Top Items:

Al Gore, Colin Powell, Caroline Kennedy in Obama's Administration? — Obama transition team boss John Podesta threw open the curtains of his operation today to reporters, signaling that the president-elect wants to move quickly, but not hastily, to set up his government.

Barack Obama is looking more like a realist — The president-elect who promised to overthrow Washington's partisanship and cronyism is turning to seasoned veterans — even lobbyists — in an apparent effort to avoid rookie mistakes. — Reporting from Washington — Now that the confetti has fallen …

We're A Cult, And You're A... Moron: … GET OFF ON YOUR BAD SELF, YOU PARAGON OF PRINCIPLE, YOU! — With Democrats like this, who needs Red State? If there was anyone who was more tedious during this last election cycle than Armando, aka Big Tent Democrat, let me know.

Heckuva job, McLame — From the man whose best-sellers include “Why Courage Matters” and “Character Is Destiny” comes this underwhelming reaction to the cowardly smearing of Sarah Palin by his own unnamed staffers: — “These things happen.” — Not: “Shame on the leakers. I denounce and renounce them.”

Lobbyists Swarm the Treasury for Piece of Bailout Pie — WASHINGTON — When the government said it would spend $700 billion to rescue the nation's financial industry, it seemed to be an ocean of money. But after one of the biggest lobbying free-for-alls in memory, it suddenly looks like a dwindling pool.
Michelle Malkin, TPMMuckraker, Right Wing Nut House, The Heretik, The Big Picture, Democracy in America and Gawker

Baucus to Push Health-Care Overhaul — WASHINGTON — The chairman of the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday will release a sweeping proposal to overhaul the health-care system that largely reflects President-elect Barack Obama's vision, increasing the chances for action next year.

The Myth of Poor Democratic Electoral Performance — At the end of a somewhat rambling post, Ezra Klein observes: … I would actually grow stronger than that. Check out the two-party share of the vote in House of Representatives elections: — center>

ASSIGNMENT DESK: RAMBLING ABOUT KANSAS. — Rick writes: … This is a complicated question, and I have nothing definitive to say on it, but the outcome of the 2008 election makes it interesting to dig into. — First, you have to somehow handle the methodological dispute between Thomas Frank …

How to Fix a Flat — Last September, I was in a hotel room watching CNBC early one morning. They were interviewing Bob Nardelli, the C.E.O. of Chrysler, and he was explaining why the auto industry, at that time, needed $25 billion in loan guarantees. It wasn't a bailout, he said.

Edwards speaks about Obama, Clinton but not affair — BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) — John Edwards didn't have to dodge tough questions from an Indiana University audience Tuesday, when the former presidential candidate returned to the stage three months after admitting to an extramarital affair.

AP Interview: Foley breaks silence on sex scandal — NEW YORK (AP) — Even today, two years after Mark Foley's very public fall from grace, the former congressman can't explain why he sent lurid, sexually explicit computer messages to male teens who had worked as Capitol Hill pages.

WHEN BARONE GOES OVER THE EDGE.... Well, I certainly have my nomination for Wanker of the Day. … I knew Barone was pretty far gone, but I had no idea he was this far gone. — Two months ago, Barone argued, in print, that Palin had “foreign policy experience” because Alaska “is the only state with a border with Russia.”
Grasping Reality …

A Spokesman So Close, He's the ‘Barack Whisperer’ — When a CBS correspondent reported last month that Barack Obama's campaign had a malodorous airplane and a dismissive attitude toward the media, Robert Gibbs, the candidate's top spokesman, was not pleased. — “Robert wrote a rather tendentious note to me,” Dean Reynolds says.
The E&P Pub

Top Two Officials In U.S. Intelligence Expect to Lose Jobs — The nation's top two intelligence officers expect to be replaced by President-elect Barack Obama early in his administration, according to senior intelligence officials. — A number of influential congressional Democrats oppose keeping Director …

Chris Matthews for Senate? — Pennsylvania was at the epicenter of the fight for the presidency in 2008 and, just one week after the Barack Obama's victory, the Keystone State is once again caught up in the political buzz with a new poll that tests “Hardball” host Chris Matthews' chances against Sen. Arlen Specter (R).

Fake New York Times Declares Iraq War Over! Here's Who Did It — The Iraq War is over, according to the fake New York Times! This morning a cadre of volunteers has fanned out across New York City to pass out a remarkably good, faux-copy of the Times dated July 4, 2009.

Commentary: GOP should ask why U.S. is on the wrong track — Editor's note: Ron Paul is a Republican congressman from Texas who ran for his party's nomination for president this year. He served in Congress in the late 1970s and early 1980s and was elected again to Congress in 1996, serving continuously since then.

Obama surfs through — The Obamas are a warm vision for the White House — but he should strive toward full transparency. Plus: Yes, I still like Sarah Palin! — Dazed and confused. A week after the election of Barack Obama, millions of American news junkies are in serious cold turkey …

Buying Binge Slams to Halt — Just as one crisis of confidence may be ending, another may be coming. — The panic on Wall Street has eased in the last few weeks, and banks have become somewhat more willing to make loans. But in those same few weeks, American households appear to have fallen into their own defensive crouch.