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Begich leads Stevens in latest tally — Mark Begich made a dramatic comeback Wednesday to overtake Ted Stevens for the lead in Alaska's U.S. Senate race. — Begich, who was losing after election night, now leads Stevens by 814 votes — 132,196 to 131,382 — with the state still …
MSNBC, Associated Press, Outside The Beltway, VOTE, TPM Election Central, The Raw Story, Swing State Project, Rising Hegemon, Senate Guru, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Obsidian Wings, The E&P Pub, The Reaction, Real Clear Politics, Hullabaloo,, MyDD, Buck Naked Politics, AMERICAblog News, Hot Air, Talking Points Memo and The Political Carnival

Begich Leads By 814 Going Into Thursday — The Alaska Board of Elections has finally updated (pdf). With 17,728 votes counted since the previous update, Democrat Mark Begich has the lead over Republican Ted Stevens, 132,196 to 131,382. — More votes to be counted tomorrow and possibly Friday.

For a Washington Job, Be Prepared to Tell All — WASHINGTON — Want a top job in the Obama administration? Only pack rats need apply, preferably those not packing controversy. — A seven-page questionnaire being sent by the office of President-elect Barack Obama to those seeking cabinet …

Bush, Out of Office, Could Oppose Inquiries — WASHINGTON — When a Congressional committee subpoenaed Harry S. Truman in 1953, nearly a year after he left office, he made a startling claim: Even though he was no longer president, the Constitution still empowered him to block subpoenas.
Salon, Think Progress, Pajamas Media, The Raw Story, The Heretik, Right Wing News, cab drollery, Jules Crittenden, Daily Pundit and Alternate Brain

GOP to file suit to undo McCain rules — McCain-Feingold limits hurt presidential efforts — The Republican Party will file federal lawsuits Thursday seeking to overthrow the McCain-Feingold federal campaign finance regulations, Republican National Committee Chairman Robert M.

Rino Season Is Now Open — Like any entity that abandons basic quality control, political parties rot from within. It happened to the Democrats long ago, and now has become the case with the Republican Party, which has strayed from its conservative underpinnings.

The GOP of the Future — While talking heads are dashing …
The Opinionator

After Taking Some Shots, She Fires Back — Palin Aims at Detractors In Remaking Her Image — Sarah Palin is fighting back against the “jerks.” — Cooking moose chili and slicing sandwiches for Matt Lauer and Greta Van Susteren, chatting up Larry King and Wolf Blitzer …

Klain accepts job as Biden chief of staff — Ronald A. Klain, former chief of staff and counselor to Vice President Al Gore, has accepted an offer to be chief of staff to Vice President-elect Joe Biden, Democratic officials said. — The position will put Klain, a seasoned political hand, at the heart of West Wing activity.
Ben Smith's Blogs, The Politico, FP Passport, The Caucus, Marc Ambinder, and Associated Press

Royal Navy in firefight with Somali pirates — Michael Evans, Defence Editor and Rob Crilly — Pirates caught redhanded by one of Her Majesty's warships after trying to hijack a cargo ship off Somalia made the grave mistake of opening fire on two Royal Navy assault craft packed with commandos armed with machineguns and SA80 rifles.

GOP Governors Seek to Rebuild Party — MIAMI — Republican governors met here Wednesday and tried to figure out what went wrong in last week's election. — The Republican Governors Association's two-day meeting included some of the party's rising stars and some of the likeliest candidates for the 2012 presidential election.

Gingrich says GOP is outmatched — How bad off is the Republican Party right now? Ask Newt Gingrich. — “The Republican Party right now is like a midsize college team trying to play in the Superbowl,” Gingrich told me Wednesday. “It is pretty hard to say our losses were because of John McCain's campaign.

Students chant ‘Assassinate Obama’ on school bus — REXBURG - Controversial words spoken by kids on a school bus have some Madison County parents concerned. — Matthew Whoolery and his wife aren't blaming the school district for what happened on the bus but they do think all parents need …

Maddow wears pajamas on air in solidarity with bloggers, says she sees herself as ‘a blogger on TV.’ — Last night, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow showed a clip of Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) complaining about being criticized by “some blogger” sitting “in their parents' basement.”
Washington Monthly, The Reaction, Althouse, Bark Bark Woof Woof and Writes Like She Talks

Unrepentant, anti-capitalist terrorist cashes in — Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers is a busy bee. — The violence-embracing Marxist is on the lecture and media circuit, hawking his repackaged memoir, promoting a new book on race, and basking in all the post-Obama victory attention.

85,000 homes lost to foreclosure in October — As government and industry scramble to reverse the tide of foreclosures, filings jumped 25% in October. — NEW YORK ( — As government and industry scrambled to stem the housing crisis, another 84,868 homes were lost to foreclosure in October …

Obama's plans for probing Bush torture — WASHINGTON — With growing talk in Washington that President Bush may be considering an unprecedented “blanket pardon” for people involved in his administration's brutal interrogation policies, advisors to Barack Obama are pressing ahead with plans …

7-Year-Old Political Blogger Gets Obama Thank You Letter — Edison Park 2nd grader supported President-elect — Watch out Politico and First Read. Competition is on the horizon, albeit a distant one. — Stanislaw “Stas” Gunkel may soon be a big name in the political blogosphere.

Why Palin Matters — To Andrew Sullivan. It's an interesting question, because aside from Prop. 8, Palin is almost all you find on his site these days. Blah blah blah, Palin this, Palin that. McCain, GOP in disarray. Obama, post for post, line for line, expended emotion for expended emotion …

Afghanistan's Korengal Valley — Yesterday was Veteran's Day (or Armistice or Remembrance Day, depending on where you live), a day set aside to honor those who have served in the military. Today, on the day after, it seems appropriate to share some photographs of U.S. soldiers currently in the thick of war in Afghanistan.

Bailout Lacks Oversight Despite Billions Pledged — Watchdog Panel Is Empty; Report Is Unfinished — In the six weeks since lawmakers approved the Treasury's massive bailout of financial firms, the government has poured money into the country's largest banks, recruited smaller banks …
The New Republic, Washington Monthly, MSNBC, Corrente, Prairie Weather, Angry Bear and Buck Naked Politics

At Last Manmohan Singh Gets Call From Barack Obama — New Delhi (ABC Live): At last Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh got call from US President-elect Barack Obama on Wednesday. — In his telephonic talks with PM, Obama termed US-India strategic relationship is a “very important partnership”.