Top Items:
Skepticism of Palin Growing, Poll Finds — With the vice presidential candidates set to square off today in their only scheduled debate, public assessments of Sarah Palin's readiness have plummeted, and she may now be a drag on the Republican ticket among key voter groups, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
McCain's ‘Stop Sarah Palin’ strategy working like a charm, polls show — Fresh evidence tonight that the brilliant McCain campaign strategy to lock away the political effervescence of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to stoke overconfidence among the nation's Democrats and set the stage …
Questions for the Next Vice President — Tonight, Senator Joe Biden of Delaware and Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska will meet in the one and only vice presidential debate of the 2008 campaign. The Op-Ed editors asked people with knowledge of the vice presidency, the candidates and their records …
Palin's Strengths Rooted in Alaska
The Huffington Post,, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Spin Cycle and Political Machine
Obama Makes McCain Very Uncomfortable — Let the record reflect that Barack Obama made the approach to John McCain tonight. — As the two shared the Senate floor tonight for the first time since they won their party nominations, Obama stood chatting with Democrats on his side of the aisle …
McCain criticizes Ifill — Hours ahead of the vice presidential debate, Sen John McCain (R-Ariz.) criticized the selection of PBS' Gwen Ifill as moderator because she is writing a book called “The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama.” — “Frankly, I wish they had picked …
McCain: Life isn't fair — Republican John McCain — making the rounds of the morning news shows as polls show him falling behind Democratic rival Barack Obama and his running mate losing the confidence of voters — sounded either bitter or fatalistic. — Asked why Obama has been rising …
Kill the bailout: Operation Hold The Line — The massive, unprecedented trillion-dollar-plus (remember, they just pulled the figure from thin air) Bailout Crap Sandwich With Sugar On Top returns to the House. A vote is expected on Friday. I keep hearing and reading that public opposition …
GOP ‘Gotcha Journalism’ Charges Throw Spotlight on Debate — For days now, television viewers have watched Sarah Palin unable to explain the significance of her home state's bordering Russia, unable to name a Supreme Court ruling she disagrees with, unable to name a single newspaper she reads.
Florida GOP meets in secret as Obama passes McCain in polls — TALLAHASSEE — Florida Republican leaders hastily convened a top secret meeting this week to grapple with Sen. John McCain's sagging performance in this must-win state. — Their fears were confirmed Wednesday when four …
McCain on the bailout bill he supported last night: “This bill is putting us on the brink of economic disaster” — John McCain was on “Morning Joe” a few minutes ago to talk mostly about the bailout bill. His answers were, as usual, discombobulated as he ranted about Washington (as if he hasn't served in D.C. for 26 years.)
33 days - Chuck Todd sees race ‘at a tipping point’ — Newsday cover: “Senate to House: BAIL'S IN YOUR COURT - Sweetened rescue bill clears hurdle, but are there enough votes in the House?” ... The Obama Channel (really) ... Debate Day II ... Phish reuniting
Gilchrest Unloads on Know-Nothing Pols and the Rest of Us — Wayne Gilchrest, the nine-term Republican congressman who represents Maryland's Eastern Shore and parts of Anne Arundel County, has had it, and he's ready to talk. — He's had it with his own party, which he says “has become more narrow …
Not-So-Secret Handshake — It was Senator Barack Obama who crossed the aisle. — On Wednesday evening, as the senators gathered to vote on the $700 billion bailout package, Mr. Obama walked over to the Republican side of the chamber to extend a greeting to Senator John McCain.
Washington Monthly, The New Republic, The Impolitic, Gothamist, marbury, Jules Crittenden and New York Times
More Data Shows Obama Battleground Strength — From latest TIME/CNN state polls: — FLORIDA: Obama 51, McCain 47 — MINNESOTA: Obama 54, McCain 43 — MISSOURI: Obama 49, McCain 48 — NEVADA: Obama 51, McCain 47 — VIRGINIA: Obama 53, McCain 44 … Get The Page delivered to your inbox.
Bailout Bull's-Eye for Kids' Arrow-Makers' Tax Break — Oct. 1 (Bloomberg) — Rose City Archery Inc., an Oregon company that makes arrows used by children, hit a bull's-eye with Senate legislation that would rescue Wall Street banks. — Senators attached a provision repealing a 39-cent excise tax …
Threat Level, Blog entry, Political Machine, skippy the bush kangaroo, Corrente, The Agonist, Dealbreaker and Calculated Risk
The V.P. Debate: What to Watch for — What to watch for tonight? — What's not to watch? — The debate between Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware and Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska should be fascinating on every level — from substance to style, soup to nuts.
CBS News, The Debatable Land, Greg's Opinion, Althouse, Law Blog, Don Surber and Eschaton
So Why's Huck An Early '12 Frontrunner? — It's very early to assume that Obama wins, but if he doesn't, expect the GOP to engage in a circular firing squad. Who's the frontrunner? — The betting money is on Mitt Romney for his governing experience, talented pool of political operatives …
The Calm Of Obama — I've been amazed by it for over a year now, because I have no ounce of it in myself. But then I like my political leaders temperamentally conservative, so I can be as radical as I like and no harm gets done. Obama's little secret is that he isn't that cool.
October remains the month for political surprises — Featured Topics: — AP - In this Oct. 26, 1972 file photo, then presidential adviser Dr. Henry Kissinger tells a White House news ... BOSTON - Heading into the final weekend of the 2004 presidential campaign, John Kerry was feeling …
Senate Approves $1.5 Billion Plan For Metro Funding — The U.S. Senate voted last night to authorize long-sought federal funding for Washington's cash-strapped and aging Metro system, clearing a major hurdle toward providing $1.5 billion over 10 years to help maintain the nation's second-busiest rail system.