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House Passes $819 Billion Economic Stimulus — Republicans Wary of Package's Price Tag, Spending Priorities — With no Republican support, the House approved an $819 billion stimulus plan that will serve as the cornerstone of President Obama's efforts to resuscitate the economy …
Hot Air, The Daily Dish, Weekly Standard, TPMDC, Taylor Marsh, The Moderate Voice, Left in the West, The Reaction, The Next Right, QandO and Macsmind

Hollow victory: Republicans deliver slap in the face to Barack Obama — President Barack Obama got the $825 (or $1.2 trillion over a decade) stimulus package through the House of Representatives but the 244 to 188 vote is a hollow victory indeed. Without a single Republican voting for the bill …

House Passes Stimulus Plan Despite G.O.P. Opposition — WASHINGTON — Without a single Republican vote, President Obama won House approval on Wednesday for an $819 billion economic recovery plan as Congressional Democrats sought to temper their own differences over the enormous package of tax cuts and spending.

GOP holds the line: 244-188. This crap sandwich is all yours, Dems — Own it. Embrace it. Swallow it. The House version of the $1.1 trillion Generational Theft Act of 2009 is all the Democrats' doing now. — Not one Republican voted for it. (1 Republican had to leave early).

OBAMA TO HOST COCKTAIL PARTY FOR LAWMAKERS — WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama has invited Republican and Democratic lawmakers for drinks at the White House as they consider his economic recovery bill that still faces opposition. — White House aides say about two dozen key members …

GOP Leader Pushes Back Against Limbaugh Line — Over the past few days, talk radio host Rush Limbaugh has been, far and away, the most combative critic of Barack Obama. As Republicans on the Hill compliment the president for his willingness to talk and compromise on the stimulus …
Think Progress, Open Left, The Plum Line, Media Matters for America and No More Mister Nice Blog

Revealed: the letter Barack Obama's team hope will heal Iran rift — Officials of Barack Obama's administration have drafted a letter to Iran from the president aimed at unfreezing US-Iranian relations and opening the way for face-to-face talks, the Guardian has learned.
Jules Crittenden, Hot Air, Telegraph, Pajamas Media, Power Line, Sister Toldjah and Macsmind

WHAT A GUY — Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) revealed more of himself than anyone cared to see, at the expense of Salon's Joan Walsh, this evening on “Hardball.” In a debate with Walsh over tax policy, Armey let loose with this chauvinistic gem: “I am so damn glad …

Joan Walsh: No plans to marry Dick Armey — Former Rep. Dick Armey (R-Texas) still needs some lessons in etiquette. — Armey, who once referred to fellow Rep. Barney Frank as “Barney Fag,” lost his temper during an appearance with Salon editor in chief Joan Walsh on MSNBC's Hardball Wednesday, and lashed out, saying:

Exclusive: CIA Station Chief in Algeria Accused of Rapes — “Ugly American”? Spy Boss Allegedly Drugged Muslim Women, Made Secret Sex Videos — The CIA's station chief at its sensitive post in Algeria is under investigation by the U.S. Justice Department for allegedly raping at least …

EXCLUSIVE: Holder assures GOP on interrogation prosecution — President Obama's choice to run the Justice Department has assured senior Republican senators that he won't prosecute CIA officers or political appointees who were involved in the Bush administration's policy of “enhanced interrogations.”
The Caucus, Emptywheel, Liberty Street, TPMDC, TPMMuckraker, Salon, The Huffington Post, Political Machine, First Draft, The Corner, The Raw Story, At-Largely, Daily Kos, The Plum Line, CBS News, D-Day and Macsmind

Alba schools Fox's O'Reilly in WW II history — Plus: Simpson won't spin weight loss; Anderson finds trailer-park love — Jessica Alba is setting the record straight: Sweden was neutral during World War II. — Alba and Fox TV show host Bill O'Reilly traded punches last week after the presidential inauguration.
Daniel W. Drezner

O'Reilly don't know much about (WWII) history
Matthew Yglesias

Hey Bam, that's not the door! — It looks like President Obama hasn't gotten acquainted to his White House surroundings. On the way back to the Oval Office Tuesday, the President approached a paned window, instead of the actual door — located a few feet to his right.

White House Unbuttons Formal Dress Code
The Huffington Post

State of the States: Political Party Affiliation — Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Hawaii, and District of Columbia are most Democratic — USA - Democrats - Government and Politics - Party Affiliation - Republicans - Americas - Northern America … PRINCETON, NJ — An analysis …

REPORT: GOP Lawmakers Outnumber Democratic Lawmakers 2 To 1 In Stimulus Debate On Cable News — As Media Matters has documented, during the Bush administration, the media consistently allowed conservatives to dominate their shows, booking them as guests far more often than progressives.

Stimulus Bill Passes House With 0 Republican Votes — Well, it passed. After taking out family planning money and ditching bankruptcy reform, plus including significant tax cuts, not a single Republican voted for it. It's like Democrats are negotiating with themselves.

“Overwhelming” GOP Opposition to Stimulus Bill
The Moderate Voice,, US Liberal Politics, Right Wing News, Firedoglake and The Bellows

Nadler transit amendment passes on voice vote — The House just approved Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY)'s amendment to add $3 billion in transit capital funding to the stimulus. They approved it on a voice vote instead of a roll call. — According to Nadler's floor speech …

THE GOP'S FORGOTTEN MODERATE HISTORY — In one of his last interviews as president, George W. Bush called for a “compassionate” Republican Party and warned that the GOP must not become too ideologically inflexible: “It's very important for our party not to narrow its focus …
The Moderate Voice

Obama pokes fun at D.C. area's reaction to snow — WASHINGTON — After his daughters got a snow day Wednesday, President Barack Obama wants to see a little bit of “flinty, Chicago toughness” applied locally. — “When it comes to the weather, folks in Washington don't seem to be able to handle things …

The Fate of Culture11 — Sometimes there are simple stories. Culture11's is one of them. We raised a certain amount of money last year predicated on the assumption we would raise more money last year. Then the Fall's fall occurred and we stretched money as long and far as we could without incurring any debts.

In China, a Grass-Roots Rebellion — Rights Manifesto Slowly Gains Ground Despite Government Efforts to Quash It — SHANGHAI — When Tang Xiaozhao first saw a copy of the pro-democracy petition in her e-mail inbox, she silently acknowledged she agreed with everything in it but didn't want to get involved.
The Peking Duck

House defeats bill to delay digital TV transition — WASHINGTON (AP) — Bucking the Obama administration, House Republicans on Wednesday defeated a bill to delay the upcoming transition from analog to digital television broadcasting to June 12 — leaving an estimated 6.5 million U.S. households unprepared for the switchover.