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GOP “Death List” Predicts Democratic Blowout in the House — Voter displeasure with the war and economy, coupled with Sen. Barack Obama's popularity, has the House GOP running for cover. Even though polls have shown that Americans don't like congressional Democrats any more …
Taylor Marsh, TPM Election Central, Daily Kos, MyDD, The Other McCain, Progress Illinois, Kevin Drum and Swing State Project

Republicans out of Musgrave seat, too — Last week, Republicans were forced to make difficult financial decisions that impacted several of their top challengers. Today, those hard choices are impacting incumbents. — Multiple sources with knowledge of GOP spending decisions tell …
AMERICAblog News

Chuck Todd On McCain-Palin: No Chemistry, No Trust, Possibly No Chance — Commenting on a new joint interview with John McCain and Sarah Palin, NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd described the Republican ticket as lacking cohesion, chemistry, and (he hinted) trust.

William Ayers' forgotten communist manifesto: Prairie Fire — William Ayers is a communist. But don't take my word for it. He said so himself: — And not some nicey-nice peace-and-love kind of communist. Through his group the Weather Underground, Ayers was planning to “seize power” …

John McCain POW Footage Released — Footage of John McCain being interviewed as a bedridden prisoner during the Vietnam War has been released by the French national archive. — The video portrays the Republican as a hero but the message may be tarnished as he is filmed smoking a cigarette.
The New Republic, Jules Crittenden, Fox News, American Street, Gateway Pundit and Outside The Beltway

$150,000 Wardrobe for Palin May Alter Tailor-Made Image — Sarah Palin's wardrobe joined the ranks of symbolic political excess on Wednesday, alongside John McCain's multiple houses and John Edwards's $400 haircut, as Republicans expressed fear that weeks of tailoring Ms. Palin as an average …

Ex-ACORN worker: ‘I paid the price’ for voter registration fraud — SEATTLE, Washington (CNN) — Clifton Mitchell helped register nearly 2,000 voters for the community group ACORN. But not one of them actually existed. — “I regret it. I paid the price for it,” he said.

WINNING THE MEDIA CAMPAIGN — How the Press Reported the 2008 General Election — The media coverage of the race for president has not so much cast Barack Obama in a favorable light as it has portrayed John McCain in a substantially negative one, according to a new study of the media since …

Sorry, I Can't Find Your Name — Before Mississippi's March presidential primary, one county election official improperly removed more than 8,000 voters from the eligible-voter rolls, including a Republican Congressional candidate. Fortunately, the secretary of state's office learned of the purge in time and restored the voters.
Scripting News

Palin stumped when asked to explain her preconditions for meeting foreign leaders.» — Gov. Sarah Palin has attacked Sen. Barack Obama for being “so off base in his proclamation that he would meet with some of these leaders around our world who would seek to destroy America and that, and without preconditions being met.”

Palin Says Vice President “In Charge Of” Senate — ABC News' Imtiyaz Delawala and Z. Byron Wolf Report: Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said in a local interview that the vice president is “in charge of” the U.S. Senate and “can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes” …

Election Night In Grant Park: Construction Begins — City Vows To Bill Obama Campaign For All Costs Associated With Massive Outdoor Bash — CHICAGO (CBS) ― Election Day is less than two weeks away, and Chicago could be home to the biggest political party in the country.

The AP/GFK Poll: Evangelical Surge? — Curious... 44% of the likely voter sample in the AP/GFK-Roper poll — Matt Drudge's “shocker” of the day, which has Obama up by one — are self-identified evangelicals. That's about double the weighted average that pollsters generally assume. — Al;s

Obama lead on McCain grows to 12 points — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Barack Obama's lead over Republican rival John McCain has grown to 12 points in the U.S. presidential race, with crucial independent and women voters increasingly moving to his side, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Thursday.

McCain's New Robocall Features Fox News, Controversial Obama “Radicalism” Show — The Republican National Committee is sending out another round of automated anti-Obama calls that, somewhat remarkably, include segments from a controversial program that recently aired on Fox News.

Another! New McCain Robo-Slime Call Says Obama Opposed “Protecting Children From Danger” — Whoa. We've just obtained a McCain campaign robo-slime call that slams Dems as “dangerously weak on crime” and hits Barack Obama and his “liberal allies” for having a “disturbing history of coddling criminals.”

NRCC Yanks Funding From Michelle Bachmann (UPDATED) — Tom Cole Thinks There Are Plenty of Republicans to Spare — Let's just call Tom Cole (R-OK), the head of the NRCC, what he is: a douchebag. — Some of you will be upset by the language, but I think it is an accurate description.