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McCain campaign attacks Bill Kristol: 'He's bought into the Obama campaign's party line.' — Yesterday on Fox News Sunday, Bill Kristol said John McCain's campaign has really become “a pathetic campaign.” In his New York Times op-ed this morning, Kristol went further, suggesting that McCain should …
The Moderate Voice,, DownWithTyranny!, Althouse, The Mahablog, Wonkette and The Huffington Post

MCCAIN LACKS THE CHARACTER AND TEMPERAMENT TO BE PRESIDENT. AND PALIN IS SIMPLY A DISGRACE. — I used to nod wisely when people said: “Let's discuss issues rather than personalities.” It seemed so obvious that in politics an issue was an issue and a personality was a personality …

It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over — WASHINGTON — Howard Wolfson, the generally pessimistic Democratic consultant who was a senior adviser to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, wrote an item on his blog at The New Republic the other day, declaring without qualification that Senator Barack Obama would defeat Senator John McCain.

Congressman's $121,000 Payoff to Alleged Mistress — Tim Mahoney Elected to Remove ‘Ethical Cloud’ of His Disgraced Predecessor, Mark Foley — West Palm Beach Congressman Tim Mahoney (D-FL), whose predecessor resigned in the wake of a sex scandal, agreed to a $121,000 payment to a former mistress …

Obama Expands Economic Plans — TOLEDO — Senator Barack Obama on Monday expanded his economic platform, including proposals to spur new jobs, to give Americans penalty-free access to retirement savings to help them through the downturn, to urge a 90-day moratorium on home foreclosures …

Obama calls for 90-day moratorium on foreclosures
Michelle Malkin

Senator Obama's Economic Rescue Plan for the Middle Class — Senator Obama delivered a major economic policy address to lay out his economic rescue plan for the middle class in Toledo, Ohio this afternoon. — He unveiled his Economic Rescue Plan for The Middle Class.
The New Republic, Firedoglake, The Curious Capitalist, Democracy in America and THE LIBERAL JOURNAL

Biden on Negative Tone: 'You Don't Want to Encourage Fringe People' — Democratic VP Candidate on Personal Attacks, Poll Numbers, Pennsylvania Roots — Sen. Joe Biden claims that some of the personal attacks against Sen. Barack Obama are “really off the wall” and warned his Republican rivals …

Manic Monday: Dow roars back from worst week ever — Stocks stage rally for the ages after worst week; Dow up 936 as Washington works on rescue — NEW YORK (AP) — Wall Street stormed back after its worst week ever and staged the biggest single-day stock rally since the Great Depression on Monday …

Paul Krugman Wins Economics Nobel — Paul Krugman, a professor at Princeton University and an Op-Ed page columnist for The New York Times, was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences on Monday. — “It's been an extremely weird day, but weird in a positive way,” …
Chronicle of the Conspiracy, Marginal Revolution, Crooked Timber, The New Republic, Matthew Yglesias, Associated Press, Tom Watson, Freakonomics, The Sideshow, Don Surber, American Power, Crooks and Liars, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, PoliGazette, The Curious Capitalist, TigerHawk, Reuters and Shakesville

Great Moments In Right-Wing Punditry — Via the comments, this gem from the Powerline on 8 August 2005: … John Hinderaker, in peak form. — Considering my recent past (at least up until mid 2005), I am not really in a position to get all high and mighty, but after being staggeringly wrong …

I Get So Weary of This ... From the Corner today: — Respectfully Disagreeing [Kathryn Jean Lopez] — David Frum was on CBS this morning and expressed his view that the choice of Sarah Palin was a mistake. He complained that it was a play to the base that hurts people like Coleman …

Obama's 95% Illusion — It depends on what the meaning of ‘tax cut’ is. — One of Barack Obama's most potent campaign claims is that he'll cut taxes for no less than 95% of “working families.” He's even promising to cut taxes enough that the government's tax share of GDP will be no more than 18.2% …
The Jawa Report,, The Corner, Salon,, NO QUARTER, Fraters Libertas, TaxProf Blog, Wake up America, Say Anything, Hot Air and This ain't Hell …

U.S. Set to Buy Preferred Stock in Nine Top Banks — WASHINGTON — The U.S. government is set to buy preferred equity stakes in nine top financial institutions as part of its new comprehensive plan to tackle the credit crisis, according to people familiar with the situation.

Bring Back Rev. Wright — Why won't the McCain campaign attack Obama for an association more damaging than Bill Ayers—the one with Chicago pastor Jeremiah Wright? — The McCain campaign's attempt to tie Barack Obama to terrorist-turned-professor Bill Ayers appears to have failed.

Acorn pushes back, hugs McCain — The beleaguered Democratic-leaning community group Acorn sends over this photograph: John McCain, in March of 2006, sitting beside Florida Rep. Kendrick Meek at an event Acorn co-sponsored in Florida. — The immigration event, which other photos show …
Daily Kos, Oliver Willis, MyDD, Campaign Silo, Progress Illinois, Michelle Malkin and News Hounds

Howard Stern Conducts an Experiment with Some, Um, “Low-Information” Obama Voters — Well, to be perfectly frank, I have no idea how to title this post. I'm dumbfounded. First, to get this out of the way, I never thought I'd post a video featuring Howard Stern because of …

Exclusive: New TV Ad Attacks Obama on Abortion — Obama is getting hit on abortion from all sides now. First it was National Right to Life. Then Sarah Palin over the weekend. Now? The Family Research Council Action PAC will begin running TV commercials targeting Obama and abortion.

Republican activists off-message at McCain rallies (cont) — An AFP shot from this morning in Virginia Beach. — I'm told in Ricmond, where Palin is now, the signs only accuse Obama of being a communist and Marxist.

Tina Fey On Sarah Palin: “If She Wins...I'm Leaving Earth” — Tina Fey told TVGuide she'll be “done” if John McCain and Sarah Palin win the election next month. — The “SNL” veteran who has come back to play the Republican Vice Presidential candidate (and whose own show, “30 Rock,” …