Top Items:

Fed Defies Transparency Aim in Refusal to Identify Bank Loans — Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) — The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.
Outside The Beltway, The Corner, Washington Post, Vox Popoli, naked capitalism, Don Surber and Romenesko

Obama Weighs Quick Undoing of Bush Policy — CHICAGO — President-elect Barack Obama is poised to move swiftly to reverse actions that President Bush took using executive authority, and his transition team is reviewing limits on stem cell research and the expansion of oil and gas drilling …

Bold Is Good — Just about everyone is giving President-elect Barack …

Obama plans Guantanamo closure, US terror trials — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — WASHINGTON - President-elect Obama's advisers are quietly crafting a proposal to ship dozens, if not hundreds, of imprisoned terrorism suspects to the United States to face criminal trials …
The Moderate Voice, Washington Wire, protein wisdom,,, TalkLeft, Law Blog, and Unqualified Offerings

Palin reflects on her run — The defeat, the future and the critics are all addressed — Gov. Sarah Palin blames the Bush administration for the failure of the McCain-Palin ticket, thinks people need to move on from the so-called “Troopergate” controversy and has no regrets about state per diem …

G.O.P. Dog Days? — Just before midnight on Nov. 4, I wasn't that worried. — Sure, the election results had been bad — but they weren't devastating. Obama wasn't winning the popular vote by double-digit margins, as some polls had suggested he might. Republican losses in the Senate …

A Quiet Windfall For U.S. Banks — With Attention on Bailout Debate, Treasury Made Change to Tax Policy — The financial world was fixated on Capitol Hill as Congress battled over the Bush administration's request for a $700 billion bailout of the banking industry.
Daily Kos, The Big Picture, The Heretik, Corrente, Emptywheel, TPMMuckraker, Prairie Weather, AMERICAblog News, Kevin Drum, Matthew Yglesias and The Agonist

Excuse Me? — Here's a disturbing story:
Willem Buiter's Maverecon, American Street, Portfolio, Washington Post, At-Largely and naked capitalism

The Polls Show That Reaganism Is Not Dead — Barack Obama won the White House by campaigning against an unpopular incumbent in a time of economic anxiety and lingering foreign policy concerns. He offered voters an upbeat message, praised the nation as a land of opportunity …

Franklin Delano Obama? — Suddenly, everything old is New Deal again. Reagan is out; F.D.R. is in. Still, how much guidance does the Roosevelt era really offer for today's world? — The answer is, a lot. But Barack Obama should learn from F.D.R.'s failures as well as from his achievements …
TalkLeft, The Heretik, Kevin Drum, Reason, Guardian, Shadow of the Hegemon, Prometheus 6, Wonk Room, Matthew Yglesias and Daily Kos

The myth of poor Democratic performance in House races in the 2008 election — There's an idea going around that the Democrats turned in a disappointing performance in Congressional races this year. For example, a politically-minded friend of mine of the liberal persuasion wrote …

Biden's new role: Good cop — A few days before the election, a Democratic strategist privately worried that a Vice-President Joe Biden was destined for a White House career of dissatisfaction and idle-hands mischief. — “You can't just have a guy like him at loose ends, he'd go crazy,” …

Regarding Douglas Kmiec — In response to those liberals who have written in taking me to task for refusing to give Douglas Kmiec's arguments the respectful consideration they supposedly deserve, I would suggest a thought experiment. Imagine that John McCain had narrowly defeated Barack Obama last week …

Under Obama, Web Would Be the Way — CHICAGO — Armed with millions of e-mail addresses and a political operation that harnessed the Internet like no campaign before it, Barack Obama will enter the White House with the opportunity to create the first truly “wired” presidency.
MSNBC, The Reaction, The Nation, Blog,, JammieWearingFool, The Impolitic and PoliGazette

Race in 4th is over, but not ill will — After a bitter campaign, the GOP's Marilyn Musgrave has yet to congratulate Democrat Betsy Markey or concede. — Bitterness generated by the bruising battle between Betsy Markey and Marilyn Musgrave apparently lingers days after voters decided the winner of the 4th Congressional District.

Dems get new crop of military voters — An interesting subtext to John McCain's defeat last week is what it means for the future of the Republican Party with respect to veterans and military voters. With McCain facing a diminished role in the GOP, and Chuck Hagel retiring from the Senate …

Miriam Makeba, Singer, Dies at 76 — LONDON — Miriam Makeba, a South African singer whose voice stirred hopes of freedom among millions in her own country though her music was formally banned by the apartheid authorities she struggled against, died overnight after performing at a concert in Italy on Sunday.

Obama Hires Progressive Liaison For Transition Team — Veteran Democratic official Mike Lux has been tapped by Barack Obama to serve as an adviser and progressive liaison during the transition period, the Huffington Post has learned. — Lux, who worked on the Clinton administration transition efforts …

Hume: Bush has put America on an ‘amazing’ foreign policy path.» — Reflecting on his final days as Fox News' Washington managing editor, Brit Hume tells the Miami Herald's Glenn Garvin that when people look back at the Bush era, they “will be a lot kinder to this president than the current scribes are being.”

Obama and Bush: A Contrast in Popularity — Transition marked by sharp divergence in leaders' ratings — USA - Election 2008 - Favorability - Government and Politics - Presidential Job Approval - Americas - Northern America — PRINCETON, NJ — Monday's White House meeting between …