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Shelby warns of filibuster of auto bailout — With job losses mounting and Detroit's Big Three automakers facing a battle on Capitol Hill over emergency federal aid, President-elect Barack Obama on Sunday predicted more hard times for the U.S. economy before it starts to turn around …
Buck Naked Politics, Wizbang, Commentary, RedState, The Raw Story, New York Times and DownWithTyranny!

Obama: Days of ‘pork ... as a strategy’ are over — (CNN) — President-elect Barack Obama issued a warning Sunday to officials around the country who want to fund projects with federal dollars: no more business as usual. — In an interview on NBC's “Meet the Press,” Obama said …

‘Meet the Press’ transcript for Dec. 7, 2008 — MR. TOM BROKAW: Our issues this Sunday: In 44 days, Barack Obama will become the 44th president of the United States. His new team is almost complete. But since Election Day 2008, the list of challenges facing the incoming president has only grown …

Obama warns economy to get worse
Corrente, DownWithTyranny!, TPM Election Central, Below The Beltway, Associated Press, The Raw Story and Washington Post

Tribune Prepares for Bankruptcy Filing — Tribune Co. is preparing for a possible bankruptcy-protection filing as soon as this week, according to people familiar with the matter, opening a new front of trouble for the newspaper industry. — As Tribune continues discussions with its lenders …

Tribune Co., in Debt, Could Be Flirting With Bankruptcy — The Tribune Company, the newspaper chain that owns The Chicago Tribune and The Los Angeles Times, is trying to negotiate new terms with its creditors and has hired advisers for a possible bankruptcy filing, according to people briefed on the matter.

Kilroy wins — Now it's official: Mary Jo Kilroy will be going to Washington as the first Democrat to represent any part of Franklin County in Congress in a generation. — Final vote tallies released this evening by the Franklin County Board of Elections show that Kilroy defeated Republican state …
DownWithTyranny!, WBNS-TV, Hotline On Call, Whiskey Fire, Daily Kos, Firedoglake, Swing State Project and Erick's blog

Kilroy is headed to Congress — Democrat defeats Stivers in 15th Congressional District — Now it's official: Mary Jo Kilroy will be going to Washington as the first Democrat to represent any part of Franklin County in Congress in a generation. — Final vote tallies released this evening …

A Message to Obama's Progressive Critics — Five short weeks ago, Barack Obama won a decisive victory against John McCain - winning 365 electoral votes to McCain's 162 and winning the popular vote by 9 million - the largest popular vote margin since.... After a strategy of expanding the electoral map …

Obama Deputy Steve Hildebrand: Liberals Need To STFU
AMERICAblog News

Krugman: US auto industry will probably disappear — STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) — Nobel economics prize winner Paul Krugman said Sunday that the beleaguered U.S. auto industry will likely disappear. — “It will do so because of the geographical forces that me and my colleagues have discussed …

Pakistan's Spies Aided Group Tied to Mumbai Siege — WASHINGTON — Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Pakistan-based militant group suspected of conducting the Mumbai attacks, has quietly gained strength in recent years with the help of Pakistan's main spy service, assistance that has allowed the group …

Mark Penn: The man who blew the presidency — Hillary had a huge lead in the polls, and a genius running her team. So how did ‘The Master of the Message’ get it so wrong? And will he ever admit his mistakes? Cole Moreton meets... Mark Penn — Hillary Clinton was going to be president.

Caroline Kennedy? Thanks But No Thanks — Everyone seems to be salivating because Caroline Kennedy called David Patterson and is apparently interested in the Senate seat being vacated by Hillary Clinton. — It's a truly terrible idea. — Her leadership could have been really helpful …

It's official: Men really are the weaker sex — Evolution is being distorted by pollution, which damages genitals and the ability to father offspring, says new study. Geoffrey Lean reports — The male gender is in danger, with incalculable consequences for both humans and wildlife …

Wright visits Trinity pulpit, lashes media — For the first time since his retirement last spring, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. returned to the pulpit of Trinity United Church of Christ this morning with two goals: glorifying God and vilifying the media. — In honor of Trinity's 47th anniversary …

Words associated with Christianity and British history taken out of children's dictionary — Words associated with Christianity, the monarchy and British history have been dropped from a leading dictionary for children. — Westminster Abbey may be one of Britain's most famous landmarks …
Media Blog

Obama's fiscal stimulus: some details — I was surprised to read the first plank of Obama's proposed stimulus: … Maybe that is deliberately unglamorous but I was expecting a more dramatic first punch. Here, by the way, are some simple arguments for energy-efficient buildings.
Pejman_Yousefzadeh's blog

So, you want to save the economy? — All you need is a keyboard and a few good ideas. Inside the influential new world of econobloggers. — DURING THE PANIC of 1907, the nation's most powerful banker, J. P. Morgan, brokered a solution to the crisis behind the closed doors of his personal library in New York City.

The Brightest Are Not Always the Best — IN 1992, David Halberstam wrote a new introduction for the 20th-anniversary edition of “The Best and the Brightest,” his classic history of the hubristic J.F.K. team that would ultimately mire America in Vietnam. He noted that the book's title …

Defending a Pardon, Protecting His Power — AN outcry is erupting over the role the nominee for attorney general, Eric Holder, played in President Bill Clinton's pardon of financier Marc Rich in 2001. Both from the left and right, blogs are abubble, energized by news reports that Mr. Holder …
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