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EXCLUSIVE: McCain lambastes Bush years — ‘We just let things get completely out of hand’ — NEWSMAKER INTERVIEW: — ABOARD THE STRAIGHT TALK AIR — Sen. John McCain on Wednesday blasted President Bush for building a mountain of debt for future generations, failing to pay for expanding Medicare …
Think Progress, Jonathan Martin's Blogs, Fox News, MSNBC,, The Other McCain and Real Clear Politics

12 days — Siren: GOP establishment warns McCain campaign — James ‘Slash’ Kotecki is 23 — Blake Zeff is an uncle for the first time — BREAKING — AP: “New jobless benefit claims increase more than expected to 478,000 due to weak economy. ... The four-week average, which smooths out fluctuations …

With $605 million already, Obama asks only $10 more from each of us — Having hauled in a record $208,333 every hour of every day last month — $150 million in all — plus a few more unreported millions so far this month, Barack Obama is worried that he might come up short in the political money war …

Murtha's hold on House seat slips — TRIBUNE-REVIEW — Two veteran warriors battling to represent the 12th Congressional District appear locked in the closest race in the district in years. — Democratic Rep. John Murtha leads retired Army Lt. Col. William Russell by a little …
TPM Election Central,, Fox News, Commentary,, Pajamas Media and

Murtha in trouble after calling constituents racist — A new independent poll shows Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) leading his opponent by only five points, just a week after he suggested residents of western Pennsylvania are racist. — Forty-six percent of voters in Pennsylvania's 12th congressional district …
Sister Toldjah

Ex-ACORN worker: ‘I paid the price’ for voter registration fraud — SEATTLE, Washington (CNN) — Clifton Mitchell helped register nearly 2,000 voters for the community group ACORN. But not one of them actually existed. — “I regret it. I paid the price for it,” he said.

Palin In 2012: The Argument — There's a suspicion in some McCain loyalist precincts that Gov. Sarah Palin is beginning to play the Republican base against John McCain — McCain won't let her campaign in Michigan...McCain won't let her bring up Jeremiah Wright... McCain doesn't like her terrorist pal talks....
The Anonymous Liberal

NRSC ad assumes Obama win — The underlying premise of this new ad from the National Republican Senatorial Committee: Obama's going to win. — The ad, on behalf of Senator Elizabeth Dole, urges a vote against challenger Kay Hagan as the last bulwark against complete Democratic control:

The punditocracy's Seven Biggest Blunders of the 2008 election — Guess what? The Conventional Wisdom has blown it again in handicapping Obama vs. McCain in the homestretch. — This has been a campaign season when the conventional wisdom has fared about as well as Bob Barr's prospects for moving into the Oval Office.

Twisting History to Protect Bill Ayers — George Wallace may have encouraged violent attacks, but Obama's political mentor carried them out himself. — Last week, civil rights icon and Georgia Democrat John Lewis launched an attack against Republicans. — He stated that when critics pointed …
Classical Values

WHO IS JOHN GALT? — We've previously noted the gusher of illegal campaign contributions flowing into the Obama campaign from contributors such as “Doodad Pro” and “Good Will.” More recently, incidents have been reported in which people have seen credit card charges surface suggesting they donated to Barack Obama when they did not.
The Corner,, Clayton Cramer's BLOG, Political Punch, and Washington Post

John McCain POW Footage Released — Footage of John McCain being interviewed as a bedridden prisoner during the Vietnam War has been released by the French national archive. — The video portrays the Republican as a hero but the message may be tarnished as he is filmed smoking a cigarette.
Fausta's Blog, The New Republic, Jules Crittenden, Outside The Beltway, Fox News, Gateway Pundit and American Street

$150,000 Wardrobe for Palin May Alter Tailor-Made Image — Sarah Palin's wardrobe joined the ranks of symbolic political excess on Wednesday, alongside John McCain's multiple houses and John Edwards's $400 haircut, as Republicans expressed fear that weeks of tailoring Ms. Palin as an average …

GOING TO THE WELL A LITTLE TOO OFTEN.... It was the basis of a debate message. And a stump speech. And an ad campaign. — And now it's a tour. … Yes, that's right, John McCain is kicking off a “Joe the Plumber” tour. Seriously. — This is terribly odd for a variety of reasons …

Bipartisanship and threats of war toward Iran — (updated below) — Two former Senators — conservative Democrat Chuck Robb and conservative Republican Dan Coats (that's what “bipartisan” means) — have a jointly authored Op-Ed in The Washington Post today decreeing what the U.S. must do towards Iran.

Rebranding the U.S. With Obama — The other day I had a conversation with a Beijing friend and I mentioned that Barack Obama was leading in the presidential race: — She: Obama? … [Long pause.] — She: Really? … We're beginning to get a sense of how Barack Obama's political success …

Sorry, I Can't Find Your Name — Before Mississippi's March presidential primary, one county election official improperly removed more than 8,000 voters from the eligible-voter rolls, including a Republican Congressional candidate. Fortunately, the secretary of state's office learned of the purge in time and restored the voters.

A glimmer of hope for GOP? — It's not that the tide of the race is turning. But for Republicans anxiously scanning the headlines for any sign of promising news, a few encouraging tidbits turned up Wednesday — signs that recent rumors of the McCain campaign's demise have been premature.

Barney Frank, Meet Robert Heinlein — This morning's WSJ editorial on “Obamanomics” starts with this quote from Barney Frank (and as you read it, note how confident the Left is: One of the main culprits of the credit crisis, saying this sort of stuff already, just before we vote and before they are even fully in power):

New Party: Where's the Press? — In “Something New Here,” I laid out Barack Obama's ties to the far-left New Party. Blogger Trevor Loudon, of New Zeal, did the pioneering work on this issue. Today, Loudon has posted good quality scans of New Party documents and pictures confirming Obama's membership.

Early voting trickle quickly becoming a torrent — Democratic turnout high, as millions encounter long lines, faulty equipment — Serenaded by their world famous marching band, almost a thousand students, faculty and administrators marched off the campus of Florida A&M University on Monday.

Why the Republicans Must Lose — Nothing short of defeat will put the GOP back on its limited government track — I grew up in a particularly conservative part of the already conservative state of Indiana. I voted for Bob Dole in 1996 and George Bush in 2000, generally because …

Can ‘robocalls’ sway U.S. voters? — Little statistical evidence persistent automated messages do anything more than annoy recipients — When Rick Gilmore ran for Congress in Wyoming in 1986, a local labour union used an automated dialer to call voters with a recorded message touting his candidacy.