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Coleman vs. Franken: Recount looms — Minnesotans likely will have to wait for a winner in the U.S. Senate contest between Norm Coleman and Al Franken. — One of the most bitter U.S. Senate races in Minnesota history continued to grind on early this morning, with Republican Sen. Norm Coleman …
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Salon, LiberalOasis, Buck Naked Politics, Sister Toldjah and PoliBlog (TM)

Obama Offers Rahm Emanuel Job of White House Chief of Staff — ABC News has learned that President-elect Obama has offered the White House chief of staff job to Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill. — Emanuel, a knowledgeable source tells ABC News, has not yet given his answer.

Washington Post, Wonkette, PoliGazette, Outside The Beltway, Gateway Pundit, War and Piece and Hotline On Call

76 days to Inauguration - “A national catharsis” — Rahm Emanuel is top choice for chief of staff — Newsweek: Palin sprees worse than reported — Obama Day declared in Kenya — ABC's Jonathan Karl to Hill — Good Wednesday morning. The New York Times banner is a single, capitalized word: “OBAMA.”
Think Progress

Obama Elected President as Racial Barrier Falls
New York Post, Washington Post, The Moderate Voice, Conservative …, Firedoglake, Spin Cycle, The Caucus, The Politico, Associated Press, Guardian, Scared Monkeys, DownWithTyranny!, Racialicious, The Raw Story,, War and Piece, Liberal Values, Real Clear Politics and Los Angeles Times

Obama elected 44th president
Washington Post, ABCNEWS, Chicago Tribune, American Power, Trailhead, Gothamist, The Moderate Voice, Associated Press, Buck Naked Politics, Political Machine, The Caucus, TPM Election Central, The Democratic Daily, Michelle Malkin, Democratic Strategist, Blog, skippy the bush kangaroo, Marc Ambinder, Hot Air, Majikthise, No More Mister Nice Blog, Daily Kos, The Reaction, Fox News and CNN

Remarks of President-elect Barack Obama — Remarks of President-Elect Barack Obama—as prepared for delivery — If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time …
The Swamp, WTOK-TV, Guardian, Top of the Ticket, Liberal Values, Connecting.the.Dots, Sister Toldjah, The Politico and Gothamist

Stevens leads Begich by thin margin — Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens was leading challenger Mark Begich with most of the election returns in hand Tuesday night, despite being found guilty of seven felonies and polls showing him in deep trouble. — With more than 80 percent of the precincts reporting …

Gay marriage ban leading — Possible passage of Prop.8 throws thousands of same-sex unions into doubt. — A measure to once again ban gay marriage in California led Tuesday, throwing into doubt the unions of an estimated 18,000 same-sex couples who wed during the last 4 1/2 months.

Gird your loins, conservatives — There is no time to lick wounds, point fingers, and wallow in post-election mud. — I'm getting a lot of moan-y, sad-face “What do we do now, Michelle?” e-mails. — What do we do now? We do what we've always done. — We stand up for our principles …

The Next President — This is one of those moments in history when it is worth pausing to reflect on the basic facts: — An American with the name Barack Hussein Obama, the son of a white woman and a black man he barely knew, raised by his grandparents far outside the stream of American power and wealth …
Discussion:, Washington Post, David Corn, Law Librarian Blog, The Heretik and Real Clear Politics

2008 turnout shatters all records — More than 130 million people turned out to vote Tuesday, the most ever to vote in a presidential election. — With ballots still being counted in some precincts into Wednesday morning, an estimated 64 percent of the electorate turned out, making 2008 the highest percentage turnout in generations.

A Way Out of the Wilderness — Well, we Republicans have just made history. Not the type of history we wanted to make, mind you, but history nonetheless. Not only did we lose the White House but, after losing our House and Senate majorities in 2006, we followed it up last night with even steeper losses in Congress.
Climate Progress

Election 2008: what really happened — After a quick look at the election results and exit polls (from, some thoughts: — 1. The election was pretty close. Obama won by about 5% of the vote, consistent with the latest polls and consistent with his forecast vote based on forecasts based on the economy.

2008 Election: Winners and Losers — Barack Obama will be the 44th president of the United States. John McCain will not, likely capping a long and well-decorated political career with a loss. — Democrats will expand their majorities in the House and the Senate.

After a Night of Illusions, Television Records Reality — Just as one day was giving way to another, Barack Obama appeared before thousands of cheering supporters in Chicago's Grant Park and said, “Change has come to America” — which naturally made them cheer all the louder.

As Economic Crisis Peaked, Tide Turned Against McCain — The presidential race entered a critical three-day period in September when the economic crisis cast the candidates' differences in sharp relief. — On Sept. 24, with financial markets verging on panic and the economy thudding …