helping to direct an aggressive legal strategy aimed at shutting down a pre-election ethics investigation into Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.
Associated Press, TalkLeft, MSNBC, Progressive Alaska, Daily Kos, Emptywheel and

No one is above the truth, even Palin — You really can't experience the full effect of Monday's news conference featuring Palin spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton unless you hear it for yourself. Stapleton passionately attacked former Commissioner of Public Safety Walt Monegan.

Gallup Daily: Obama 47%, McCain 45% — PRINCETON, NJ — The Sept. 14-16 Gallup Poll Daily tracking update shows Barack Obama regaining a slight, although not statistically significant, edge over John McCain, 47% to 45%, among registered voters, marking the first time since the week …

Washington Mutual Begins Efforts to Sell Itself — Washington Mutual, the struggling savings and loan, has been working on several efforts to save itself, including a potential sale, people briefed on the matter said Wednesday. — The unsurprising announcement comes as the bank …

Poll Finds McCain, in Tight Race, Is Still Tied to Bush — WASHINGTON — Despite an intense effort to distance himself from the way his party has done business in Washington, Senator John McCain is seen by voters as far less likely to bring change to Washington than Senator Barack Obama.

Election 2008: Oregon Senate — Oregon Senate Race Back To A Dead Heat — Oregon Senator Gordon Smith is in dangerous territory again, virtually tied with Jeff Merkley, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of voters in the state. — The incumbent Republican holds …

Sneak Preview: Presidential Questions — Tonight, we're airing the inaugural piece in our series, “Presidential Questions.” It's the first in a weekly series in which we'll show you the presidential candidates' answers to questions Katie asked them - both about their politics and about their character.

CNN Demolishes Every McCain Campaign Lie — This is by far the most thorough debunking I've seen to date on the myriad of lies coming from Team McCain. … HT Jed, who adds: