Top Items:

Suit contesting Barack Obama's citizenship heads to U.S. Supreme Court Friday — Justices will decide whether to consider the case — The U.S. Supreme Court will consider Friday whether to take up a lawsuit challenging President-elect Barack Obama's U.S. citizenship …

Alito ribs Biden for plagiarism — At a gala dinner hosted by the American Spectator Wednesday, Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. cracked wise at Vice President-elect Joe Biden's expense, raising the Delaware senator's past brushes with academic dishonesty to the delight of his conservative audience.

The sadly obligatory SCOTUS birth-certificate post — The Chicago Tribune briefly revives the Obama-birth-certificate kerfuffle in an update today, if only to throw more cold water on it. Tomorrow, the Supreme Court confabs over whether to grant a review to Leo Donofrio's lawsuit after having …

AFRO News — In a highly unusual move, U.S. Associate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has asked his colleagues on the court to consider the request of an East Brunswick, N.J. attorney who has filed a lawsuit challenging President-elect Barack Obama's status as a United States citizen.
Left in the West

Matthews advised to quit MSNBC — Chris Matthews is dead serious about running for the Senate in Pennsylvania - and shopping for a house in the state and privately discussing quitting MSNBC as proof of his intense interest, according to NBC colleagues, political operatives and friends.

Chris Matthews' Insult to Pennsylvania Voters — Having grown up outside of Philadelphia, I just want to say I really hope Chris Matthews runs for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, and is humiliatingly obliterated in a Democratic primary (preferably by a good progressive like, for instance, former Rep. Joe Hoeffel).

GG agrees to suspend Parliament until January — Decision gives Tories reprieve, prevents opposition from toppling government on Monday — Gov. Gen. Michaëlle Jean has granted a request from Stephen Harper to suspend Parliament until late next month, the prime minister announced on Thursday …

Canadian PM shuts Parliament in attempt to keep power
PoliBlog (TM)

Bushes confirm purchase of Dallas home in Preston Hollow —; — The White House confirmed Thursday that the Bushes have purchased a house in Dallas' Preston Hollow neighborhood for the couple to live in after his presidency ends in January.

Looking for the Ideal Spot to Make a Speech — WASHINGTON — President-elect Barack Obama's aides say he is considering making a major foreign policy speech from an Islamic capital during his first 100 days in office. — So where should he do it? The list of Islamic world capitals is long …
Ben Smith's Blogs, Weekly Standard, The Moderate Voice, Commentary, Atlas Shrugs, Booman Tribune, Riehl World View,, Don Surber and

WHAT IS LIFE WORTH? — What is six months of your life worth? And don't say priceless. It's not priceless. Not if you're not paying. So let's sharpen the question: What should six months of your life be worth to your insurer, be that insurer the government or Aetna?

Liberal Rationalism II — Move over, Jon Cohn. Ezra Klein points out the sublime rationality of socialism: … One reason I'm a conservative is the British National Health Service. Until you have lived under socialism, it sounds like a great idea. It isn't misery …
The Corner

Worries about next year — I've been ruminating over economic prospects for next year, and I'm getting scared. — Two points: — 1. The economy is falling fast. We'll see what tomorrow's employment report says, but we could well be losing jobs at a rate of 450,000 or 500,000 a month.

WARREN ENDORSES HANNITY'S WARMONGERING.... Pastor Rick Warren has a reputation for being far more stable and grounded than religious right leaders and TV preachers like Pat Robertson, but it's worth remembering that he's not exactly a moderate. — Last night, on Fox News …
The Daily Dish

RNC chair discloses comeback plan — Sen. Saxby Chambliss' reelection this week was a tremendous victory for the people of Georgia. Voters went to the polls on Tuesday and selected a strong leader prepared to deal with both the domestic and the foreign challenges our nation faces in the months and years to come.

Can Romney Save the Republican Party?
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

CNN Cuts Entire Science, Tech Team — Despite network's intention to launch wire service, compete with the AP — CNN, the Cable News Network, announced yesterday that it will cut its entire science, technology, and environment news staff, including Miles O'Brien, its chief technology …
Washington Monthly, New York Times, TVNewser, Boing Boing, Kevin Drum, Pharyngula and Tim Blair

Why do Feinstein and Wyden sound much different on the torture issue now? — [updated below - Update II (w/ statement from Sen. Wyden's office) - — Update III] — Time constraints prevented me yesterday from writing about Dianne Feinstein's comments concerning torture in yesterday's New York Times …

Barack Obama and the Cult of Competency — Barack Obama won the White House last month in large part by running against George W. Bush and tapping into the public perception that his administration has been ineffectual in handling important policy questions.
Marc Ambinder

NEO-HOOVERITE REPUBLICANS — I'm listening to one-time DC celeb Fred Thompson on Neil Cavuto's show on Fox talking about the virtues of economic retrenchment as opposed to fiscal stimulus as a way to deal with the faltering US economy. I'm hearing this here and there from a few Republicans.
Democratic Strategist

A bitter brew for Kerry — SENATOR John Kerry's fate illustrates the new political order under President-elect Barack Obama: Reward your enemies, not necessarily your friends. — Hillary Clinton, Obama's tough primary opponent, became Obama's choice for secretary of state; Kerry, an avid Obama ally, was passed over.

Hillary and the Constitution — Members of the Senate are not above the law. — What's a little matter like the Constitution among friends? That's a question a few legal eagles are asking as they note that Hillary Clinton can't become Secretary of State thanks to something called the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.