Top Items:

Fighting Off Depression — “If we don't act swiftly and boldly,” declared President-elect Barack Obama in his latest weekly address, “we could see a much deeper economic downturn that could lead to double-digit unemployment.” If you ask me, he was understating the case.
Buck Naked Politics, Angry Bear,, Connecting.the.Dots, Prairie Weather, Kevin Drum and Bark Bark Woof Woof

Is Obama relying too much on tax cuts? — I don't know yet. But news reports this morning certainly raise questions. — Let's lay out the basics here. Other things equal, public investment is a much better way to provide economic stimulus than tax cuts, for two reasons.

The Three-State Option — War in the Gaza Strip demonstrates yet again that the current governance paradigm for the Palestinian people has failed. Terrorists financed and supplied by Iran control Gaza; the Palestinian Authority is broken, probably irretrievably; and economic development is stalled in Gaza and the West Bank.
BLACKFIVE, Wall Street Journal, Israel Matzav, Soccer Dad, Don Surber, Atlas Shrugs, Sadly, No! and Israpundit

Why Israel Fights — The Israeli assault on Hamas in Gaza is going to be a replay, we're told, of the attempt to subdue Hezbollah in southern Lebanon in the summer of 2006. And the outcome, it's asserted, will be the same: lots of death and destruction, no strategic victory for Israel …

Funny Business in Minnesota — In which every dubious ruling seems to help Al Franken. — Strange things keep happening in Minnesota, where the disputed recount in the Senate race between Norm Coleman and Al Franken may be nearing a dubious outcome. Thanks to the machinations …
Michelle Malkin, Reuters, Minnesota Democrats Exposed, MinnPost, The Radio Equalizer, Gateway Pundit and Daily Pundit

Minnesota canvassing board expected to say that Democrat Al Franken is winner in Senate race — MINNEAPOLIS - The state Canvassing Board was posed to certify the results of the recount in Minnesota's grueling Senate election in Al Franken's favor — but that doesn't mean the race is definitely over.
Associated Press,, Hot Air, TPM Election Central,, MSNBC, MyDD, Yahoo! News, Pharyngula and The Politico

Panel to declare Franken winner of Senate race
Daily Kos, Wonkette, TPM Election Central, Vox Popoli, The Sundries Shack and

Top Of The Morning — Countercyclical spending: Obama plans payroll tax relief for those receiving the earned income tax credit — that's a direct stimulus jolt for lower middle class Americans. A second part would give cash to struggling businesses by allowing them to write off …

Restore the Senate's Treaty Power — THE Constitution's Treaty Clause has long been seen, rightly, as a bulwark against presidential inclinations to lock the United States into unwise foreign commitments. The clause will likely be tested by Barack Obama's administration …
The Volokh Conspiracy, Washington Monthly, PoliBlog, The Impolitic, Daniel W. Drezner and

The 7th Annual “20 Most Annoying Liberals Of 2008” — Honorable Mentions: Bill Ayers, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Juan Cole, Kent Conrad, The Daily Kos, Bill Delahunt, Glenn Greenwald, Alcee Hastings, Christopher Hitchens, The Huffington Post, Jesse Jackson, Jesse Jackson Jr. Caroline Kennedy …
Jules Crittenden

The Times to Sell Display Ads on the Front Page — In its latest concession to the worst revenue slide since the Depression, The New York Times has begun selling display advertising on its front page, a step that has become increasingly common across the newspaper industry.
Michael Calderone's Blogs

Bush first ex-prez to face limit on Secret Service protection — WASHINGTON — President George W. Bush's “after-life,” as Laura Bush calls the post-presidency, is shaping up to be pretty comfortable, with a Dallas office, staffers, Secret Service protection, a travel budget …

Speaker Makes Room for New No. 1 Democrat — WASHINGTON — When the 111th Congress convenes Tuesday, Representative Nancy Pelosi will return to her post as House speaker but in an entirely new role. — For the last two years, Ms. Pelosi, 68, of California, has been the driving force behind …

Argentina Is Short of Cash - Literally — Spare some change? — Suppose you want to ride the bus or feed a parking meter without exact change. Or suppose you just want to drop a few cents in a street musician's hat. Nothing easier, right? Not if you live in Argentina.

As Vacant Office Space Grows, So Does Lenders' Crisis — Vacancy rates in office buildings exceed 10 percent in virtually every major city in the country and are rising rapidly, a sign of economic distress that could lead to yet another wave of problems for troubled lenders.

Kagan nominated for solicitor general — Elena Kagan, Harvard law school's dean, will be the new solicitor general, President-elect Barack Obama's transition office announced. — She will be Obama's voice at the US Supreme Court, and she has been considered a potential Democratic appointee to the Court itself.
Think Progress

One Gender's Crash — Let me begin with the caveats: I like men. My husband is one, as are my two sons. I have spent most of my career surrounded by men, and I have no major complaints. But as the financial debacle unfolds, I can't help noticing that all the perpetrators …

Washington Post's Managing Editor to Step Down — Philip Bennett, The Washington Post's managing editor, said today he is stepping down after four years as the paper's second-ranking news executive. — Bennett, 49, said he had “a feeling that I'd been running for a long time as fast as I could go …

‘Like Son Jeb as President’ — Former President Bush (there's currently only one of those!) has endorsed his other governor-son for president. As we await David Paterson's Caroline Kennedy Senate appointment, I have to think that Jeb for President is not the craziest idea.

Can the US economy afford a Keynesian stimulus? — Economic policy is based on a collection of half-truths. The nature of these half-truths changes occasionally. Economics as a scholarly discipline consists in the periodic rediscovery and refinement of old half-truths.

Obama Girls Start School at Sidwell — It remains awfully difficult to catch a glimpse of First Kids-to-Be Malia and Sasha Obama, but at least we can say for certain where they are this morning: getting to know their new classmates at the Sidwell Friends campuses in upper Northwest Washington and Bethesda.