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Transcript of Palin, Biden debate — WASHINGTON (CNN) — The vice presidential candidates, Democratic Sen. Joe Biden and Republican Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, debated in St. Louis, Missouri, Thursday night. Gwen Ifill of PBS was the debate moderator. Here is a transcript of that debate:
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CBS Poll: More Uncommitted Voters Saw Biden As Winner — UPDATED CBS News and Knowledge Networks have conducted a nationally representative poll of 473 uncommitted voters to get their immediate reaction to tonight's vice presidential debate. — After the first presidential debate …

The Palin Rebound — There are some moments when members of a political movement come together as one, sharing the same thoughts, feeling the same emotions, breathing the same shallow breaths. One of those occasions occurred Thursday night when Republicans around the country crouched nervously behind …

Poll: Biden wins debate, Palin exceeds expectations — (CNN) - A national poll of people who watched the vice presidential debate suggests that Democratic Sen. Joe Biden won but also hints that Republican Gov. Sarah Palin exceeded expectations. — The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey …
New York Times, Daily Kos, UPI, TalkLeft, American Power, DownWithTyranny!, and Ben Smith's Blogs

Palin Takes On A New Foe: Her Image — Sarah Palin looked as though she had prepared for her appearance at the vice presidential debate last night by studying Tina Fey's impressions of her on “Saturday Night Live.” She twinkled and winked and piled on the perkiness, a “darn right” here and an “I'll betcha” there.

FactChecking Biden-Palin Debate — The candidates were not 100 percent accurate. To say the least. — Biden and Palin debated, and both mangled some facts. — Palin mistakenly claimed that troop levels in Iraq had returned to “pre-surge” levels. Levels are gradually coming …
Real Clear Politics

You betcha Sarah Palin can debate — ST. LOUIS — Sarah Palin was supposed to fall off the stage at her vice presidential debate Thursday evening. Instead, she ended up dominating it. — She not only kept Joe Biden on the defensive for much of the debate, she not only repeatedly attacked Barack Obama …

D'OH — Watching the debate I noticed that Biden referred to the Muslim population of Bosnia and Herzegovina as “Bosniaks”. This is actually the correct term, though in English people often say simply Bosnian Muslims. When he said it, the first thing I though was, I wonder how many right-wingers …

The Vice-Presidential Debate — We cannot recall when there were lower expectations for a candidate than the ones that preceded Sarah Palin's appearance in Thursday night's vice-presidential debate with Joseph Biden. After a series of stumbling interviews that raised serious doubts …
Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, ProgressPolitics, Prairie Weather and AMERICAblog News

Other Takes: Polls Give It To Biden; Luntz Focus Group Likes Palin — A theory: maybe undecided voters had similar expectations for Biden and Palin; maybe they evaluated them with the same criteria; maybe they can appreciate the performance of both of them but prefer the performance of one of them.

Real Clear Politics, Gateway Pundit, Pajamas Media, TBogg, Crooks and Liars, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and The Other McCain

Live-Blogging The Veeps
Obsidian Wings, Riehl World View, Crooks and Liars, Marc Ambinder, Megan McArdle, Althouse, Lonewacko and At-Largely

How Government Stoked the Mania — Housing prices would never have risen so high without multiple Washington mistakes. — Many believe that wild greed and market failure led us into this sorry mess. According to that narrative, investors in search of higher yields bought novel securities …

Agency's '04 Rule Let Banks Pile Up New Debt, and Risk — “We have a good deal of comfort about the capital cushions at these firms at the moment.” — Christopher Cox, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, March 11, 2008. — As rumors swirled that Bear Stearns faced imminent collapse …

Jobs Report Underlines Economic Decline — The government is out with more bad economic news this morning: The job market began to deteriorate even before the financial crisis reached a more serious stage two weeks ago. — Employers cut 159,000 jobs in September, more than twice …

Schwarzenegger to U.S.: State may need $7-billion loan — In a letter obtained by The Times, the governor warns that tight credit has dried up funds California routinely relies on and it may have to seek emergency aid within weeks. — SACRAMENTO — California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger …

GOP promises to deliver bailout vote — Four days after it failed dramatically, Treasury's $700 billion financial rescue plan was back before the House Friday morning, riding a wave of turmoil in the markets and renewed determination by leaders in both parties to see it over the top.