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CBS Poll: Uncommitted Voters Say Obama Won Final Debate — As in the previous debates, CBS News and Knowledge Networks have conducted a nationally representative poll of uncommitted voters to get their immediate reaction to tonight's presidential debate. — In the first presidential debate …
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Poll: Debate watchers say Obama wins — HEMPSTEAD, New York (CNN) — A majority of debate watchers thought that Sen. Barack Obama won the third and final presidential debate, according to a national poll conducted at the end of the debate. — Fifty-eight percent of debate watchers questioned …

Joe: Obama's ‘tap dance almost as good as Sammy Davis, Jr.’ — Katie gets the first interview with Joe Wurzelbacher and, like everyone else in America, he talks like a pundit. — “McCain was solid in his performance,” he says. “I still don't know where he stands,” he says of Obama.
The Opinionator, Fausta's Blog, Jon Swift, Raising Kaine, Tennessee Guerilla Women and Sweetness & Light

The Joe file — Two readers with access to the Ohio voter file say that Joe Wurzelbacher's inluence on this cycle will be limited in one way: He doesn't appear to be registered to vote. — (And yes, the freelance opposition research on Joe began before the debate ended.)

Joe the Plumber Weighs in on Debate: “Obama's Proposal Scares Me Because It's Just One More Step Towards Socialism” — Oops!... He did it again. — Joe brings up that darned “socialism” word again. — Joe Wurzelbacher, “Joe the Plumber”, of Toledo, Ohio weighs in on the final presidential debate last night.

Undecideds Laughing At, Not With, McCain — From TIME's Amy Sullivan: — In politics it is generally not considered a good sign when voters are laughing at you, not with you. And by the end of the third and last presidential debate, the undecided voters who had gathered in Denver …

Third Presidential Debate: McCain Digs Himself a Deeper Hole — Decisive debate win reinforces momentum for Obama — John McCain entered tonight's debate needing to halt Barack Obama's momentum and fundamentally change the dynamic of the race.Not only did he fail to achieve this goal …
Daily Kos

Stan Greenberg's Focus Group: “Decisive” for Obama — As I type this, Stan Greenberg is briefing reporters on his focus group of undecided voters in Colorado. He said the respondents felt Obama “won” and that the results were “more decisive than either of the last two.”

DEBATE LIVEBLOGGING. — 10:33: Debate over. McCain scored the most points, and lost the debate. He was looking to land shots, and often succeeded. But the effort to find openings and vulnerabilities left him with little time to appear presidential. And if he connected with jabs, he never found his knockout blow.

The Joe The Plumber Debate: McCain Scores and “Senator Government” Stumbles

Secret Service says “Kill him” allegation unfounded — SCRANTON - The agent in charge of the Secret Service field office in Scranton said allegations that someone yelled “kill him” when presidential hopeful Barack Obama's name was mentioned during Tuesday's Sarah Palin rally are unfounded.

Grading the Final Presidential Debate — Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama speaks during the third presidential debate with Republican candidate John McCain at Hofstra University October 15, 2008 — Substance: — Intelligent, knowledgeable, and an earnest explainer, as always, but to no real effect.

About the work — Really, I don't want to talk about me when the world is melting down, but I have had a number of requests for an informal explanation of what I got you-know-what for. So here's an attempt. — It's really about two related things: the “new trade theory” and the “new economic geography.”
Marginal Revolution

Ruling May Impede Thousands of Ohio Voters — More than 200,000 registered Ohio voters may be blocked from casting regular ballots on Election Day because of a federal appeals court decision on Tuesday requiring the disclosure of lists of voters whose names did not match those on government databases …

I Just Don't Get — any of the insta polls, which seem to give it to Obama.
Daily Kos

Norquist joins debate coalition — The debates are over, but the debate debate isn't. — The bi-partisan group of online activists pushing to liberate debate footage from copyright restriction, and more broadly to remold presidential debates for a new age, says it will involve itself …

Exclusive: Verizon and AT&T Provided Cell Towers for McCain Ranch — BY JAMES V. GRIMALDI — Early in 2007, just as her husband launched his presidential bid, Cindy McCain decided to resolve an old problem — the lack of cellular telephone coverage on her remote 15-acre ranch near Sedona …

The Good Old Days — One thing I liked about the Bush/Gore debates is that it was obvious both men loathed each other and they didn't care who knew it. That liberated them, for good and ill. — By contrast, for all the characteristically ponderous huffing from Bob Schieffer about …

Complete final debate transcript: John McCain and Barack Obama — Here is the complete transcript of the third and final presidential debate between Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona and Democratic Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois at Hofstra University, Hempstead, N.Y. Oct. 15, 2008.
pw, Hot Air, Power Line,,, Sweetness & Light, Raising Kaine and MSNBC