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Obama Over 50 Percent In Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll Finds; Debate, Palin's Fade, Economy Put Democrat On Top — FLORIDA: Obama 49 - McCain 43 pre-debate; Obama 51 - McCain 43 post-debate; OHIO: Obama 49 - McCain 42 pre-debate; Obama 50 - McCain 42 post-debate …
Washington Wire, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Ben Smith's Blogs, The Moderate Voice, The New Republic, Pajamas Media, The Democratic Daily, Daily Kos, TalkLeft, NY Daily News Blogs, Taegan Goddard's …, Salon,, Boston Globe, Comments from Left Field, The Raw Story, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Buzz and Wonkette
Obama Boosts Leadership Image and Regains Lead Over McCain — Growing Concerns About Palin's Qualifications — Barack Obama has achieved a significant lead over John McCain in the days following the first presidential debate. Pew's new survey conducted Sept. 27-29 finds that Obama …
Poll: Obama Makes Gains With Women, Hits New High — Propelled by concerns over the financial crisis and a return of support from female voters, Barack Obama has opened a formidable 7-point lead over John McCain, reaching the 50% threshold among likely voters for the first time in the general campaign …
On The Other Hand, New Polls Cite Palin As Reason For McCain Drop — As discussed below, the McCain-Palin campaign attributes all of Sen. McCain's gravity in recent polls to the economy. But new Quinnipiac and Pew polls provide evidence to the contrary. Specifically, Pew finds that 51% …
The McCain Bubble? — New Pew poll shows what everyone already knows — John McCain is slipping a lot. But they also have interesting demographic breakdowns. People normally think of Democrats as always winning big among African-American voters, so there's been relatively little attention paid …
WHAT IT'S LIKE TO DEBATE SARAH PALIN — I know firsthand: She's a master of the nonanswer. — Republish — When he faces off against Sarah Palin Thursday night, Joe Biden will have his hands full. — I should know. I've debated Governor Palin more than two dozen times.
Palin Proved to Be Formidable Foe in Alaska Debates
The Politico, Los Angeles Times, Political Punch, Boston Globe, AMERICAblog News, The Raw Story and
McCain: I've turned to Palin for foreign policy advice many times in the past
Past Debates Show a Confident Palin, at Times Fluent but Often Vague
VP debate moderator Ifill releasing pro-Obama book — Focuses on blacks who are ‘forging a bold new path to political power’ — The moderator of Thursday's vice-presidential debate is writing a book to come out about the time the next president takes the oath of office that aims to …
oh - oh !! — I confirmed for us here on GretaWire: the McCain campaign did NOT know about Gwen Ifill's book (I think I told them when I made my efforts - emails about midnight - to find out!) I am stunned....the campaign (actually both) should have been told before the campaign agreed to have her moderate.
A debate “moderator” in the tank for Obama; Update: McCain campaign didn't know about book — My first syndicated column of the week, filed this afternoon, shines light on PBS anchor Gwen Ifill, who will moderate Thursday's only vice presidential debate. Try as she might to deflect questions …
Washington Monthly, JammieWearingFool, Scared Monkeys,, Power Line,, Hotline On Call, Say Anything, Gateway Pundit,, Stop The ACLU, Booman Tribune, Jules Crittenden, Althouse, Hot Air, Classical Values,, TVNewser and Top of the Ticket
VP Debate Moderator Pens Pro-Obama Book
The Swamp, Think Progress, Political Machine, Politics Blog, National Review and The Campaign Spot
McCain: ‘I Always Aspire To Be A Dictator’ — Discussing the Wall Street bailout yesterday during an interview with the Des Moines Register editorial board, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said the failure of Congress to act is “just not acceptable.” Then — presumably making an attempt at humor …
DEEP THOUGHT — John McCain doesn't like being called a liar.
Crooks and Liars, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Jack & Jill Politics, Firedoglake, The REAL McCain and MyDD
THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING.... In her latest chat with CBS's Katie Couric, Sarah Palin, asked which newspapers and magazines she reads regularly, responded, “Um, all of them.” Hilzoy explained last night just how remarkable this is. — But while that was clearly the most entertaining exchange …
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Bill v. Barack on Banks — Clinton instructs Obama on finance and Phil Gramm. — A running cliché of the political left and the press corps these days is that our current financial problems all flow from Congress's 1999 decision to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 that separated commercial and investment banking.
Recapitalise the banking system — The emergency legislation currently before Congress was ill-conceived - or more accurately, not conceived at all. As Congress tried to improve what Treasury originally requested, an amalgam plan has emerged that consists of Treasury's original Troubled …
EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi paid husband with PAC funds — $99,000 for rent, utilities, accounting fees — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has directed nearly $100,000 from her political action committee to her husband's real estate and investment firm over the past decade, a practice of paying a spouse …
Senate to Vote Today on the Bailout Plan — WASHINGTON — Senate leaders scheduled a Wednesday vote on a $700 billion financial bailout package after accepting tax breaks and a higher limit for insured bank deposits in a bid to win House approval and send legislation to President Bush by the end of the week.
The Omen In My Mail — Allow me to introduce myself. I am a traitor and an idiot. Also, my mother should have aborted me and left me in a dumpster, but since she didn't, I should “off” myself. — Those are a few nuggets randomly selected from thousands of e-mails written in response …
Below The Beltway, The Strata-Sphere, Riehl World View, Eunomia, Don Surber and The Moderate Voice
Conservative judicial group drops Rezko, Ayers and, yes, Wright on Obama — The conservative Judicial Confirmation Network goes up today with an ad reminding voters in two key states about Obama's ties to Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright. — Representatives for the group say it will be a …
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