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MCCAIN LACKS THE CHARACTER AND TEMPERAMENT TO BE PRESIDENT. AND PALIN IS SIMPLY A DISGRACE. — I used to nod wisely when people said: “Let's discuss issues rather than personalities.” It seemed so obvious that in politics an issue was an issue and a personality was a personality …

I Get So Weary of This ... From the Corner today: — Respectfully Disagreeing [Kathryn Jean Lopez] — David Frum was on CBS this morning and expressed his view that the choice of Sarah Palin was a mistake. He complained that it was a play to the base that hurts people like Coleman …

Congressman's $121,000 Payoff to Alleged Mistress — Tim Mahoney Elected to Remove ‘Ethical Cloud’ of His Disgraced Predecessor, Mark Foley — West Palm Beach Congressman Tim Mahoney (D-FL), whose predecessor resigned in the wake of a sex scandal, agreed to a $121,000 payment to a former mistress …
The Next Right, Palm Beach Post, Gateway Pundit, Daily Kos, Sister Toldjah, Matthew Yglesias, Washington Post, TPMMuckraker, Washington Wire, Hot Air, Political Machine, Wonkette, Stop The ACLU, Say Anything, Salon, JammieWearingFool, A Blog For All, Marc Ambinder, The Crypt's Blogs,,, PoliGazette, The Other McCain, This ain't Hell … and Naked Politics

Scandal engulfs Florida Democrat — The Democrat who replaced disgraced Florida Rep. Mark Foley — running on a pledge to restore dignity to the office — now faces a jaw-dropping election-year sex scandal of his own. — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is calling for an ethics committee probe …

OBAMA SEX PERV SCANDAL — The ENQUIRER exclusively reports a “sex pervert” was Sen. Barack Obama's longtime mentor and “father figure”. — For seven years, the presidential candidate had a “father-son” relationship with Frank Marshall Davis, who has confessed to having sex with children …

U.S. Set to Buy Preferred Stock in Nine Top Banks — WASHINGTON — The U.S. government is set to buy preferred equity stakes in nine top financial institutions as part of its new comprehensive plan to tackle the credit crisis, according to people familiar with the situation.
JustOneMinute, Obsidian Wings, The Curious Capitalist, Pajamas Media, naked capitalism and Economix

U.S. Investing $250 Billion in Banks — WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department, in its boldest move yet, is expected to announce a plan Tuesday to invest up to $250 billion in large and small banks, according to officials. The United States is also expected to guarantee new debt issued …

Obama's C*nt: Supporter's Vile T-Shirt Prominently Displayed on Barack Obama's Own Website — Ben Smith wrote: … Supporting Obama? I'll say! — Here's the Number Two google hit for Rhiannon Volpe (um, yeah, and I'm Max Howitzer): — This s**t is on Obama's own website. — How charming.

Ugly Misogyny at the Official Obama Blog Site — The media keep hammering away at the “ugly incidents” at McCain-Palin rallies, but oddly they fail to notice stuff like this at the official Barack Obama blog site: Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need | Rhiannon-Marie Volpe.

McCain's Monday Campaigning Leaves Some Puzzled — Elizabeth Holmes reports from Wilmington, N.C., on the presidential race. — Several things about John McCain's Monday caused some head scratching, including the tease of some new economic policies to a town hall meeting with no Q&A.

McCain calls Lewis remarks ‘outrageous’ — (CNN) — Sen. John McCain said Monday that Rep. John Lewis' controversial remarks were “so disturbing” that they “stopped me in my tracks.” — Lewis, a Georgia representative and veteran of the civil rights movement, on Saturday compared the feeling …

Sen. McCain Stood With ACORN Rally In 2006 — A goldfish's lifetime ago, Sen. John McCain was happy to accept the honors and acclamation of the Service Employees International Union, People for the American Way, UNITE HERE — and ACORN. Here he is, on Feb. 20, 2006, telling immigration rights activists …

Acorn pushes back, hugs McCain
Firedoglake, Daily Kos, MyDD, Campaign Silo, Progress Illinois, Michelle Malkin, Oliver Willis, Salon, News Hounds and TPMCafe

Republican activists off-message at McCain rallies (cont) — An AFP shot from this morning in Virginia Beach. — I'm told in Ricmond, where Palin is now, the signs only accuse Obama of being a communist and Marxist.

McCain campaign attacks Bill Kristol: 'He's bought into the Obama campaign's party line.' — Yesterday on Fox News Sunday, Bill Kristol said John McCain's campaign has really become “a pathetic campaign.” In his New York Times op-ed this morning, Kristol went further, suggesting that McCain should …

A New Wrinkle (or Unwrinkle) in the Campaign: The Biden Brow — Joe Biden looks . . . different. — Something about his eyes, which seem smaller, and his forehead, which seems smoother. Compared with images from last year, he seems better rested — yet also, strangely, a little sleepier.
Don Surber

Post/ABC Poll: McCain's Structural Problems — Photo by Mary Altaffer of the Associated Press — The new Washington Post/ABC News national poll puts John McCain behind Barack Obama by 10 points — his biggest deficit in the survey since the general election began in June.

Nobel Prize to Arch-Critic Krugman Is Blow to Bush — Oct. 13 (Bloomberg) — President George W. Bush, whose approval ratings are at historic lows as the U.S. veers toward a recession or worse, got yet another thumb in the eye when one of his most vociferous critics was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics.

Obama Details Plan to Aid Victims of Fiscal Crisis — TOLEDO, Ohio — Senator Barack Obama proposed new steps on Monday to address the economic crisis, calling for temporary but costly new programs to help employers, automakers, homeowners, the unemployed, and state and local governments.

RICO ACTION TO BE FILED AGAINST ACORN TOMORROW MORNING NOTE MAJOR WALK-BACK OF ORIGINAL STORY — Major, Tentative Walk-Back: The “US Attorney” part has been deleted from the headline. Not bait and switch; just can't stand by that at the moment. — Damnit. In all likelihood this is not as great as first reported.

FOX/Rasmussen Swing State Polling - October 12, 2008 — Overview — Fox News/Rasmussen Reports polling this week in Florida, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia shows a very stable race whose underlying dynamic strongly favors Barack Obama over John McCain.

AN OBAMA PANIC? — MARKETS FEAR HIS POLICIES — Barack Obama has re mained cool and confident amid the financial melt down, even as John McCain at times has been embarrassing, lurching from one proposal to the next. But while the polls are reflecting Obama's steady hand, the markets haven't.

Great Moments In Right-Wing Punditry — Via the comments, this gem from the Powerline on 8 August 2005: … John Hinderaker, in peak form. — Considering my recent past (at least up until mid 2005), I am not really in a position to get all high and mighty, but after being staggeringly wrong …

It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over — WASHINGTON — Howard Wolfson, the generally pessimistic Democratic consultant who was a senior adviser to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, wrote an item on his blog at The New Republic the other day, declaring without qualification that Senator Barack Obama would defeat Senator John McCain.