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Shocking development: Mrs Obama decides enough is enough: “My husband was born in Hawaii and adopted by his step father, does that make him unpatriotic; she asks”, on a direct telephone to API. — Accusing API of colluding with American internet bloggers in an effort to bring down her husband …

Obama Campaign Says Michelle Obama ‘Interview’ on ‘African Press’ Web Site Is 100% Bogus — The conservative blogs are all atwitter about a bizarre interview allegedly with Michelle Obama on a Web site called “African Press International.” — “My husband was born in Hawaii and adopted by his stepfather …

Colin Powell Is Ready To Endorse — When Colin Powell turns off his TV after the final presidential debate, he will have learned everything he is going to learn about the candidates vying to succeed his former boss, George W. Bush. Powell has made it clear that he has been thinking …

Hip-Hop-Dancing Colin Powell Fuels Speculation He'll Endorse Obama — Colin Powell showed off his hip-hop moves at an ‘Africa Rising’ celebration in London Tuesday, fueling speculation that the former secretary of state is about to endorse Barack Obama for president. —

Voting for Obama anyway — I just got an astounding e-mail from a Republican consultant I know well. He's a guy who's always thought Obama had a “glass jaw,” and was always among those agitating for hitting Obama harder. — Recently, he conducted a focus group in an upper-Midwestern state …
Hot Air, Sister Toldjah, Multi Medium, The New Republic, Salon, MoJoBlog, Open Left, Comments from Left Field, Argghhh!, culturekitchen, Wizbang, Daily Kos, The Corner and TPM Election Central

Obama Flack Accidentally Sends Out Pre-Debate Talking Points — “Reminder: These are for staff only and not for distribution,” warns the e-mail. — And then, the spin, accidentally sent to reporters this morning. — “* This is John McCain's last chance to turn this race around …
Discussion:, HorseRaceBlog, Top of the Ticket,,, Hot Air and NO QUARTER

OBAMA CAMPAIGN ISSUES TALKING POINTS TO MEDIA AHEAD OF DEBATE — The Obama campaign issued a set of debate ‘talking points’ to media on Wednesday morning, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal. — Press Secretary Sean Smith issued the directive in an email from Pennsylvania, 12 hours before the debate.

Exclusive: Verizon and AT&T Provided Cell Towers for McCain Ranch — BY JAMES V. GRIMALDI — Early in 2007, just as her husband launched his presidential bid, Cindy McCain decided to resolve an old problem — the lack of cellular telephone coverage on her remote 15-acre ranch near Sedona …
AMERICAblog News, Comments from Left Field, Emptywheel, The Impolitic, Shakesville and

Bill Ayers: ‘What could I possibly add?’ — Decades removed from his radical opposition to the Vietnam War, UIC professor William Ayers lies low amid the political furor — As his name was tossed back and forth Tuesday in the fury of the presidential campaign, 1960s radical William Ayers spent …
Raleigh News & Observer, FOX Embeds, Michelle Malkin,, Flopping Aces,, Jules Crittenden and

My Friend Bill Ayers
The Opinionator, FP Passport, Althouse, CNN, The Moderate Voice, Democracy in America, Neptunus Lex, The Corner, Hot Air and Fraters Libertas

Breaking news: Secret Service investigating threat from Scranton Palin rally — The U.S. Secret Service is investigating a threatening remark directed at Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama during a political event in Scranton. — The agency followed up on a report in The Times-Tribune …
The Moderate Voice

Murtha: Western Pa. ‘racist’ but Obama should win … PITTSBURGH (AP) - U.S. Rep. John Murtha says his home base of western Pennsylvania is racist and that could reduce Barack Obama's victory margin in the state by 4 percentage points. — The 17-term Democratic congressman tells …
protein wisdom

Murtha expects Obama to win Pa.
Michelle Malkin, Power Line, The Crypt's Blogs, Political Machine, Don Surber, and FOX Embeds

PALIN'S DELUSIONS WORSEN.... I can understand Sarah Palin feeling humiliated by her Troopergate scandal. An independent investigation concluded that she violated state ethics, abused the powers of her office, and lied about it. This isn't exactly easy to spin away this kind of violation of the public trust.

Palin: ‘No Abuse Of Power There At All’ In Troopergate Report

Brunner: I'll obey court order, but thousands could lose their right to vote — COLUMBUS — More than 200,000 Ohioans who registered to vote this year for the first time or updated their voting information since Jan. 1 could be affected by the latest court ruling requiring the state to set …

Flopping Aces

Working for the Working- Class Vote — For a guy who just four years ago was running his first statewide campaign, Barack Obama has made startlingly few missteps as a presidential candidate. But the moment Obama would most like to take back now, if he could, was the one last April when …

Material linking Obama to Bin Laden removed from Sacramento GOP Web site — Sacramento County Republican leaders Tuesday took down offensive material on their official party Web site that sought to link Sen. Barack Obama to Osama bin Laden and encouraged people to “Waterboard Barack Obama” …
The BRAD BLOG, Raising Kaine, The Raw Story,, Firedoglake, Think Progress, Taylor Marsh and skippy the bush kangaroo

“Waterboard Him!” — In a perfect confluence of all the current …
Ta-Nehisi Coates

Exclusive: Obama - ‘Spread the Wealth Around’ Reveals Socialist Plan for America — Interview with Joe Wurzelbacher … PAM MEISTER: You recently met Sen. Obama on the campaign trail in Ohio, and you asked him a question about his tax policies. What exactly was your question for him?

McCain, advisers divided over Wright attack — John McCain is at odds with many of his top advisers over launching a renewed attack on Barack Obama's ties to his long-time pastor and mentor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, according to campaign sources. — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin …

National Republicans Pull Ads in Louisiana — The National Republican Senatorial Committee has decided to pull its television advertising out of Louisiana, a decision that drastically reduces the party's chances at its lone takeover opportunity in this election cycle.
TPM Election Central

Gallup Daily: Before Final Debate, Obama Leads by 7 — McCain's 43% matches his high over the past two weeks — PRINCETON, NJ — The latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking report shows Barack Obama continuing to lead John McCain, now by seven percentage points among registered voters, 50% to 43%.

Palin unaware of Russian energy meeting in Alaska — DOVER, New Hampshire (CNN) - The campaign of vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said the Alaska governor was unaware of a visit by Russian energy officials to Anchorage on Monday. — Eight high-level officials from Gazprom …

CIA Tactics Endorsed In Secret Memos — The Bush administration issued a pair of secret memos to the CIA in 2003 and 2004 that explicitly endorsed the agency's use of interrogation techniques such as waterboarding against al-Qaeda suspects — documents prompted by worries among intelligence officials …
The LA Times President …, Los Angeles Times, Balloon Juice, The Poor Man Institute, Gawker and TPMMuckraker

GOP deploys squirrels — Meet Tony Romo and Mickey Mouse. — They are this year's version of those dolphins that stalked John Kerry in 2004, swapping out “flip-flopping” for ACORN. — The nut-hunters swooped into Harry Smith's Manhattan nest this morning, surprising the CBS “Early Show” anchor.

Roundtable on McCain, Rep. Lewis and Race — HUME: The panel is going to join us in just a moment to talk about what has become a heated issue in this campaign. — But before we start that, let's take a look at this. This is from John Lewis, the congressman from Georgia who was a prominent member …

The GOP's Bill Ayers? — THE MCCAIN CAMPAIGN HAS ITS OWN QUESTIONABLE CONNECTIONS TO BOMBERS AND ASSASSINS. — The campaign of John McCain has made much of Barack Obama's relationship with Weather Underground bomber-turned-university professor Bill Ayers, whom Republicans call an “unrepentant terrorist.”
Matthew Yglesias

CNN POLL: Obama making gains in red states — HEMPSTEAD, New York (CNN) - As the two major party presidential candidates get ready to face off in person one last time, new polls in some crucial states that could decide the race for the White House suggest John McCain is having to defend himself …
The Swamp