Top Items:

The Biggest Lesson Obama Learned From The Clinton Transition — Democrats who survived the transition from George H.W. Bush to William Jefferson Clinton are a bit in awe these days of what Barack Obama is doing and how he is doing it. — Of the Clinton transition, one very senior …

Dems eye midnight regulations reversal — Today's edition kicks off a new focus by Politico's Lobbying team on four issues: the economy; defense and security; energy and the environment; and health care. Each Tuesday until the Inauguration, we'll have the latest news on policy and personnel …
The Crypt's Blogs, Los Angeles Times, The Raw Story, Washington Monthly and AMERICAblog News

We're A Cult, And You're A... Moron: … GET OFF ON YOUR BAD SELF …
The Opinionator, Wake up America, TalkLeft, Corrente, Liberal Values, NO QUARTER, D-Day and The Field on the Narcosphere

Podesta Sketches Out Vision For Assertive Presidency
The New Republic

Why Palin Still Matters — Some readers think my continuing attempt to expose all the lies and flim-flam and bizarre behavior of Sarah Palin is now moot. She's history - they argue. Move on. I think she probably is history. Even Bill Kristol and his minions in the McCain-Palin campaign …

Senator Takes Initiative on Health Care — WASHINGTON — Without waiting for President-elect Barack Obama, Senator Max Baucus, the chairman of the Finance Committee, will unveil a detailed blueprint on Wednesday to guarantee health insurance for all Americans by facilitating sales of private insurance …
American Prospect, Wall Street Journal, The New Republic, Washington Post, Washington Monthly, Wonk Room, New America Blogs, Left in the West, Hot Air, The Anonymous Liberal, Hullabaloo, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Weekly Standard, The Seminal, Daily Kos, The Politico, Health Access WeBlog and The Raw Story

Hopeful signs on health care — This is very big news. One of the key questions about the new Democratic majority was whether Congress would try to play it safe, backing down on big ideas about reform, especially on health care. You can view the whole chorus about how we're still a …

Mischief in Minnesota? — Al Franken's recount isn't funny. — You'd think Democrats would be content with last week's electoral rout. But judging from the odd doings in Minnesota, some in their party wouldn't mind adding to their jackpot by stealing a Senate seat for left-wing joker Al Franken.

Dem senators try to save Lieberman — Several top Democratic senators have launched a behind-the-scenes effort to save Sen. Joe Lieberman's chairmanship, despite calls from a Democratic base seeking retribution for Lieberman's vocal support of John McCain's presidential campaign.
D-Day, Daily Kos, Washington Monthly, Salon, Think Progress, Open Left, Hullabaloo, and Wonkette

Fineman: Obama And Durbin Want Lieberman To Stay As Homeland Security Chair — On Keith Olbermann's show last night, Howard Fineman dropped a bit of a bomb, reporting that Senator Dick Durbin is now moving towards keeping Joe Lieberman as chair of the Homeland Security Committee …

Paulson Says Treasury Is Shifting Focus of Bailout — WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. announced a major shift in the thrust of the $700 billion financial-rescue program on Wednesday, at the same time joining several agencies in prodding banks to speed up the thaw in the country's credit system.
FDIC, Wall Street Journal, The Heretik, Daily Kos, Pajamas Media, Opinion L.A., Connecting.the.Dots and Wonkette

Lobbyists Swarm the Treasury for Piece of Bailout Pie
The New Republic, Right Wing Nut House, Sunlight Foundation, The Heretik, Michelle Malkin, Economix, TPMMuckraker, The Big Picture and Gawker

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: CINDY MCCAIN CAUGHT CHEATING ON J-MAC! — The ENQUIRER's exclusive bombshell expose as Sen. John McCain's wife, Cindy, is caught with another man! — Not only that but multiple witnesses have caught the pair lip locking on several other occasions.

Liberal Pranksters Hand Out Times Spoof — Sorry, folks, the paper isn't free. And the Iraq war isn't over, at least not yet. — In what appears to be an elaborate hoax, pranksters distributed hundreds or possibly thousands of free copies of a spoof edition of The New York Times …

Fake New York Times Declares Iraq War Over! Here's Who Did It
FishBowlNY, AMERICAN DIGEST, The Raw Story,,, The E&P Pub and Guardian

No Bailout Without Big Changes in Detroit — There is little doubt but that the political fix is in, thanks to those meetings late last week among Big Three auto executives, United Auto Workers union officials and leading Democrats. The outgoing Bush administration has already set …

Obama surfs through — The Obamas are a warm vision for the White House — but he should strive toward full transparency. Plus: Yes, I still like Sarah Palin! — Dazed and confused. A week after the election of Barack Obama, millions of American news junkies are in serious cold turkey …
Don Surber, Incertus, The Anchoress, The Corner, Real Clear Politics,, Michael Bérubé, Never Yet Melted and

ANUZIS JUMPS INTO RNC CHAIR RACE — From NBC's Chuck Todd, Carrie Dann, and Abby Livingston — Michigan Republican Party Chair Saul Anuzis watched his state slip from a tossup to a 16-point slam-dunk for Barack Obama, after the McCain campaign dropped its ads there.

Fred Thompson may try for RNC post
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room,, Hot Air, Flopping Aces, Riehl World View and Stop The ACLU

Supreme Court Rules for Navy in Sonar Case — WASHINGTON — Courts have no business second-guessing the military, the Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday in lifting restrictions on submarine training exercises off the coast of Southern California that may harm marine mammals.

Dodd Interview Censored — Tom Scott conducted the interview. WELI killed it. Now you can hear it. — Scott, one of Connecticut's leading conservative voices of the past three decades, was the last local on-air voice at WELI-AM, once a fully-staffed Greater New Haven news station turned …

The Good Life of a New-Media Guru — Is Jeff Jarvis gloating too much about the death of print? — Take a look at this, from Jeff Jarvis' blog BuzzMachine: … Jeff Jarvis is living the good life. (But he's still humble—he says so himself!) Jeff Jarvis is the very model of a modern new-media guru.

Heckuva job, McLame — From the man whose best-sellers include “Why Courage Matters” and “Character Is Destiny” comes this underwhelming reaction to the cowardly smearing of Sarah Palin by his own unnamed staffers: — “These things happen.” — Not: “Shame on the leakers. I denounce and renounce them.”
Discussion:, Fausta's Blog, Althouse, No More Mister Nice Blog, Liberal Values, Swampland, Fox News, Riehl World View, and Hot Air

‘Why Believe in a God?’ Ad Campaign Launches on D.C. Buses — WASHINGTON, D.C. — You better watch out. There is a new combatant in the Christmas wars. — Ads proclaiming, “Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness' sake,” will appear on Washington, D.C., buses starting next week and running through December.