Top Items:
Obama Over 50 Percent In Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll Finds; Debate, Palin's Fade, Economy Put Democrat On Top — FLORIDA: Obama 49 - McCain 43 pre-debate; Obama 51 - McCain 43 post-debate; OHIO: Obama 49 - McCain 42 pre-debate; Obama 50 - McCain 42 post-debate …
Ben Smith's Blogs, The New Republic, Associated Press, The Moderate Voice, Pajamas Media, NY Daily News Blogs, Salon, Boston Globe, TalkLeft,, Comments from Left Field, Taegan Goddard's …, The Raw Story, Washington Post, Wonkette, The Buzz, Naked Politics and No More Mister Nice Blog
Obama Boosts Leadership Image and Regains Lead Over McCain — Growing Concerns About Palin's Qualifications — Barack Obama has achieved a significant lead over John McCain in the days following the first presidential debate. Pew's new survey conducted Sept. 27-29 finds that Obama …
Taegan Goddard's …
Nervous GOP urges McCain to attack — John McCain's fade in recent polls, combined with a barrage of negative news coverage during the financial crisis, has leading Republican activists around the country worrying about his prospects and urging his campaign to become much more aggressive …
The Moderate Voice,, The Swamp, Below The Beltway, Democratic Strategist, CNN, MyDD,, The Impolitic, Real Clear Politics and Open Left
Day 34 - Decoding Sarah Palin — Good Tuesday morning. Stocks open lower after big rebound. — SIREN - Quinnipiac University - “Obama Over 50 Percent In Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll Find 00 Debate, Palin's Fade, Economy Put Democrat On Top. ...
The New Republic
On The Other Hand, New Polls Cite Palin As Reason For McCain Drop — As discussed below, the McCain-Palin campaign attributes all of Sen. McCain's gravity in recent polls to the economy. But new Quinnipiac and Pew polls provide evidence to the contrary. Specifically, Pew finds that 51% …
Below The Beltway
WHAT IT'S LIKE TO DEBATE SARAH PALIN — I know firsthand: She's a master of the nonanswer. — Republish — When he faces off against Sarah Palin Thursday night, Joe Biden will have his hands full. — I should know. I've debated Governor Palin more than two dozen times.
Palin Proved to Be Formidable Foe in Alaska Debates — ANCHORAGE, Alaska — There are two things people here remember about Sarah Palin's debating style during her race for governor two years ago. — One is the stack of color-coded cue cards she took to the podium for help whenever she was asked a policy question.
Past Debates Show a Confident Palin, at Times Fluent but Often Vague
Emptywheel, Political Machine, Stop The ACLU, Jules Crittenden, Real Clear Politics and Althouse
VP debate moderator Ifill releasing pro-Obama book — Focuses on blacks who are ‘forging a bold new path to political power’ — The moderator of Thursday's vice-presidential debate is writing a book to come out about the time the next president takes the oath of office that aims to …
Salon, TVNewser,, Spin Cycle, FishBowlDC, Say Anything, Don Surber, Early Returns and
A debate “moderator” in the tank for Obama; Update: McCain campaign didn't know about book — My first syndicated column of the week, filed this afternoon, shines light on PBS anchor Gwen Ifill, who will moderate Thursday's only vice presidential debate. Try as she might to deflect questions …
Washington Monthly, JammieWearingFool, Power Line,, Say Anything,, Gateway Pundit, The Campaign Spot,, Stop The ACLU, TVNewser, Jules Crittenden, Althouse,, Hot Air, Top of the Ticket, Patterico's Pontifications and Classical Values
oh - oh !! — I confirmed for us here on GretaWire: the McCain campaign did NOT know about Gwen Ifill's book (I think I told them when I made my efforts - emails about midnight - to find out!) I am stunned....the campaign (actually both) should have been told before the campaign agreed to have her moderate.
Conflict of Interest? Should someone pull out of the VP debate? or not?
National Review
Palin Opens Up On Controversial Issues — VP Candidate Speaks Frankly With Katie Couric About Feminism, Homosexuality, Abortion And The Environment … The day began early. After being briefed by her staff, Sarah Palin heads out with her 14-year-old daughter Willow in tow.
GRUMPY MCCAIN EMERGES IN IOWA....With recent polls showing John McCain struggling in Iowa — a state Bush won four years ago — the Republican nominee swung through the Hawkeye State yesterday, including a lengthy chat with the Des Moines Register, which endorsed McCain before January's Iowa caucuses.
Matthew Yglesias
Bill v. Barack on Banks — Clinton instructs Obama on finance and Phil Gramm. — A running cliché of the political left and the press corps these days is that our current financial problems all flow from Congress's 1999 decision to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 that separated commercial and investment banking.
Recapitalise the banking system — The emergency legislation currently before Congress was ill-conceived - or more accurately, not conceived at all. As Congress tried to improve what Treasury originally requested, an amalgam plan has emerged that consists of Treasury's original Troubled …
Senate to Vote Today on the Bailout Plan — WASHINGTON — Senate leaders scheduled a Wednesday vote on a $700 billion financial bailout package after accepting tax breaks and a higher limit for insured bank deposits in a bid to win House approval and send legislation to President Bush by the end of the week.
A Vote Against Rashness — His name was George F. Babbitt. He was 46 years old now, in April 1920, and he made nothing in particular, neither butter nor shoes nor poetry, but he was nimble in the calling of selling houses for more than people could afford to pay.
Below The Beltway
The Omen In My Mail — Allow me to introduce myself. I am a traitor and an idiot. Also, my mother should have aborted me and left me in a dumpster, but since she didn't, I should “off” myself. — Those are a few nuggets randomly selected from thousands of e-mails written in response …
Woolly Bully — Rich, that list of Bailout Bill earmarks gives the game away. — When this thing first came up, a lot of us felt like the Mister Average Joe guy at the start of a conspiracy thriller who gets a call saying the place is gonna blow, you got 30 seconds to get outta there …
Michelle Malkin