Top Items:

McCain camp criticism rife with errors — Sen. John McCain's top campaign aides convened a conference call today to complain of being called “liars.” They pressed the media to scrutinize specific elements of Sen. Barack Obama's record. — But the call was so rife with simple …
The Moderate Voice,, Ben Smith's Blogs, Christian Science Monitor, The Gun Toting Liberal, Swampland, All Spin Zone, Patterico's Pontifications, JTA Election Central, Daily Kos, Washington Independent, Hullabaloo, Stumper, Balloon Juice, The New Republic, Oliver Willis, Eschaton, Grasping Reality …, Washington Post and AMERICAblog News

Palin Claims “Obama-Biden Democrats” Are Regularly Attacking Her Family, But... The McCain camp has just blasted out to its list a fundraising email by Sarah Palin claiming that Obama-Biden Democrats are waging frequent attacks on her family. From the email:
Jonathan Martin's Blogs, Washington Monthly, Power Line and The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Daddy doesn't know best — I've had more time to read the Dodd proposal — and it is a big improvement over the Paulson plan. The key feature, I believe, is the equity participation: if Treasury buys assets, it gets warrants that can be converted into equity if the price of the purchased assets falls.

Chris Dodd Stares Down Paulson — So there was “Goldman” Hank, holding a gun on the economy and staring Congress down. “Give me the 700 billion, or the economy gets it!” he threatened. For two days it looked like he was going to get away with it, 700 billion dollars to spend on the Wall Street gang …
First Draft

Dodd — Very preliminary, no details — but this sounds like a big step in the right direction. — One of the problems with this blog is that I ruffled a few feathers back when Bush had an 80 percent approval rating, and somehow I wasn't impressed. People remember, and as a result …

Ron Paul's Presidential Endorsement. For Real, This Time. — Two weeks after his “third party alliance” press conference, three weeks after the Rally for the Republic, Ron Paul finally dives in and endorses a presidential candidate. This guy. — Paul's reasoning had a lot to do with Bob Barr's snub of the third party presser.

CNN Poll: GOP takes brunt of blame for economy, Obama gains — WASHINGTON (CNN) - A new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll suggests that by a 2-to-1 margin, Americans blame Republicans over Democrats for the financial crisis that has swept across the country the past few weeks …

Ethan Winner Responds: Claims He Produced Video — Ethan Winner responds. Written like a VP in a public relations firm that specializes in crisis management and grassroots organization. I'll post the whole thing below. — He produced the video? He paid for the voice-over narration which he found through a talent agency?
Ben Smith's Blogs, Doug Ross, Examiner, Little Miss Attila, Pursuing Holiness,, Riehl World View, Jesus' General and Swampland

Is the Obama Campaign Behind Anti-Palin Online Smears?
The Jawa Report

Hypocrisy Bombshell: Antigay John McCain has a Gay Chief of Staff — What does John McCain's loyal chief of staff - a man who apparently is in a long-term relationship with another man, and appears to be open about it to John McCain — think about the fact that Sarah Palin devoutly worships …

John McCain's Chief of Staff outed, wins Roy Cohn Award — When the first source on today's Roy Cohn Award recipient came forward approximately six months ago, he and I decided to wait and see where the presidential election went and how this person's boss performed. Dismally.

Limbaugh repeats baseless Obama smear: “He's Arab. ... [H]e's not African-American” — On the September 22 broadcast of his syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh baselessly claimed that Sen. Barack Obama is “not black,” and went on to ask: “Do you know he has not one shred of African-American blood?”

Now is the Time to Resist Wall Street's Shock Doctrine — I wrote The Shock Doctrine in the hopes that it would make us all better prepared for the next big shock. Well, that shock has certainly arrived, along with gloves-off attempts to use it to push through radical pro-corporate policies …

Were Rape Victims Billed in Wasilla, Or is This Just More Astroturfing? — Wasilla, Alaska got it's first full-time police force in 1993, when eight uniformed officers formed the city's “thin blue line.” More than a decade later, the small-town police force has tripled in size, to 24 commissioned officers.

Bailout Satire — Add your own toxic holdings to the big s**tpile here. — I almost missed this email because it was diverted to my spam folder. But apparently Paulson is sending this around:

The Battle Plan II: Sarah “Evita” Palin, the Muse of the Coming Police State — Please understand what you are looking at when you look at Sarah “Evita” Palin. You are looking at the designated muse of the coming American police state. — You have to understand how things work …

Dukakis: McCain using same race tactics as ‘Willie Horton’ ad — Former Gov. and 1988 Democratic Presidential nominee Michael Dukakis: Getty Image — Former Gov. Michael Dukakis said Monday that John McCain's presidential campaign is using the same race-based tactics that were used against him in his 1988 presidential run.

The Story Behind Biden's Emergency Helicopter Landing in Afghanistan — “Ladies and gentlemen, where are we now? Where are we now?” Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., said to the National Guard Association today, talking about the war in Afghanistan. — “If you want to know where Al Qaeda lives …

Biden on Obama's e-mail ad: “I thought that was terrible” — Skip ahead to 4:05. For the second time in three days, Greasy Joe proves himself one of America's most effective anti-Obama advocates. — I hope you appreciate his nuance, at least, in hinting that Obama didn't approve an ad that ended with …

Biden criticizes Obama ad hitting McCain as technologically inept — Joe Biden offered perhaps his most off-message statement yet since being tapped as Barack Obama's running mate, saying in an interview that he thought one of his campaign's own ads was “terrible” and hadn't know about it in advance.

FOX News/Rasmussen Poll: Race in Swing States Mirrors 2004 Election — Results from four of the five battleground states in the FOX News/Rasmussen Reports polling are similar to the presidential election four years ago. Virginia, however, is more competitive than it was in 2004.

How close was the financial system to melting down? — I do not work for the Treasury, the Fed, or an investment house, so take this for what it's worth. But my understanding is really, frighteningly close. Remember the monster that lived under your bed when you were five? Actually, mine lived in the closet.

Spies Warn That Al Qaeda Aims for October Surprise — Intercepted Messages Asking Local Cells To Be Prepared for Imminent Instructions — WASHINGTON — In the aftermath of two major terrorist attacks on Western targets, America's counterterrorism community is warning that Al Qaeda may launch …

Axelrod Called Ethan Winner? — Updated with slightly longer video — In the interests of the kind of openess I know Ethan Winner would support, I'm posting this AV file of an alleged phone call from David Axelrod to Ethan Winner after Rusty's story broke.
Mother, May I Sleep …

WHY IS OBAMA SO VAPID, HESITANT, AND GUTLESS? — Last week really ought to have been the end of the McCain campaign. With the whole country feeling (and its financial class acting) as if we lived in a sweltering, bankrupt banana republic, and with this misery added to the generally Belarusian atmosphere …

Bill Clinton: Hillary Never Wanted to be Obama's VP — ABC News' Russell Goldman Reports: Despite saying she would accept the offer to be vice president, Hillary Clinton never really wanted to be Barack Obama's running mate, her husband former President Bill Clinton told ABC's The View.