Top Items:

Obama: I'll make energy prices “skyrocket” — In another clip from the same January 2008 interview with the San Francisco Chronicle in which Barack Obama promised to bankrupt anyone foolish enough to build coal-burning power plants, he also made an interesting admission about his entire energy plan.
QandO, PoliGazette, Little Green Footballs, Soccer Dad, Chicago Boyz, Silent Running, Ed and Tapscott's Copy Desk

Hidden Audio: Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry — (Please read update about the San Francisco Chronicle neglecting to mention Obama's willingness to bankrupt the coal industry at bottom of this blog.) — Imagine if John McCain had whispered somewhere that he was willing to bankrupt a major industry?

EXPLOSIVE NEW AUDIO— Obama Promises San Francisco Audience He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry!! — OBAMA TOLD A SAN FRANCISCO AUDIENCE THAT HE WILL BANKRUPT THE COAL INDUSTRY!!! — ATTN: Coal states Virginia , Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Indiana, guess what Obama told San Francisco about you?
Flopping Aces, 24Ahead, American Power, Don Surber, Power Line,, Chicago Boyz, Fausta's Blog, PoliGazette and Patterico's Pontifications

Down to the wire, Va. still too close to call, poll shows — The earliest signs of who will be the next president might spring from Virginia and how undecided white voters such as John Morris and Sidney Blankenbeckler cast their ballots. — “I'm pretty disappointed in Republicans right now …
PNJ, Commentary, TPM Election Central, The Strata-Sphere, TalkLeft and JammieWearingFool

Final polls tight in key states, with Obama enjoying small advantage

The single worst expression in American politics — Joe Biden, speaking yesterday at a rally in Ohio (h/t Jonathan Schwarz): … As I wrote a couple of weeks ago (see the last few paragraphs): if I could be granted one small political wish, it would be the permanent elimination of this widespread …

Syrian Ambassador: Lieberman Assured Me McCain Would Talk With Syria
Syria Comment

Obama seven points ahead in CNN's final poll — (CNN) — Two and seven: With two days left until election day, a new national poll suggests that Barack Obama holds a seven-point lead over John McCain in the race for the White House. — In the CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey …

FIRST THOUGHTS: OUR FINAL MAP — From Chuck Todd, Mark Murray, Domenico Montanaro, and Carrie Dann — *** Our final map: With two days before Election Day, the final NBC News map shows Obama remaining above the 270 electoral-vote mark, with a 286-157 lead over McCain. Last week, Obama held a 286-163 advantage.

OBAMA 2012: FOUR YEARS LATER — A LOOK BACK AT HIS PRESIDENCY — It's hard to believe that just four years ago, some were talking about Barack Obama as a national savior, a secular redeemer, a “light worker.” Even more shocking, President Obama lost the nomination of his own party to none other than Hillary Clinton.

VOTER REGISTRATION....Matt Yglesias seconds Rick Hasen's proposal to make ACORN's registration drives (and the quadrennial conservative meltdown over them) obsolete by just having the federal government do it: … I'd go even further: implement a national ID and give one to everybody, free of charge.

New Ads Focus on Obama's Ties to Jeremiah Wright — Nick Timiraos reports from Canton, Ohio, on the presidential race. — Rev. Jeremiah Wright re-entered the campaign conversation this weekend as two new ads — one by a Republican 527 group and the other by the Pennsylvania Republican Party …
The Caucus, PolitickerPA, The Swamp, Riehl World View, Campaign Silo, and Political Machine

Reid Says Stevens Cannot Serve — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was forced into the middle of Sen. Ted Stevens' (R-Alaska) re-election bid late Saturday night after a senior Senate Democrat endorsed Stevens and called on voters to disregard his seven-count felony conviction.
Washington Monthly

Three Big Myths About The 2004 and 2008 Elections — When I tell people how well Obama is doing in the polls, here are three of the most common responses I receive: — “Yeah, but Kerry was winning at the end of the campaign, too.” — “Yeah, but Kerry was way ahead among early voters, too.”

Obama will answer questions ... Wednesday — ABC's Jake Tapper managed to get Sen. Barack Obama's attention on the tarmac in Springfield, Mo., this morning. — “What would you tell your Treasury secretary to do differently with the $700 billion?” he asked, according to the pool report.

Gallup Daily: Obama Continues to Outpace McCain — Holds 8-point lead among “traditional likely voters” — PRINCETON, NJ — Voters' presidential preferences remain favorable to a Barack Obama win on Tuesday, with 51% of traditional likely voters supporting the Democratic nominee for president, and 43% backing John McCain.

Israel spy chief fears Jewish extremist plot — JERUSALEM - The head of Israel's internal security service said Sunday he is “very concerned” that Jewish extremists could assassinate an Israeli leader in an attempt to foil peace moves with the Palestinians.

What I Will Miss About President Bush — As the world knows, America will elect a new president on Tuesday. Barring unforeseen electoral circumstances, this is George W. Bush's last Sunday to hold the presidential stage to himself. The Op-Ed editors asked six writers to reflect on what they have most admired about him.