Top Items:

OBAMA SEX PERV SCANDAL — The ENQUIRER exclusively reports a “sex pervert” was Sen. Barack Obama's longtime mentor and “father figure”. — For seven years, the presidential candidate had a “father-son” relationship with Frank Marshall Davis, who has confessed to having sex with children …

Obama's Special Relationship — What goes around and all of that . . . Remember John Edwards? Who broke the Edwards story? The National Enquirer of course. — After that coup, the left, which patently refused to mention the Edwards scandal decided that anything the Enquirer wrote about Sarah Palin had to be the gospel truth.

U.S. Forces Nine Major Banks To Accept Partial Nationalization — Dow Soars 11 Percent; Biggest Point Gain Ever — The U.S. government is dramatically escalating its response to the financial crisis by planning to invest $250 billion in the country's banks, forcing nine of the largest …
Talking Points Memo, New York Times, Spin Cycle, On Deadline, Connecting.the.Dots and Corrente

U.S. Investing $250 Billion in Banks
The Opinionator, Cogitamus, Gothamist, VentureBeat, Economist's View, Gawker, The Big Picture, EconLog, Matthew Yglesias and Angry Bear

Bank Program Reignites Debate on Executive Pay
AMERICAblog News

Obama and Acorn — Community organizers, phony voters, and your tax dollars. — At the recent Emmy Awards, historian Laura Linney averred that America's Founders had been “community organizers” — like Barack Obama. Too bad they aren't like that any more.

MORE REPORTS OF MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD BY ACORN. “They turn in 5000 new voter registration forms in Indiana, election officials start checking them and give up after the first 2100 were found to be fraudulent.” Where's the Department of Justice on this? CNN report below.

The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud — They register dead people. But that's not all. — And you thought 2000 was bad. — This year's election is shaping up to be one of the most controversial in history. Just this week, a federal judge ordered Ohio's top elections official …

Worst Case Scenario — What an Obama administration and a heavily Democratic Congress would accomplish. — John McCain trails Barack Obama and shows no signs, at the moment anyway, of propelling himself into the lead. Democrats lead in eight Senate seats currently held by Republicans and are close in three others.

Wall Street Donors Resent Being Blamed by McCain — NEW YORK — Sen. John McCain badly needs the cash infusion and momentum from a Tuesday night fund-raiser in New York. But the senator's recent demonizing of Wall Street made it tough to lure contributors, with Wall Street …

Pelosi Calls for Investigation into Mahoney — Campaign Media Firm Ends Work for Florida Congressman After ABC News Report — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called on the House Ethics Committee to “immediately and thoroughly” investigate a report by ABC News today that Florida …

Confirmed: Obama Is Campaigning on Xbox 360! — Last week we noted unconfirmed sightings of an “Obama for President” billboard in the Xbox 360 racing game Burnout Paradise. Today we're able to report that it is, in fact, an official advertisement placed by the senator's campaign team.

Obama to Plumber: My Plan Will ‘Spread the Wealth Around’ — Barack Obama tells a plumber in Ohio he wants to “spread the wealth around,” eliciting criticism that his economic recovery plan is socialist in nature. — — Barack Obama told a tax-burdened plumber over the weekend …

Sen. McCain Stood With ACORN Rally In 2006 — A goldfish's lifetime ago, Sen. John McCain was happy to accept the honors and acclamation of the Service Employees International Union, People for the American Way, UNITE HERE — and ACORN. Here he is, on Feb. 20, 2006, telling immigration rights activists …

A New Wrinkle (or Unwrinkle) in the Campaign: The Biden Brow — Joe Biden looks . . . different. — Something about his eyes, which seem smaller, and his forehead, which seems smoother. Compared with images from last year, he seems better rested — yet also, strangely, a little sleepier.

Dow's 936-Point Surge Ends Losing Streak — Stocks snapped a brutal losing streak in resounding fashion as the Dow Jones Industrial Average enjoyed its biggest one-day point gain ever following new moves by governments to shore up the global financial system. — The Dow leapt 936.42 points, or 11.1%, to 9387.61.

Board's Troopergate probe casts wider net — ETHICS: Investigator hasn't said who else may be under scrutiny. — — The state Personnel Board investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin's firing of Walt Monegan has broadened to include other ethics complaints against the governor …

Big Government Ahead — We're in the middle of a financial crisis, but most economists say there is a broader economic crisis still to come. The unemployment rate will shoot upward. Companies will go bankrupt. Commercial real estate values will decline. Credit card defaults will rise.

Poll: Obama leads in 3 of 4 key Bush counties — Barack Obama has erased traditional Republican advantages in four key bellwether counties that President George W. Bush won in 2000 and 2004, according to a new Politico/InsiderAdvantage survey. Each county is critical to the outcome in the battleground state where it is located.

President Bush Discusses Economy — THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I just completed a meeting with my working group on financial markets. We discussed the unprecedented and aggressive steps the federal government is taking to address the financial crisis.
The LA Times President …

“Yep. Every week. 11 oclock service.” — I am baffled why it is racist to inquire about the racist Rev. Wright when Obama himself not so long ago boasted of the value of his friendship with Wright, and sympathetic journalists saw the radical Wright as a sort of proof of Obama's leftwing fides.

Fighting Words — Glenn, Brian — you guys don't know the half of it. — If (when?) Obama is elected, by my estimation there's an at least even chance that the newly-reconstructed FCC will reverse course and attempt to apply the New Fairness Doctrine to blogs. — If (when?) it happens, I'll break that law.
Pajamas Media, The Sundries Shack, The Other McCain, Political Byline and Ed