Top Items:

Revolt of the Nihilists — In 1933, Franklin Roosevelt inherited an economic crisis. He understood that his first job was to restore confidence, to give people a sense that somebody was in charge, that something was going to be done. — This generation of political leaders is confronting …

With Deal's Collapse, the McCain Camp Attacks — WEST DES MOINES, Iowa — Besides stockholders whose portfolios were ravaged Monday afternoon, the one person with the most riding on the bailout bill that collapsed in Congress may have been Senator John McCain.

In Bailout Vote, a Leadership Breakdown — WASHINGTON — The collapse of the proposed rescue plan for the teetering financial system was the product of a larger failure — of political leadership in Washington — at a moment when the world was looking to the United States to contain the cascading economic crisis.
The Swamp, Reason,, MSNBC, The Marathon Blog, Daily Kos, The Anonymous Liberal and Real Clear Politics

The Beltway Crash — Congress lives up to its 10% approval rating. — America has survived a feckless political class in the past, and it will again after this week. But Monday's crash and burn of the Paulson plan on Capitol Hill reveals a Washington elite that has earned every bit of the disdain that Americans have for it.

Notes on the Bailout
Matthew Yglesias, Washington Monthly, Grasping Reality …, Left in the West, Angry Bear, Gawker and Outside The Beltway

Analysis: House vote against bailout wounds McCain
No More Mister Nice Blog, MarketWatch, Macsmind, Don Surber, The Corner and American Prospect

Biden's strategy: Go easy on Palin — If Sarah Palin goofs, flounders, stumbles or blunders during her debate against Joe Biden on Thursday night, Biden is going to let it slide. — “If she makes a gaffe, he underplays it,” one of the people prepping Biden for his vice presidential debate told me.

Concerns About Palin's Readiness as a Big Test Nears — A month after Gov. Sarah Palin joined Senator John McCain's ticket to a burst of excitement and anticipation among Republicans, she heads into a critical debate facing challenges from conservatives about her credentials …

Democrats See the Pros and Cons of Letting Biden Be Biden
Top of the Ticket

A READER AT A MAJOR NEWSROOM EMAILS: “Off the record, every suspicion you have about MSM being in the tank for O is true. We have a team of 4 people going thru dumpsters in Alaska and 4 in arizona. Not a single one looking into Acorn, Ayers or Freddiemae. Editor refuses to publish anything …

McCain: $700B plan is a ‘rescue’ effort, not a bailout — (CNN) — The $700 billion financial plan for Wall Street failed in the House of Representatives because people are not convinced it is a “rescue effort,” Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain told CNN's “American Morning.”

President Bush Discusses Economic Rescue Plan — THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Yesterday, the House of Representatives voted on a financial rescue plan that had been negotiated by Congressional leaders of both parties and my administration. Unfortunately, the measure was defeated by a narrow margin.

Ideal of the Scoop — Following are excerpts of remarks by the Editor of the Sun, Seth Lipsky, to the newspaper's staff: — It is my duty to report today that Ira Stoll and I and our partners have concluded that the Sun will cease publication. Our last number will be the issue dated September 30, the first day of Rosh Hashanah.

Losing Money, New York Sun Is to Shut Down After 6 Years
AMERICAblog News

A House Divided Along Twisted Lines — The bailout bill was going down to defeat on the House floor yesterday, and Democratic and Republican leaders were desperately trying to twist arms and change votes when a bipartisan group of backbenchers began to heckle them.

The politics of the bill — There is no glory to go around here. Assume, arguendo, that most people in the House believed both that the bill would be passed, and that anyone who voted for it would suffer politically, except maybe in New York. — Pelosi screwed up royally. She is the Democratic Tom DeLay.

With Brokaw as Elder Statesman, NBC Plans Future of ‘Meet the Press’ — WASHINGTON — Sometime between Election Day and early December, NBC News will make a final decision about who will replace Tim Russert and his interim successor, Tom Brokaw, at the helm of “Meet the Press,” Steve Capus …
Think Progress

Errant e-mail costs GOP chief post — Dutchess County Republican Committee Chairwoman Corinne Weber has resigned over a chain e-mail she forwarded to party members, some of whom were offended by its content. — Weber forwarded an e-mail to more than two dozen Republicans on Friday night …

$700 billion bailout? You ain't seen nothin' — Think $700 billion to bail out Wall Street is expensive? Just wait. The mortgage meltdown is cheap compared with the coming fiscal firestorm fanned by unfunded Social Security and Medicare costs. — Together, these programs hold unfunded …

New RNC ad says Obama would make problem worse — As first reported here on Friday, the independent expenditure arm of the RNC will go up this week with a major buy across Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia and Indiana. — The subject, not surprisingly, is the financial crisis.
Weekly Standard

A Defining Moment — The stage is set for someone to play Washington, Lincoln, or Churchill. An entire generation of leadership is failing, as the world watches aghast. — Greedy Wall Street hot shots are worse than discredited. — Rep. Nancy Pelosi at the hour of national crisis proved …

Treasury, Fed Low on Rescue Options — The failure of the $700 billion bailout bill leaves Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke with few options to continue their urgent campaign to rescue the financial system.