Top Items:

Latest Cuts To The Stim Package: Head Start, Child Nutrition, Food Stamps Public Transit — I've just obtained an internal Senate committee memo detailing the latest cuts being eyed by the gang of Senators being led by Dem Ben Nelson and GOPer Susan Collins. Here is what's being eyed in the bill right now:
Wonk Room, Think Progress, Open Left, Washington Monthly, Salon, MSNBC, Firedoglake, The Seminal,, Progress Illinois, Open Congress, Streetsblog, Sadly, No! and Shakesville

Reid Proposes His Own Stimulus Cuts, Collins Disappointed — Sens. Ben Nelson and Susan Collins just wrapped up a meeting with Majority Leader Harry Reid and the Senate Democratic leadership meant to hammer out details of a compromise stimulus package. — Asked how she was feeling as she left …

Pelosi dismisses bipartisanship calls — In a statement sure to rile Republicans, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Friday dismissed calls for bipartisanship as “process” arguments extraneous to passing a stimulus bill — and warned Senate Democrats against slashing proposed increases to education spending.

The Stimulus Plot Thickens: Tax Break Changes Now on the Table — The complicated state of the Senate stimulus debate just got more intense. — Sen. Olympia Snowe (ME), one of the four Republicans considered genuinely open to cooperation with Democrats on a workable economic recovery bill …

On the Edge — A not-so-funny thing happened on the way to economic recovery. Over the last two weeks, what should have been a deadly serious debate about how to save an economy in desperate straits turned, instead, into hackneyed political theater, with Republicans spouting …
Matthew Yglesias, Firedoglake, Will Wilkinson,, AMERICAblog News, Blog, Brilliant at Breakfast, Corrente, The Atlantic Business Channel, CANNONFIRE, Daily Kos, Booman Tribune, Buck Naked Politics, TalkLeft, Greg Mankiw's Blog, The Impolitic, Washington Monthly and

Krugman: How Can There Be Bipartisanship When GOP ‘Take Their Marching Orders From Rush Limbaugh?’ — Today on MSNBC, the Morning Joe team — many of whom have been having a tough time with the facts of the economic recovery plan — hosted Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman to discuss the bill.

REPORT: GOP Lawmakers Outnumber Dem Lawmakers By Almost 2 To 1 In Cable News Stimulus Debate Again — Last week, ThinkProgress released a report showing that, in the debate over the House economic recovery bill on the five cable news networks, Republican members of Congress outnumbered …

Spin Cycle

Exclusive Interview: Conservative Evangelical Leader Tony Perkins Sours on the GOP — Doing some reporting on how the religious right is greeting the election of Michael Steele—who's been portrayed as squishy on some social issues—as Republican Party chairman, I called Family Research …
American Power, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Right Wing Watch, and The Other McCain

THE GOP'S WAR ON SOLIS. — Republican senators have a modest proposal for Hilda Solis: that if she's confirmed as Labor Secretary, she recuse herself from any advocacy for the Employee Free Choice Act. — That's quite the suggestion. Rather like asking Robert Gates not to advocate for the armed forces …

Obama's Preemptive Strike — President Obama's desire to talk — and talk, and talk — to the American public could cost broadcast networks millions, and millions, and millions of prime-time TV dollars. — Broadcasters are bracing themselves for the likelihood of three prime-time interruptions …

Economy Shed 598,000 Jobs in January — WASHINGTON — The United States lost almost 600,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate rose to 7.6 percent, its highest level in more than 16 years, the Labor Department said Friday. — It was the biggest monthly job loss since the economy tipped …

Earmark-Free Stimulus Bill Lacks Spending Direction — Listen Now — · When congressional leaders began to assemble the mammoth economic stimulus bill, top Democrats and the Obama administration decided that there would be no earmarks: no “special projects,” no pork-barrel spending.

The Fierce Urgency of Pork — “A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe.” — Catastrophe, mind you. So much for the president who in his inaugural address two weeks earlier declared “we have chosen hope over fear.” Until, that is, you need fear to pass a bill.
Commentary, Pat Dollard, Atlas Shrugs, Wizbang, Matthew Yglesias, The Corner, Brilliant at Breakfast and GINA COBB

Japan's Big-Works Stimulus Is Lesson — HAMADA, Japan — The Hamada Marine Bridge soars majestically over this small fishing harbor, so much larger than the squid boats anchored below that it seems out of place. — And it is not just the bridge. Two decades of generous public works spending …

Thank You, Readers — Thank you to the readers of the Huffington Post for voting me the “Hottest Freshman” of the 111th Congress. It's about time politicians from Illinois were known for something other than bad haircuts or having the ability to walk on water.

Liberals, Ideology, and Big Government — Several years ago, in a piece that's long since vanished into The New Republic's world-devouring archives, Jon Chait suggested that liberalism was, by its very nature, more pragmatic and less ideological than conservatism.

Is Support for the Stimulus Plan Falling? — Is support for the economic stimulus legislation falling? Three polls provide data on point this week: Gallup says support is flat, while CBS News and Rasmussen Reports say support is declining. — While it is easy to plot the trends in a chart (as above), caution is in order.
Hotline On Call

GOP Opposes Pay Limits On Bailed-Out Bankers — Wall Street bankers, with their $18 billion in bonuses, private jets and gaudy conferences, are causing headaches for the GOP. — President Obama has proposed capping compensation for executives at banks that take taxpayer bailout money at $500,000.
Washington Post, Washington Monthly, Balloon Juice, DownWithTyranny!, Wall Street Journal, Salon, TPMDC and Glenn Thrush's Blogs

POLLING THE STIMULUS. — Just got off a conference call with Democratic pollsters Stan Greenberg and Geoff Garin, who were speaking about public opinion polling on the economic stimulus legislation. They argue that public support for the bill remains strong, and that does seem to be the case.

Bush Jacketless In Oval Office: Photo Uncovered After Bush Chief Of Staff Slams Obama's Informal Appearance (SLIDESHOW) — One day after President Bush's former Chief of Staff Andrew Card blasted President Obama for breaking the Bush dress code, which reportedly required that a jacket be worn …
The Huffington Post, MoJoBlog, Media Matters, Liberal Values, Washington Monthly, The Swamp, AMERICAblog News and USA Today

Diane Feinstein “Reserves The Right To Vote Against” Stimulus Bill—UPDATED — Is Diane Feinstein an obstructionist? — It occurs to me that Barack Obama campaigned in language that made him sound like a small government guy. No wonder people hate the Stimulus Bill.

Please Raise My Taxes — I'M the chief executive of a publicly traded company and, like my peers, I'm very highly paid. The difference between salaries like mine and those of average Americans creates a lot of tension, and I'd like to offer a suggestion. President Obama should celebrate our success …
The Washington Independent

Mass Layoffs Hit RNC — Newly-elected RNC Chairman Michael Steele cleans house. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images) — One week after Michael Steele won a hotly contested race to be the chairman of the Republican National Committee, he has cleaned house and laid off almost the entire RNC staff.

2 face death over Quran translation — 4 more jailed over pocket-size book deemed a mistranslation of God's word — KABUL - No one knows who brought the book to the mosque, or at least no one dares say. — The pocket-size translation of the Quran has already landed six men in prison …
A Blog For All

Keynes Supported Counter-Cyclical Payroll Tax Reductions — It seems that a number of conservative or libertarian economists are now supporting a temporary reduction in payroll taxes as a preferred stimulus idea. See, for example, here — John Maynard Keynes beat them to it!

Cher: Republican Rule Almost ‘Killed Me’ — ( - Grammy award-winning singer and Academy award-winning actress Cher told that living under Republican rule almost “killed” her, and she does not understand why anyone would want to be a Republican.

Bracing Ourselves — America prepares for the worst, and Republicans suddenly seem serious. — All week the word I kept thinking of was “braced.” America is braced, like people who are going fast and see a crash ahead. They know huge and historic challenges are here.

Tax Court Takes Swipe at Daschle-Geithner-Killefer-Solis in Making Koko Taylor Sing the Tax Blues — I previously blogged the sad case of Grammy-winning blues singer Koko Taylor, who is 80 years old and in poor health: … The Tax Court yesterday held that the IRS did not abuse its discretion …

A Far From Unimpeachable Impeachment — BLAGOJEVICH'S OUSTER WAS NOT A RAILROADING, BUT IT LOOKED LIKE ONE. — Suppose, at least for the time it takes to read the next several paragraphs, that the ousting of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was a political railroading.