Top Items:
McCain Campaign Is at Odds Over Negative Attacks' Scope — Senator Says Faith Issue Puts Obama's Former Pastor off Limits — Top McCain campaign officials are grappling with how far to go with negative attacks on Sen. Barack Obama in the final weeks of what is turning into a come-from-behind effort.
Washington Monthly, The New Republic, Commentary, Political Machine, Oliver Willis, Booman Tribune and
Panic attacks: Voters unload at GOP rallies — The unmistakable momentum behind Barack Obama's campaign, combined with worry that John McCain is not doing enough to stop it, is ratcheting up fears and frustrations among conservatives. — And nowhere is this emotion on plainer display …
Anger Is Crowd's Overarching Emotion at McCain Rally — There were shouts of “Nobama” and “Socialist” at the mention of the Democratic presidential nominee. There were boos, middle fingers turned up and thumbs turned down as a media caravan moved through the crowd Thursday …
A Question of Barack Obama's Character
Ben Smith's Blogs, Commentary, Sister Toldjah, Betsy's Page, Brutally Honest and marbury
Barack Obama's Involvement with ACORN Unearthed, Missing Article Recovered — Elections - Elections 2008 - News - Politics - Society - U.S. Politics - US News — While Barack Obama's connection with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has not gone entirely unreported, it has not been fully explained.
1 VOTER, 72 REGISTRATIONS — ‘ACORN PAID ME IN CASH & CIGS’ — CLEVELAND - A man at the center of a voter-registration scandal told The Post yesterday he was given cash and cigarettes by aggressive ACORN activists in exchange for registering an astonishing 72 times, in apparent violation of Ohio laws.
Cleveland Leader, Power Line, Rachel Lucas, Betsy's Page, The BRAD BLOG, Brutally Honest, Stop The ACLU and JammieWearingFool
Voter registration forms faked, officials say — CNN Special Investigations Unit — CROWN POINT, Indiana (CNN) — More than 2,000 voter registration forms filed in northern Indiana's Lake County by a liberal activist group this week have turned out to be bogus, election officials said Thursday.
In Dozens of Calls, Palins and Aides Pressed for Trooper's Removal — ANCHORAGE — The 2007 state fair was days away when Alaska's public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, took another call about one of his troopers, Michael Wooten. This time, the director of Gov. Sarah Palin's Anchorage office was on the line.
Firedoglake, The Swamp, Washington Monthly, Think Progress, The Moderate Voice,, Mudflats, Law Blog, MSNBC, Weekly Standard, Open Left, The Impolitic, folo,, Media Blog, The E&P Pub, Emptywheel and Opinion L.A.
Obama tried to sway Iraqis on Bush deal — In private conversations on troop presence, candidate pitched delay — At the same time the Bush administration was negotiating a still elusive agreement to keep the U.S. military in Iraq, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama tried …
JustOneMinute,, Moonbattery, Wizbang, This ain't Hell …, Stop The ACLU, Gateway Pundit and Patterico's Pontifications
GOLLY, PALIN TO PLAY HERSELF ON ‘SNL’ — SOCCER moms and Joe Sixpacks, listen up. Get your beer, mooseburgers and caribou dips ready. Sarah Palin is doing “Saturday Night Live.” Not Tina Fey doing Sarah Palin doing “Saturday Night Live.” But the Sarah Herself. She has already OK'd it.
Former governor Milliken backs away from McCain — GRAND RAPIDS — He endorsed John McCain in the presidential primary, but now former Republican Gov. William Milliken is expressing doubts about his party's nominee. — “He is not the McCain I endorsed,” said Milliken, reached at his Traverse City home Thursday.
Prosecuting Weathermen — To the Editor: — Re “Politics of Attack” (editorial, Oct. 8) and “Obama and '60s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths” (front page, Oct. 4): — As the lead federal prosecutor of the Weathermen in the 1970s (I was then chief of the criminal division in the Eastern District …
Obama's Staff Slips Up With Muslim Outreach — The Obama campaign said it was a mistake for an outreach coordinator to join a meeting last month attended by leaders of two controversial Muslim groups as it seeks votes from large Muslim populations in swing states.
Fictitious Donors Found in Obama Finance Records — Last December, someone using the name “Test Person,” from “Some Place, UT,” made a series of contributions, the largest being $764, to Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign totaling $2,410.07. — Someone identifying himself as …
Dodd and Countrywide — The Senator should take the witness stand. — Former Lehman Brothers CEO Dick Fuld was under oath Monday when he was grilled on Capitol Hill about his role in the current financial meltdown. But if Members really want to understand the credit mania, they should also call Chris Dodd.
The Class War Before Palin — Modern conservatism began as a movement of dissident intellectuals. Richard Weaver wrote a book called, “Ideas Have Consequences.” Russell Kirk placed Edmund Burke in an American context. William F. Buckley famously said he'd rather be governed …
The End Of American Capitalism? — The worst financial crisis since the Great Depression is claiming another casualty: American-style capitalism. — Since the 1930s, U.S. banks were the flagships of American economic might, and emulation by other nations of the fiercely free-market financial system …
The Corner, New York Times,, Calculated Risk, and Spin Cycle
Ballots cast in Houston using dead voters' names — Woodwick Street was quiet — with a few residents working in their yards and adding to post-storm brush piles at the curb — when Texas Watchdog visited on a recent Saturday to try to find Harris County voter Linda K. Hill.
Obama Knew It Was Coming All Along — Remember in late July when Barack Obama predicted John McCain's attack strategy? Remember McCain's howls of protest in response? Well, it turns out that Obama was right about McCain's attacks. As it turns out, he knew McCain better than McCain knew McCain.
Balloon Juice
Sorry, Dad, I'm Voting for Obama — Welcome to The Daily Beast: A Q&A with Tina Brown — The son of William F. Buckley has decided—shock!—to vote for a Democrat. — Let me be the latest conservative/libertarian/whatever to leap onto the Barack Obama bandwagon.
The E&P Pub
We Resume Our Meltdown Blogging — The Dow opened down about 800 (Yahoo said down 1000 but I don't have confidence in their system just now) and is currently down about 80 (the NASDAQ is actually green, at +2). — My guess: With the G7 meeting it will be a tough weekend to go home short since …
Hot Air
Hugh Hewitt's How Sarah Palin Won the Election ... and Saved America Does Not As Yet Have a Publisher — In the paper today we talked to some publishing people about why more reporters out on the campaign trail aren't working on books about the election—and why the handful who are doing it think it's a good idea.
Republicans have no candidate — This election has never been about John McCain — though his candidacy is sure to revive a debate about the worst presidential candidates of all time. — No, this is a referendum on Barack Obama. And many Republicans are exuding the confidence …
protein wisdom
Obama's Magic — And now, America, we introduce the Great Obama! The world's most gifted political magician! A thing of wonder. A thing of awe. Just watch him defy politics, economics, even gravity! (And hold your applause until the end, please.) To kick off our show tonight …
Power Line
We Have the Tools to Manage the Crisis — Now we need the leadership to use them. — Today, the financial crisis has reached a critical point. The sharp decline in the stock market and its volatility dramatically make the point. More important if less visible, the flow of credit through …