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Shame, Cubed — The Drudge Report this morning led off with a link to audio of Barack Obama on WBEZ, a Chicago public radio station. And this time, Barack Obama was not eight years old when the bomb went off. — Speaking on a call-in radio show in 2001, you can hear Senator Obama say things …
Salon, Opus Hussein X's Blog, Fox News, Maggie's Notebook, The Mahablog, Betsy's Page,, Balloon Juice, Prometheus 6, FOX Forum, Pajamas Media,,, Liberal Values, BizzyBlog, Outside The Beltway, The Campaign Spot, TigerHawk, PrairiePundit, Runnin' Scared, Power Line, Fausta's Blog and Atlas Shrugs

Obama advisor pushes back on ‘redistribution’ — A top legal advisor to Barack Obama, Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein, said today that Obama's 2001 remarks on “redistributive change” — pushed hard on the right today — are being misinterpreted, and that he was actually articulating …

Drudge's Latest — Go read the original talk that Obama gave on NPR and see if it says anything even faintly similar to the truncated quotes about to be used by McCain. I mean: come on. Here's the headline: … Here's what it's based on: the “tragedy,” in Obama's telling, is that the civil rights movement was too court-focused.

Justice and Vote Fraud — Lawyers who supervise voting rights are Obama donors. — We've all read a lot about the “politicization” of the Justice Department in recent years, and that political pounding is having an ironic effect. The prosecutors who are supposed to guard against voter fraud …

McCain to Attack Obama for Public Radio Comments from 2001 — On Janaury 18, 2001, then-state senator Barack Obama appeared on a public radio chat show to discuss “The Courts and Civil Rights.” — You can listen to the whole show HERE. — In that show — WBEZ-FM's “Odyssey” …

Smells Like Socialist Spirit; Update: Team O responds
Progress Illinois, Wizbang,, Don Surber, Verum Serum, protein wisdom and The Other McCain

Obama on Redistribution of Wealth: As Orin points out below …

Halloween Palin Prop Sparks Controversy In WeHo — WEST HOLLYWOOD (CBS News) ― Sarah Palin is not considered to be a friend of the gay community, but the Republican vice presidential candidate seems to be looming over the West Hollywood Halloween Carnival.

White people shouldn't be allowed to vote — It's for the good of the country and for those who're bitter for a reason and armed because they're scared. — is editor in chief of the blog — As a lifelong Caucasian, I am beginning to think the time has finally come …
Discussion:, Hot Air, doubleplusundead, Moonbattery, Stop The ACLU, QandO and Classical Values

In Final Sprint, McCain Zeroes In on Economy — CLEVELAND — With barely a week remaining in the presidential campaign, Senator John McCain sought on Monday to persuade voters that his economic recovery plan is superior to Senator Barack Obama's. He accused his rival of favoring spendthrift …

Post-Defeat Planners — ERIC THE READY — House Republican Deputy Whip Eric Cantor has spent the last week making calls to fellow Republican House members he believes will survive next week's election, according to several members who received the call. “He is already lining up support …

Election 2008: Arizona Presidential Election — McCain 51%, Obama 46% in Arizona — John McCain's lead over Barack Obama is down to just five points in his home state of Arizona. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state finds the Senator leading 51% to 46%.

Reuters/Zogby Battleground Surveys: Obama Leads in 6 of 8 States, Most By Very Small Margins — Obama Ahead in FL, MO, NV, NC, OH & VA — UTICA, New York - Reuters/Zogby telephone surveys of eight battleground states show Democrat Barack Obama ahead in six.

Remember the Marne — “My center is giving way. My right is in retreat. Situation excellent. I attack!” — That's the message supposedly sent by General Ferdinand Foch of France to his commanding general, Joseph Joffre, during the crucial First Battle of the Marne in September 1914.
The New Republic,, Early Returns, No More Mister Nice Blog, and PrairiePundit

GOP leading in two key congressional races, poll says — Culberson should win, but Lampson may not, survey finds — Two Houston-area congressmen under political siege likely face opposite fates in the Nov. 4 election, according to a poll conducted for the Houston Chronicle.

The Age of Prosperity Is Over — This administration and Congress will be remembered like Herbert Hoover. — About a year ago Stephen Moore, Peter Tanous and I set about writing a book about our vision for the future entitled “The End of Prosperity.” Little did we know then how appropriate its release would be earlier this month.

ODD MAN OUT — Chuck Hagel's Republican exile. — In early June, Senators Chuck Hagel and John McCain met in Hagel's office on Capitol Hill. McCain, the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee, considered Hagel—a fellow-Republican and the senior senator from Nebraska—among his closest friends in Congress.

More Palin off-script comments irritate McCain aides — (CNN) — Some aides to Sen. John McCain say they weren't happy that running mate Sarah Palin went off script Sunday and turned attention back to the controversy over her wardrobe. — The Alaska governor on Sunday brought …

Things Are Looking Very Good — Worried about “the tightening?” — Well, Obama's national lead has been stable at 7% for a month now. The national campaign is not tightening, and we are just seeing statistical noise. — Even if the campaign were tightening, Obama would still have a comfortable national lead.

Some voters ‘purged’ from voter rolls — CNN Special Investigations Unit — ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) — College senior Kyla Berry was looking forward to voting in her first presidential election, even carrying her voter registration card in her wallet. — But about two weeks ago …

SENATOR OBAMA CAMPAIGN LAWYER TRYING TO INTIMIDATE STUDENT JOURNALISTS ?? why because they CAUGHT and EXPOSED actual fraud? — SENATOR OBAMA CAMPAIGN LAWYER: TRYING TO covertly INTIMIDATE COLLEGE JOURNALISTS? — If you have been watching ON THE RECORD at 10pm eastern, you know about — the college news network.

Wright TV — The National Republican Trust PAC, which aired one harsh anti-Obama ad that it also used to fundraise on Drudge and elsewhere, says it's putting $2.5 million behind this spot in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida. — The ad is exactly what many conservatives have been hoping …
Riehl World View

Late Upsets Are Rare, but Have Happened — Late front-runners lost the popular vote in 1980 and 2000 — PRINCETON, NJ — There have been only 2 instances in the past 14 elections, from 1952 to 2004, when the presidential candidate ahead in Gallup polling a week or so before the election …

Best of the '08 Campaign III: Best National Columnist — In a sense, a presidential campaign provides the ultimate test of the mettle of the political punditry. Does the pundit simply disintegrate into political hackery by reciting the talking points of the campaign to which he is beholden?
The New Republic