Top Items:

Paul Krugman Wins Economics Nobel — Paul Krugman, a professor at Princeton University and an Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times, was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences on Monday. — “It's been an extremely weird day, but weird in a positive way,” …

Krugman Wins Nobel Prize for Economics — STOCKHOLM, Sweden — The American economist Paul R. Krugman won the Nobel economics prize on Monday for his analysis of trade patterns and location of economic activity. — Mr. Krugman, 55, a professor at Princeton University in New Jersey …

Columnist Paul Krugman wins Nobel economics prize — Princeton professor and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman wins Nobel economics prize — STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) — Paul Krugman, the Princeton University scholar and New York Times columnist, won the Nobel economic prize Monday …
Raising Kaine

Gordon Does Good — Has Gordon Brown, the British prime minister …
Marginal Revolution,, Real Time Economics, Hullabaloo, Calculated Risk and marbury

GOP Head Compares Obama to Bin Laden — Va. Party Leader Criticized, Including By McCain Team — RICHMOND — The chairman of the Virginia Republican Party has compared Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama to Osama bin Laden because of the Illinois senator's past association with Bill Ayers …
The Moderate Voice, Washington Monthly, The Huffington Post, TPM Election Central, and Shakesville

In Virginia, McCain Struggles To Hold the South for GOP — Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin are scheduled to roll into Virginia on Monday in a bid to stop the Republican ticket's slide in the state and thwart what once was unthinkable: fractures in the “Solid South,” …
Naked Politics

Obama Up by 10 Points as McCain Favorability Ratings Fall — With just over three weeks until Election Day, the two presidential nominees appear to be on opposite trajectories, with Sen. Barack Obama gaining momentum and Sen. John McCain stalled or losing ground on a range of issues and personal traits …

Struggling McCain debuts comeback speech — Three weeks before Election Day, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Monday is unveiling what his aides call a more forceful new stump speech in which he portrays himself as a scrappy fighter on the comeback trail against an opponent who's already “measuring the drapes” in the Oval Office.

Fire the Campaign — It's time for John McCain to fire his campaign. — He has nothing to lose. His campaign is totally overmatched by Obama's. The Obama team is well organized, flush with resources, and the candidate and the campaign are in sync. The McCain campaign …

Obama Aides: Record Cash Raised In September, Polls Show McCain Ads Backfired — With the presidential campaign approaching its final stretch, Barack Obama finds himself in an enviable position. — One official close to the campaign said that September's fundraising haul set a new record …

Obama Camp's Travel Seems a Factor In Recent Leads in Battleground States — The Democrats Have Appeared at 95 Events, While It's Just 55 for the Republicans — Sen. Barack Obama, his running mate and his wife have appeared at twice as many events in swing states as their Republican counterparts …

Ayers ad: ‘Guilt by participation’
Crooks and Liars, Gateway Pundit,, NO QUARTER,, Political Byline, Hot Air and Time

Obama's 95% Illusion — It depends on what the meaning of ‘tax cut’ is. — One of Barack Obama's most potent campaign claims is that he'll cut taxes for no less than 95% of “working families.” He's even promising to cut taxes enough that the government's tax share of GDP will be no more than 18.2% …

Palin: I've been cleared of ‘any hint of unethical activity’ — (CNN) — Sarah Palin told Alaska reporters Saturday that she had been “cleared of any legal wrongdoing, any hint of unethical activity” in the investigative report released the day before that explored her actions in dismissing …

Palin Makes Troopergate Assertions that Are Flatly False
The Daily Dish, Salon, Donklephant, The RBC, Liberal Values, Newsweek, Balloon Juice, and The E&P Pub

Unfriendly Rhetoric — I've been out of pocket since Thursday, but turned on the Sunday shows and nearly hurled. John Lewis plays the race card like no one else. The idea that he would use George Wallace's name to describe the McCain/Palin campaigning is sickening.

The Man Behind the Whispers About Obama — The most persistent falsehood about Senator Barack Obama's background first hit in 2004 just two weeks after the Democratic convention speech that helped set him on the path to his presidential candidacy: “Obama is a Muslim who has concealed his religion.”
The Huffington Post, JustOneMinute, The Swamp, Gawker, Talking Points Memo, The E&P Pub and DownWithTyranny!

On the Bus, But With No Reason to Go? — INDIANAPOLIS — The reporters waded gingerly into two-inch-deep mud and settled behind scratched wooden tables as Barack Obama was being introduced to more than 10,000 screaming fans at the state fairgrounds here. — Before the Democratic nominee took …

Discontent Buffets the Nation; Bush Craters, Obama Benefits — Obama in Drivers Seat, Amid Economic Worry — A tornado of economic discontent is buffeting the nation, sending satisfaction with the country's direction to a 35-year low, George W. Bush's approval rating below Richard Nixon's worst …

QUESTION. — Why haven't we simply shut down the stock market until we can draw up an appropriate recapitalization program and implement it? There would be plenty of precedent. FDR shut the markets down in 1932. Bush shut them down after 9/11. I guess it's possible that the market …
Matthew Yglesias

Great American hypocrites: The paperback — The book I wrote earlier this year — Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Big Myths of Republican Politics — has now been released in its paperback edition, which you can find here at Amazon or at any local bookstore.

Obama leads in ND — Barack Obama is shown with an edge against John McCain in a North Dakota presidential race that has narrowed to a statistical tie, according to a new Forum poll. — The survey shows Obama squeaking past McCain, 45 percent to 43 percent, a lead that falls within …