Top Items:

Lieberman: Suck On That, Liberals! … I hope this puts to rest the notion that this is all some master stroke of kumbayah, of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. — This is about telling you that you mean nothing. That democracy is a nice word, but it should never threaten …
Associated Press, The Fix, The Moderate Voice, Weekly Standard, Reuters, The Huffington Post, The Caucus, No More Mister Nice Blog, Wake up America, Open Left, Hot Air, Michelle Malkin, Kevin Drum, The Mahatma X Files,, Daily Kos, DownWithTyranny!, AMERICAblog News, Michael Bérubé, Stop The ACLU, Commentary, Don Surber and

Democrats Let Lieberman Keep Senate Chairmanship — WASHINGTON — Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, the Democrat-turned-independent from Connecticut, was allowed to keep his chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Tuesday despite his support for Senator John McCain in the presidential campaign.

Howard Dean Is Fine With Senate's Lieberman Decision, Suggests It Was What Obama Wanted — Howard Dean says that he's “fine” with the Senate's decision not to kick Joe Lieberman off the Homeland Security committee and suggested that the Senate had acted in accordance with what Barack Obama wanted.

Has there been too much bipartisanship or too little? — (updated below - Update II) — As Senate Democrats this morning prepare to reward Joe Lieberman with the powerful Chairmanship of the Homeland Security Committee, the most commonly recited claim — both with regard to the Lieberman issue …

The Hill

Capitol Punishment — It's a rare double hanging in the Capitol this morning.

Obama's Attorney General — President-elect Obama has decided to tap Eric Holder as his attorney general, putting the veteran Washington lawyer in place to become the first African-American to head the Justice Department, according to two legal sources close to the presidential transition.
Associated Press, Washington Monthly, Firedoglake, The Fix, Pajamas Media, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, The Swamp,, The Caucus, Big Lizards, The Washington Independent, Marc Ambinder, Hot Air, Ben Smith's Blogs, The RBC, Hotline On Call, City Desk, Taylor Marsh, Commentary and Wonkette

Holder Top Prospect for Attorney General — Eric H. Holder Jr., a former second in command at the Justice Department who served as President-elect Barack Obama's campaign co-chairman, is almost certain to be selected as U.S. attorney general, according to knowledgeable Democratic sources.
Don Surber

HOLDER TO BE NAMED ATTORNEY GENERAL — From NBC's Pete Williams — President-elect Obama has offered Eric Holder the position of attorney general, and Holder has accepted it, according to sources involved in the process. The formal announcement has been held up while Obama transition team members ran the idea past key senators.

Hillary could reject State offer — Hillary Rodham Clinton isn't certain she would accept the Secretary of State post even if Barack Obama offers it to her, several people close to the former first lady say. — Press reports that portray Clinton as willing to accept the job …

Cabinet post for Clinton roils Obamaland — Barack Obama's serious flirtation with his one-time rival, Hillary Clinton, over the post of secretary of State has been welcomed by everyone from Henry Kissinger to Bill Clinton as an effective, grand gesture by the president-elect.

Hagel takes aim at Limbaugh, Senate colleagues — (CNN) — As his Senate career nears its end, Republican Chuck Hagel isn't holding back when it comes to criticizing members of his own party — including conservative talk radio hosts. — “We are educated by the great entertainers like Rush Limbaugh …
Taylor Marsh

Administration Protects Bush Appointees by Converting Positions to Career Civil Service Jobs — Political Positions Shifted To Career Civil Service Jobs — Just weeks before leaving office, the Interior Department's top lawyer has shifted half a dozen key deputies …

Zogby Engages in Apparent Push Polling for Right-Wing Website — The conservative website reports that it has commissioned Zogby International to conduct a poll of 512 Barack Obama voters as part of what can best be described as a viral marketing effort to discredit the intelligence of Obama supporters.
TalkLeft, Hot Air, Political Machine, Gawker, This ain't Hell …, Macsmind and Oliver Willis

AFTER KRISTOL … It's time for the newspaper to move on. For Pinch Sulzberger and Andy Rosenthal to renew Kristol's one-year contract, in 2009, would be for the Times to reward failure—and look where that got Wall Street and General Motors. It's not just that Kristol isn't another Safire …
New York Observer, Washington Monthly, Portfolio, Kevin Drum, Wonkette and The New Republic

TRAILER: Star Trek gets a sexy makeover in new film with love scenes, motorbikes and hunky stars … The eagerly anticipated Star Trek film is set to cast off the geeky associations of the sci-fi genre with a handsome cast, vicious fights and sex scenes. — A trailer for the new movie …

Bad blood for Musgrave — It's no surprise Rep. Marilyn Musgrave is taking her recent loss to Betsy Markey really, really hard. — Musgrave, a Republican who's been representing Colorado's 4th District since 2002, became part of the Republican Casualty List when she lost in a landslide …

Victory in Iraq Day — We won. The Iraq War is over. — I declare November 22, 2008 to be “Victory in Iraq Day.” (Hereafter known as “VI Day.") — By every measure, The United States and coalition forces have conclusively defeated all enemies in Iraq, pacified the country …

Beau Biden Will Not Accept Senate Appointment — Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden will not accept an appointment to the Senate to replace his father, according to knowledgeable state sources, a decision that scrambles the race to to replace the vice president-elect in the Senate next year.

Obama Girls Get a White House Tour — After trips to two D.C. private schools, Malia and Sasha Obama are getting a special personal tour of the White House this afternoon, accompanied by grandma Marian Robinson and their mother. — “Mrs. Obama greatly appreciated this invitation to provide …

Web Sites That Dig for News Rise as Watchdogs — SAN DIEGO — Over the last two years, some of this city's darkest secrets have been dragged into the light — city officials with conflicts of interest and hidden pay raises, affordable housing that was not affordable, misleading crime statistics.

THE TRAGIC PREDICTABILITY OF THE JEWISH VOTE — Back in the 1980s, during the euphoria of the Reagan-era, Neo-cons like Norman Podhoretz and Irving Kristol predicted a seismic shift in Jewish voting patterns. — Once American Jews discovered that voting Republican was crucial for the survival …

McCain owes GOP a second concession speech — ANALYSIS/OPINION: — As is customary on election night, Republican presidential nominee John McCain called his rival, Barack Obama, to concede defeat and graciously wish the Illinois Democrat well as he prepares to move into the White House in January.
protein wisdom

OBAMA'S TOP NSA AND CIA PICKS: HARSH ON ISRAEL, SYMPATHETIC TO IRAN AND HEZBOLLAH — Well that was totally unpredictable wasn't it? … Totally, totally unpredictable: … The US should exercise “strategic patience” with Iran - who as of today has four navy bases in the Gulf …
Gateway Pundit

Jonestown reflections: 30 years later — The other evening I turned on the TV and came across this CNN documentary entitled “Escape from Jonestown.” I watched for the next two hours, because to my surprise it turned out to be riveting. — Even though I recall Jonestown well and thought …

LA Times Only Just Notices Obama Has Thin Resume? — Interestingly, Dan Morain of the L.A. Times has just discovered that Barack Obama has a pretty thin resume prior to being elevated to the presidency. Between 1993 and '96, Obama, the much-ballyhooed “Constitutional scholar,” …
Los Angeles Times