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7:45 PM ET, October 6, 2008


 Top Items: 
Marc Ambinder:
Who'll Call Obama A Terrorist?  —  Jonathan Martin notes: … The reality is that a member of McCain's audience went there today.  You can hear it clearly on this video clip taken from MSNBC— after McCain asks “Who is the real Barack Obama?” the first, loudest voice can be heard answering “Terrorist!”
Ed Morrissey / Hot Air:
McCain blasts Obama, Democrats for Fannie Mae meltdown  —  We asked John McCain to take off the gloves — and he listened.  In remarks McCain will deliver today, he blasts Democrats, including Barack Obama, for their market manipulations and defense of Fannie Mae against regulator warnings.
Mark Halperin /
McCain's Monday Remarks in Albuquerque  —  All: Please see excerpt from John McCain's remarks as prepared for delivery today in Albuquerque, New Mexico:  —  My opponent has invited serious questioning by announcing a few weeks ago that he would quote — “take off the gloves.”
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
BACK TO THE DSM-IV  —  Did John McCain really just say that Barack Obama gets “touchy” and “angry” whenever he gets questioned on his credentials or policies?  I know that projection is a common psychological phenomenon, especially for those who find themselves in desperate situations.
Discussion: Washington Monthly and Needlenose
John Aravosis / AMERICAblog News:
McCain does nothing as supporter calls Obama a “terrorist”  —  ANOTHER UPDATE from Joe: We'll hear it said that McCain can't be held responsible for what people in his audiences say.  Right.  Cause it's never happened before.  Oh wait, it did.  When an audience member asked, speaking of Hillary Clinton, “How do we beat the bitch?”
Michael Cooper / The Caucus:
McCain: ‘Who Is the Real Barack Obama?’
Moe Lane /
BREAKING: The Gloves are well and truly off on Fannie Mae.
Discussion: Wizbang
Greg Sargent / TPM Election Central:
New McCain Attack: “Who Is The Real Barack Obama?”
Discussion: MyDD
National Review:
McCain: 'Senator Obama was silent on the regulation of Fannie Mae …
Discussion: protein wisdom
CNN Poll: Obama advantage grows  —  Likely voters nationwide:  —  Obama: 53 percent  —  McCain: 45 percent  —  NASHVILLE, Tennessee (CNN) - A new national poll suggests Barack Obama is widening his edge over John McCain in the race for the White House.
Gallup Daily: Obama Leads 50% to 42%  —  Obama remains statistically ahead for tenth straight day  —  PRINCETON, NJ — Barack Obama leads John McCain among registered voters across the country by a 50% to 42% margin in Gallup Poll Daily tracking from Oct. 3-5, the tenth straight day in which Obama …
Discussion: The Swamp and Top of the Ticket
Washington Wire:
WSJ/NBC News Poll: Obama and Biden Are Better Debaters  —  Susan Davis reports on the presidential race.  —  The Democratic presidential running mates Barack Obama and Joe Biden are doing a better job in the debates, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.
Discussion: TalkLeft and Daily Kos
Andrew Malcolm / Top of the Ticket:
The Sarah Palin-Joe Biden debate: Revealing the real source of CNN's sources
Discussion: Los Angeles Times
Lynn Sweet:   McCain, Obama deal puts limits on “town hall” debate
Garance Franke-Ruta / Washington Post:
In Fla., Palin Goes for the Rough Stuff as Audience Boos Obama  —  Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin gestures during a campaign speech on Oct. 6, 2008 in Clearwater, Fla. (Chris O'Meara/Associated Press)  —  CLEARWATER, Fla. — “Okay, so Florida, you know that you're going to have to hang onto your hats …
Discussion: AMERICAblog News and BAGnewsNotes
William Kristol / New York Times:
The Wright Stuff  —  I spoke on the phone Sunday with Sarah Palin, who was in Long Beach, Calif., preparing to take off on her next campaign trip.  It was the first time I'd talked with her since I met her in far more relaxed circumstances in Alaska over a year ago.
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Health Care Destruction  —  Sarah Palin ended her debate performance last Thursday with a slightly garbled quote from Ronald Reagan about how, if we aren't vigilant, we'll end up “telling our children and our children's children” about the days when America was free.  It was a revealing choice.
Laura Meckler / Wall Street Journal:
McCain Plans Federal Health Cuts
Discussion: Washington Monthly and TalkLeft
Marc Ambinder:
A Republican Candidate Who Won't Endorse McCain's Health Care Plan
Discussion: Talking Points Memo
Yuval Levin / The Corner:
The Ayers Question
Discussion: Salon
Jason Zengerle / The New Republic:
Is Now the Time To Be Talking About Keating?
John Aravosis / AMERICAblog News:
McCain campaign: Keating Five investigation was 'a political smear job …
Pew Research Center:
Post-Debate: Palin Still Seen as Unqualified, a Bump for Biden  —  Continued Doubts About Financial Bailout  —  While last week's vice-presidential debate had a larger audience than any other in history, voters' impressions of Sarah Palin have changed little.
Discussion: Hot Air
CNN POLL: Majority think country headed for depression
Discussion: Hot Air and Ross Douthat
Paul Steinhauser / CNN:   CNN poll: Obama opens 8-point lead over McCain
Rebecca Christie / Bloomberg:
U.S. Treasury's Kashkari to Lead Bank Bailout Office  —  Oct. 6 (Bloomberg) — The U.S. Treasury will name Neel Kashkari, assistant secretary at the department, to run the $700 billion Wall Street rescue program on an interim basis, according to a Treasury official.
Joe Klein / Swampland:
Embarracuda  —  I'm of two minds about how to deal with the McCain campaign's further descent into ugliness.  Their strategy is simple: you throw crap against a wall and then giggle as the media try to analyze the putresence in a way that conveys a sense of balance: “Well, it is bull-pucky …
Megan McArdle:
How did it all happen?  —  As I write this, the dow is down 430 points, below 10,000 for the first time in four years.  Tyler Cowen has published his list of what went wrong, with which I largely concur.  Another way to think about it is as a series of cognitive errors that afflicted everyone …
Tyler Cowen / Marginal Revolution:
What caused the financial crisis?
Discussion: Matthew Yglesias
Ezra Klein / American Prospect:
A CAMPAIGN JOHN MCCAIN WILL REGRET.  —  Elections have life cycles.  They have beginnings, middles, and ends.  The beginnings tend to be exciting.  The middles tend to be exhausting.  And the ends tend to be ugly.  The ends are ugly because the candidates are desperate and their teams are scared.
Marc Ambinder:
David Brooks Calls The Election For Barack Obama?  —  He did so at the Atlantic's relaunch brunch in New York this afternoon, according to Ad Age, which also posts a preview of the Atlantic's new cover.
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 More Items: 
John Harwood / New York Times:
Is Era of Dominance Over for Conservatives?
Discussion: The Corner and The New Republic
Anne / Nielsen Wire:
Who's Watching the 2008 U.S. Election Debates?
Discussion: The Swamp
AJStrata / The Strata-Sphere:
More Poll Posting - Obama May Be In Real Trouble If Polls Weight Samples Wrong
Jim Manzi / The Corner:
Winning  —  I've written extensively about the seriousness …
Discussion: Power Line
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard / Telegraph:
Germany takes hot seat as Europe falls into the abyss
Barbara Bradley Hagerty / NPR:
Can Falwell's University Tip Virginia To McCain?
Discussion: Weekly Standard
 Earlier Items: 
Amz / Democracy Corps:
Obama Emerges Ahead in Ohio
Discussion: Writes Like She Talks
Victor Davis Hanson / The Corner:
One Question for Sen. Obama
Alan Maimon / Las Vegas Review-Journal:
Arizonans recall run-ins with McCain
Janet Albrechtsen / Wall Street Journal:
Not Everyone Should Own a Home
Discussion: protein wisdom
Michael Crowley / The New Republic:
Lieberman: Palin Will Win “With God's Help”

From Mediagazer:

Tim Marchman / Wired:
Quora-owned AI chatbot platform Poe is providing users with downloadable HTML files of paywalled articles from outlets including NYT, Forbes, and The Atlantic

Michael Schneider / Variety:
Nielsen: the Biden-Trump debate drew an average audience of 51.3M viewers across 17 networks in the US, down from 2020's first debate, with nearly 73.1M

Hanaa' Tameez / Nieman Lab:
Spain's El País launched a digital edition to cover the US in Spanish in May with 11 bilingual correspondents; as of April, the outlet had ~366K subscribers

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