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GOP governors unhappy with Palin press conference — Some GOP governors weren't happy with how Palin's press conference unfolded. (Getty Images) — MIAMI (CNN) — Some Republican governors tell CNN they were not particularly happy with the way the Republican Governors Association press conference …

No Clamoring for Palin to Become a National Political Figure — But she enjoys support of three-quarters of Republicans — PRINCETON, NJ — Just 45% of Americans would like to see Sarah Palin become a major national political figure for many years to come, while a slight majority of 52% say they would not.

An awkward press conference — After much anticipation from a room full of reporters and other curiosity-seekers, Sarah Palin this morning took four questions from reporters in a press conference that lasted 11 minutes. — Actually, taking away Texas Gov. Rick Perry's opening statement, the session lasted under 10 minutes.

Palin blasts bailout expansion before governors — MIAMI, Florida (CNN) — Former Republican vice presidential nominee Gov. Sarah Palin sharply questioned expanding the federal economic bailout plan Thursday during her first extended remarks since the end of the presidential campaign.

Palin gets cold reception in Sunshine State GOP gathering
Washington Times, The Heretik, Washington Post, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal and New York Times

Obama will resign Senate seat Sunday — President-elect Barack Obama said today he will step down from his Senate seat effective this Sunday. — The decision adds to the pressure on Gov. Rod Blagojevich, a fellow Democrat, who under state law has the sole responsibility for naming a successor to Obama …

Who Were Those Clinton-McCain Crossover Voters? — CBS News' Election and Survey Unit's survey analyst extraordinaire Jennifer De Pinto goes inside the exit polls from last week's election and finds some interesting nuggets about those Hillary Clinton supporters who voted for John McCain:

Stevens Pollster: Race Is Over, Begich Will Win — Alaska-based GOP pollster David Dittman, who worked for Sen. Ted Stevens during this year's primary race, believes Democratic challenger Mark Begich is all but certain to expand his current razor-thin lead and snatch the seat.

Lieberman's A Scold, Not A Ken Starr — This is a fun distraction, but isn't the bloggy left having a major overreaction to the idea of keeping Lieberman in his current position? — It's true that he'll have subpoena power over the new administration, but the idea that he'll …

Bill O'Reilly and Dennis Miller make homophobic jokes about Barney Frank.» — Last night on the O'Reilly Factor, Dennis Miller said President-elect Obama should “flatten these punks at AIG.” When O'Reilly suggested Obama should arrest Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), Miller laughed and said, “Barney might want to be arrested.”

Bill Ayers: Barack Obama a ‘family friend’ — Bill Ayers, former 1960s radical activist turned college professor, listens to Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. speak at Northwestern University during an event hosted by Northwestern's Black Student Alliance. Ayers' name gained prominence during …

EXCLUSIVE: Did Next Commander-in-Chief Falsify Selective Service Registration? Never Actually Register? Obama's Draft Registration Raises Serious Questions — By Debbie Schlussel — **** Copyright 2008, Must Cite Debbie Schlussel and link to **** — *** SCROLL DOWN FOR UPDATE ***
Balloon Juice

Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State? — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) looks up during a Veterans Day event at the Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum in New York City. (Chris Hondros/Getty Images) — By Al Kamen and Philip Rucker — There's increasing chatter in political circles …

Facing Obama, Iran Suddenly Hedges on Talks — Since 2006, Iran's leaders have called for direct, unconditional talks with the United States to resolve international concerns over their nuclear program. But as an American administration open to such negotiations prepares to take power …

The RNC Throws A Pie In John McCain's Face — Nine days after the election, the Republican National Committee is no longer interested in being friends with their nominee. — They've filed suit today in courts in Louisiana and Washington, D.C. claiming that the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act …

History Favors Republicans in 2010 — The 2008 election numbers are not as stark as the results. — Political races are about candidates and issues. But election results, in the end, are about numbers. So now that the dust is settling on the 2008 presidential race, what do the numbers tell us?

Welcome to My World, Barack — On Jan. 20, Barack Obama will inherit a world very different from the one his predecessor found in January 2001. Over the past eight years, the Bush administration has faced great challenges and nurtured grand ambitions; it has tried hard to remake the world.

Tolerance fails T-shirt test — Catherine Vogt, 14, conducted an experiment in political tolerance at her Oak Park middle school and learned some valuable lessons. (Tribune photo by Nuccio DiNuzzo / November 12, 2008) — As the media keeps gushing on about how America has finally adopted tolerance …

Coleman Out of NRSC Race — Sen. Norm Coleman (Minn.) called Sen. John Cornyn (Texas) Thursday afternoon and told him he was dropping out of the race for National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman to focus on the recount in his 206-vote win over Democratic challenger Al Franken.
The Sleuth, Associated Press, The Twin Cities Daily Liberal and Minneapolis Star Tribune

Angrier response to Prop. 8 steps up — Joe Hample, left, and Barry Wendell protest the passage of Proposition 8 in front of the Mormon temple on Santa Monica Boulevard in Los Angeles. They were married Nov.1. — After a professional campaign failed to defeat the measure, a Web-based opposition is making itself heard.

Gingrich says GOP is outmatched — How bad off is the Republican Party right now? Ask Newt Gingrich. — “The Republican Party right now is like a midsize college team trying to play in the Superbowl,” Gingrich told me Wednesday. “It is pretty hard to say our losses were because of John McCain's campaign.

Getting inside Obama's ‘brain’ — (CNN) — Karen Kornbluh is not famous, but her ideas are. As Barack Obama's chief policy director, political insiders call her his “brain.” — “Karen is a big ideas person, but more than that, she's able to bring a lot of really smart people together …
The Washington Note

Host of Internet Spam Groups Is Cut Off — Spam Drops After Internet Providers Disconnect a California Hosting Firm — The volume of junk e-mail sent worldwide dropped drastically today after a Web hosting firm identified by the computer security community as a major host …

CIA Chief: Bin Laden Alive, Worried About ‘Own Security’ — Hayden Says U.S. Disrupted Plot That Would Have Rivaled 9/11 — Osama bin Laden is alive and “putting a lot of energy into his own security,” the director of the CIA, General Michael Hayden, said today.

Gore says no to ‘Climate Czar’ role — President-elect Barack Obama's transition team is flirting with creating a White House “Climate Czar,” but climate change crusader Al Gore says he doesn't want the job. — The Obama team declined to comment on such a post, even as environmentalists …

Crowd of 1 million could attend Obama inauguration — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — WASHINGTON - President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration is expected to draw 1 million-plus to the capital, and already some lawmakers have stopped taking ticket requests and hotels have booked up.

Obama Team Faces Major Task in Justice Dept. Overhaul — Goal Is to Restore Confidence in Law Enforcement Actions — As a transition team for the Obama administration begins work on a Justice Department overhaul, the key question is where to begin. — Political considerations affected every crevice …
Salon,, cab drollery, D-Day, The Seminal, ACSBlog, TalkLeft, and Associated Press