Top Items:

Palin Disagrees With Michigan Pullout, Takes Second Stab at ‘Gotcha’ Questions — Sarah Palin, in an interview with FOX News, disagreed Friday with the McCain campaign's decision to pull out of Michigan. — — Sarah Palin criticized John McCain's decision to pull campaign resources …
The Caucus, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, Jules Crittenden, Wake up America and The Shotgun

VIDEO: Watch Sarah Palin Read Her Answers In Last Night's Debate — For Sarah Palin, last night's debate was an open-book exam. She spent much of the evening methodically reading and rehearsing answers from “carefully scripted talking points.” Palin's notes were largely hidden from plain view …

RAW DATA: Transcript of FOX News' Interview With Palin — FOX News' Carl Cameron interviews Sarah Palin Friday. — — The following is a transcript of FOX News' Carl Cameron's interview with Sarah Palin Friday. — CAMERON: Governor Palin, thanks so much for joining us.

Palin On Fox News: Couric Annoyed Me — Appearing on a friendlier news outlet, Gov. Sarah Palin said she was “annoyed” with the way Katie Couric handled their interview and complained that the CBS Evening News host failed to give her the opportunity to take a proverbial axe to Barack Obama.

Did Women Like Sarah? — From TIME's Amy Sullivan: — Last night in Colorado (one of the key swing states we have our eyes on), the Democratic polling group Greenberg Quinlan Rosner brought together 40 undecided women voters to watch the vice-presidential debate.

Do Over! Palin Answers Katie Couric's Questions ... to Fox News' Carl Cameron (She Reads The Economist, She Says) — In a post-debate interview today with Fox News' chief political correspondent Carl Cameron, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin provided some of the answers that seemed to elude her in her past interview with Katie Couric.

Palin meets expectations but still falls short — ST. LOUIS — Millions of Americans were watching Thursday night's vice-presidential debate waiting for a demolition derby moment — another crash by GOP running mate Sarah Palin, another serving of raw material for the writers at “Saturday Night Live.”

Palin Says She Will Seek Some Authority Over Legislative And Judicial Branches

SHE READ THE CLIFFSNOTES? — Fox gives Sarah Palin a second bite …
The Washington Independent

Why McCain Goes Easy on Fannie and the CRA — Here is the big question of the moment that many GOPers are asking: Why is John McCain not tearing into Barack Obama and the Dems on the huge role of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the Community Reinvestment Act in the financial crisis on Wall Street?

NRCC Ad: Naming Names — More of this. More of this. Nothing but this for the next 32 days. — The election hangs on this single issue. — The public believes Republicans caused this disaster, and we'll lose based on that misperception. — The Democrats actually caused it …

McCain Campaign's Ad Spending Now Nearly 100 Percent Devoted To Attack Ads — The McCain campaign has now shifted virtually 100 percent of his national ad spending into negative ads attacking Obama, a detailed breakdown of his ad buys reveals. — By contrast, the Obama campaign is devoting less …
The Moderate Voice, Washington Monthly, Balkinization, Needlenose, The RBC, TalkLeft and

Bailout Plan Wins Approval; Democrats Vow Tighter Rules — WASHINGTON — After the House reversed course and gave final approval to the $700 billion economic bailout package, President Bush quickly signed it into law on Friday, authorizing the Treasury to undertake what could become …
The Hill, Economix, the talking dog, Los Angeles Times, Slog, Feministe, Michelle Malkin, Portfolio, The Next Right, TalkLeft, Spin Cycle, Washington Monthly, Wonkette, Gothamist, American Power and Truthdig

Projecting through the Screen — A very wise TV executive once told me that the key to TV is projecting through the screen. It's one of the keys to the success of, say, a Bill O'Reilly, who comes through the screen and grabs you by the throat. Palin too projects through the screen like crazy.

12 Reasons Why McCain Can Still Win — Alaska Governor Sarah Palin discussing when she would deploy “nucular weaponry,” the “be-all, end-all of just too many people in too many parts of our planet,” as she put it in last night's vice presidential debate. She never actually answers the question.

Fact Check: Is Obama willing to meet with Iran's Ahmadinejad? — The Statement: — Gov. Sarah Palin said at the Oct. 2 vice presidential debate that Sen. Barack Obama “would be willing to meet with” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad “without preconditions being met first.” — Get the facts! The Facts:

Has the bailout already failed? — OK, I know that's premature. And I place no weight at all on the fact that the Dow plunged after the vote. — But it is interesting that short-term Treasury yields are down — only 0.13% on one-month — suggesting that the flight to safety continues unabated.

The VP Debate: Odd Moments — In every debate, there are odd moments that tend to pass unnoticed because they do not concern the central issues of the day. Thursday night's vice-presidential debate featured two such episodes. In one, Sen. Joseph Biden was illogical on the matter of gay rights.

Old flame cited as part of McCain's Latin experience — Sen. John McCain's senior foreign policy adviser cites a steamy romance 50 years ago with a Brazilian babe among the things that illustrate the candidate's decades-long interest in Latin America — Speaking at an Americas Conference …

Bush 2000 = Palin 2008. — Bush 2000 = Palin 2008. — Tonight on MSNBC, Countdown aired a video compilation showing the similarity in rhetoric between George W. Bush in 2000 and Sarah Palin in 2008. Keith Olbermann reported that “the people around [Palin] — the top-level campaign staffers crafting …

Financial and Corporate System is in Cardiac Arrest: The Risk of the Mother of All Bank Runs — It is now clear that the US financial system - and now even the system of financing of the corporate sector - is now in cardiac arrest and at a risk of a systemic financial meltdown.

Record Refutes Palin's Sudan Claim — Palin Administration Against Sudan Divestment Before It Was For It, Documents Show — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin fought to protest atrocities in Sudan by dropping assets tied to the country's brutal regime from the state's multi-billion-dollar investment fund …