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Sources Say Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is ‘Senate Candidate #5’ — Feds Plan to Interview Chicago Congressman as Part of Blagojevich Probe — Chicago Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL) is the anonymous “Senate Candidate #5” whose emissaries Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich reportedly claimed offered …
Washington Post, Hot Air, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, JustOneMinute, On Deadline, Power Line, Political Machine, Pantagraph, Emptywheel, The Raw Story, Tennessee Guerilla Women, Progress Illinois, Flopping Aces, NO QUARTER, The Campaign Spot, The Fix, Taylor Marsh, Don Surber,, MyDD, RedState, Gateway Pundit, TalkLeft, Talking Points Memo and The Capitol Fax Blog

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is ‘Senate Candidate 5’ in Blagojevich criminal complaint — Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is “Senate Candidate 5,” who — through an emissary — allegedly offered to raise money for Gov. Blagojevich in return for being appointed as Barack Obama's replacement in the U.S. Senate, sources tell the Chicago Sun-Times.

Clues to identity of candidates #1-6 — Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's (D) arrest on criminal corruption charges raises new questions about those considered for appointment to replace President-elect Obama in the Senate, as Blagojevich weighed a handful of candidates for the job …

Rep. Jackson: No pay-to-play deal — U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.) said today he did not try to cut a pay-to-play deal with Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich to get the Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama. — “I never sent a message or an emissary to the governor to make an offer …

Officials Say Jackson Was ‘Candidate 5’ in Case — WASHINGTON — Federal authorities on Wednesday identified Democratic Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois as the potential United States Senate candidate who was portrayed in court papers made public Tuesday as being the most deeply enmeshed …

Breaking: Senate Dems ask Blago to quit — The office of Sen. Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, is circulating a letter Wednesday to the Senate Democratic Caucus for signatures that recommends Gov. Rod Blagojevich resign and under no circumstances make an appointment to fill Illinois' vacant Senate seat.

Madigan may take him to high court — SPRINGFIELD — If Gov. Blagojevich refuses to relinquish power and avoids impeachment, Attorney General Lisa Madigan is prepared to force his hand, aides said Tuesday. — The state's chief law enforcement officer is prepared to invoke …
Washington Wire,, Chicago Business, CNN, Washington Monthly and Political Machine

Impeachment is an option, but it's complicated
The Capitol Fax Blog, Progress Illinois, New York Times, A Blog For All, MoJoBlog and ArchPundit

Obama: Blagojevich Should Resign — Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and then-Sen. Barack Obama in 2005. (James A. Finley/Associated Press) — By Anne E. Kornblut — President-elect Barack Obama believes that Gov. Rod Blagojevich should resign, his advisers said on Wednesday.
The Fix, The Caucus, Chicago Tribune, Associated Press, Pajamas Media, Washington Monthly, Commentary, Firedoglake, Lynn Sweet and

In scandal, risks for Obama — At first blush, Barack Obama comes out of the Rod Blagojevich scandal smelling like a rose. The prosecutor at a news conference seemed to give the president-elect a seal of approval, and the Illinois governor himself was caught on tape complaining that Obama was not interested in crooked schemes.

Deputy governor Greenlee resigns — CHICAGO - A spokeswoman for Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich says one of his top aides has resigned. — Spokeswoman Kelley Quinn on Wednesday said Deputy Gov. Bob Greenlee resigned. The reason for his resignation wasn't immediately clear.

Text of Obama's first newspaper interview as president-elect — In his first post-election newspaper interview, President-elect Barack Obama doesn't spill all the beans about his intentions upon taking office on Jan. 20. — But he does reveal some interesting details.
The Politico,, Think Progress, The Moderate Voice, Weekly Standard, The Impolitic and Swampland

Jindal says no — Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, seen by many Republicans as the most promising standard-bearer for a remade party, said at a Richmond, Va press conference that he isn't running for president in 2012. — At a news conference Wednesday with Bob McDonnell …

Jon Stewart slays the homophobic Huckabeast without breaking a sweat — UPDATE: Louise did a complete transcript of the segment in this diary - many thanks! — And entertains while doing so. Jon Stewart asked serious questions any hard-hitting progressive journalist or political commentator …
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

FBI reviewing allegations involving Norm Coleman ally, source says — Source: Inquiry involves alleged attempt to steer money toward senator — Federal investigators are looking into allegations that a longtime friend and benefactor tried to steer money to U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, the Pioneer Press has learned.
The Huffington Post, Minnesota Independent,, DownWithTyranny!, Gawker, MinnPost and Washington Monthly

U.S. Senate race: Error might mean 171 absentee ballots went uncounted …
TPM Election Central

Obama Shapes Environment Team — WASHINGTON — Los Angeles Deputy Mayor Nancy Sutley is to be named the chairwoman of president-elect Barack Obama's Council on Environmental Quality, according to two senior Democratic aides. — Meanwhile, Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm is a leading candidate …

Former New York State Supreme Court Justice Indicted for Attempted Extortion and Bribery — WASHINGTON - A former Supreme Court Justice of the Third Judicial Circuit of the State of New York was charged today with attempted extortion and federal program bribery, Acting Assistant Attorney …
Talking Points Memo

$73 an Hour: Adding It Up — Seventy-three dollars an hour. — That figure — repeated on television and in newspapers as the average pay of a Big Three autoworker — has become a big symbol in the fight over what should happen to Detroit. To critics, it is a neat encapsulation …

The 10 Worst Predictions for 2008 — Prognostication is by far the riskiest form of punditry. The 10 commentators and leaders on this list learned that the hard way when their confident predictions about politics, war, the economy, and even the end of humanity itself completely missed the mark.
Washington Monthly

White House Struggles to Find G.O.P Support for Auto Bailout — WASHINGTON — Even as House Democrats pressed for a vote Wednesday afternoon on a government rescue of the automobile industry, the Bush administration failed to generate enough support for the measure among Senate Republicans …

Weymouth: WaPo ‘must be the indispensible guide to Washington’ — Washington Post publisher Katharine Weymouth and executive editor Marcus Brauchli met with top managers today at 10 a.m. to discuss long-term strategy. It wasn't an all-staff meeting, but now Weymouth has clued in the rest concerning how the paper moves forward.
Scott Rosenberg's Wordyard