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‘Joe the Plumber’ is focus of presidential debate's first few minutes — The story of “Joe the Plumber” - Joe Wurzelbacher of Shrewsbury Street in Springfield Township - became a centerpiece of the early minutes of the presidential debate last night. — And Joe the Plumber became the subject of national and international interest.
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Joe's registration — Joe Wurzelbacher doesn't immediately turn up in the Ohio voter registration database, leading to some speculation last night that he's not registered to vote. — But the Toledo Blade reports that he appears to be a registered Republican, and a primary voter at that:
The Campaign Spot

Joe The Plumber's Chat With Couric — Joe Wurzelbacher - immortalized during tonight's presidential debate as “Joe The Plumber” - spoke with CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric shortly after the conclusion of the final debate between Barack Obama and John McCain.

Joe “the Plumber” Wurzelbacher related to Charles “the Crook” Keating. Oops. — John McCain did great tonight in the debate. But every time John mentioned “Joe the Plumber,” some of us in the campaign banged our heads against the wall. If Steve Schmidt had any hair left, I hear he would have been pulling it out tonight.

The Joe file — Two readers with access to the Ohio voter file say that Joe Wurzelbacher's inluence on this cycle will be limited in one way: He doesn't appear to be registered to vote. — (And yes, the freelance opposition research on Joe began before the debate ended.)

Joe: Obama's ‘tap dance almost as good as Sammy Davis, Jr.’ — Katie gets the first interview with Joe Wurzelbacher and, like everyone else in America, he talks like a pundit. — “McCain was solid in his performance,” he says. “I still don't know where he stands,” he says of Obama.

Joe The Plumber: Obama Tax Plan ‘Infuriates Me’ — ABC News' Teddy Davis and Hope Ditto Report: — John McCain may have found a blue-collar face to help him argue that no American — not even the richest 5 percent — should pay higher taxes. — “Joe The Plumber” has weighed …

FactChecking Debate No. 3 — Sorting out fact and fiction in the presidential candidates' final debate. — Spin and hype were apparent, once again, at the third and final debate between McCain and Obama: — McCain claimed the liberal group ACORN “is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating …

Joe the Plumber: No new taxes — and no old ones, either — Joe the Plumber really is no fan of paying taxes. — According to records from the Lucas County (OH) Court of Common Pleas found by my colleague Avi Zenilman, Samuel J. Wurzelbacher has a lien placed against him to the tune of $1,182.92.

JOE THE PRIVATIZER — It turns out Joe the “Plumber” …

Joe the Plumber: Not a Licensed Plumber
Scholars and Rogues

Joe the Plumber? More like Joe the Keating Family Operative
Political Machine

Undecideds Laughing At, Not With, McCain — From TIME's Amy Sullivan: — In politics it is generally not considered a good sign when voters are laughing at you, not with you. And by the end of the third and last presidential debate, the undecided voters who had gathered in Denver …

Obama Hasn't Closed the Sale — Both candidates continue to tinker with their strategies. — In the campaign's final two weeks, voters will take a last serious look at both presidential candidates. The outcome of the race isn't cast in stone yet. — Barack Obama holds a 7.3% lead …

Virginia GOP Mailer Depicts Dems — And Obama? — As Appeasers Of Terrorists — In the race's final stretch, much of the real sludge and slime that floats to the surface will be the work not of the campaigns but of under-the-radar operations run by state parties and the like.


Crist: GOP may be exaggerating voter fraud — TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida's governor says his fellow Republicans may be exaggerating claims of voter fraud in the state. — Gov. Charlie Crist said Wednesday that he has confidence in Secretary of State Kurt Browning, who says there's only been a scattering of isolated incidents.
Washington Monthly

Americans Flunk Simple 3-Question Political Survey — Some news audiences are more politically savvy than others, according to a new poll, with readers of The New Yorker and similar high-brow magazines being the most knowledgeable. — The survey, conducted between April 30 and June 1 …

The Left's Big Blunder — The disastrously counter-productive strategy of Obama's supporters — Two campaigns are being waged right now for the presidency of the United States. No, I'm not talking about the Obama campaign and the McCain campaign. I'm talking about the real-world campaign and the meta-campaign.

CBS Poll: Uncommitted Voters Say Obama Won Final Debate — As in the previous debates, CBS News and Knowledge Networks have conducted a nationally representative poll of uncommitted voters to get their immediate reaction to tonight's presidential debate. — In the first presidential debate …
CNN, The Politico, Washington Monthly, Lawyers, Guns and Money, The Huffington Post, The Huffington Post, Comments from Left Field, Open Left, Pat Dollard, Gawker, Left in the West, TPM Election Central, NPR, Pajamas Media, Daily Kos, Christian Science Monitor, The Anonymous Liberal, Climate Progress, The Sideshow, The Reaction, Sister Toldjah, Politics in the Zeros …, MyDD, Outside The Beltway, PoliBlog (TM), Liberal Values and Washington Post

Palin Rips Obama Over ACORN in Maine — BANGOR, Me. — Speaking before a crowd of a few thousand supporters in an airport hangar, GOP vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin continued to question Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama's patriotism and commitment to fair elections.

Obama Invokes Granite State Lessons — Senator Barack Obama offered fresh words of wisdom today for any of his supporters who are feeling overly confident with the presidential race: New Hampshire. — “For those of you who are feeling giddy or cocky or think this is all set …

Face Of The Day — US Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain (R-AZ) reacts to almost heading the wrong way off the stage after shaking hands with Democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) at the conclusion of the final presidential debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, October 15, 2008.
Political Punch

Joe not a licensed plumber, McCain's enthusiasm not diminished — The Toledo Blade is reporting that Joe the Plumber is actually not licensed. But that, combined with his apparent tax lien, isn't lessening McCain's ardor. — He said in an interview with Fox's Carl Cameron today that he hoped …
The Campaign Spot

It's Really, Really, Really Over — Jacob S. Hacker is Professor of Political Science and Co-Director of the Center for Health, Economic, and Family Security at U.C. Berkeley. He is also a Fellow at the New America Foundation in Washington D.C. His most recent books are Health At Risk …
Kevin Drum

The Good Old Days — One thing I liked about the Bush/Gore debates is that it was obvious both men loathed each other and they didn't care who knew it. That liberated them, for good and ill. — By contrast, for all the characteristically ponderous huffing from Bob Schieffer about …

Senator Government V. Joe the Plumber — I'll have more to say about the debate in my print column, which releases later today. But I did want to say a few things about my colleagues—in general, no names—and the coverage of the campaign this year. — Pundits tend to be a lagging indicator.