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Obama Has Upper Hand in Stimulus Fight — Obama's 67% approval rating on the stimulus is more than twice that of Republicans — USA - Congress - Democrats - Government and Politics - Leadership - Republicans - The Presidency - Americas - Northern America
The Huffington Post, The New Republic, Taegan Goddard's …, The Washington Independent, The Other McCain, The Fix, TPMDC, Washington Wire, The Plum Line, Washington Post, Real Time Economics, Daily Kos, Eunomia, Balloon Juice, Hot Air, Boston Globe, Swampland, Kevin Drum, MSNBC, Spin Cycle and White House Watch

Republicans See Long-Term Victory in Defeat on Stimulus Plan — Three months after their Election Day drubbing, Republican leaders see glimmers of rebirth in the party's liberation from an unpopular president, its selection of its first African American chairman and, most of all …

Obama's approval is high — but the stimulus isn't as popular — WASHINGTON (CNN) — A new national poll suggests that three out of four Americans approve of the job Barack Obama's doing as President — but the economic stimulus package he's trying to push through Congress is not nearly as popular.

The Trouble With Centrism — The liberals are angry, and not without reason. You can imagine a world in which “centrist” Senators used their awesome deal-making powers to forge compromises that incorporate ideas from the left and right alike. A world in which moderate “gangs,” …
The New Republic, Megan McArdle, Obsidian Wings, TalkLeft, Marginal Revolution, Hot Air and

The Destructive Center — What do you call someone who eliminates hundreds of thousands of American jobs, deprives millions of adequate health care and nutrition, undermines schools, but offers a $15,000 bonus to affluent people who flip their houses? — A proud centrist.

Why I Support the Stimulus — I am supporting the economic …
The Atlantic Business Channel, The Huffington Post, Scorecard's Blogs, Open Congress, TPMDC, Boston Globe, The Caucus, Washington Monthly, The Corner, The Politico, Wall Street Journal, The Sundries Shack, DownWithTyranny!, Booman Tribune, NO QUARTER, Chicago Tribune, Political Machine, Riehl World View and Commentary

U.S. Taxpayers Risk $9.7 Trillion on Bailouts as Senate Votes — Feb. 9 (Bloomberg) — The stimulus package the U.S. Congress is completing would raise the government's commitment to solving the financial crisis to $9.7 trillion, enough to pay off more than 90 percent of the nation's home mortgages.
Discussion:, Big Hollywood, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, Flopping Aces, Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog! and GINA COBB

Treasury Secretary Geithner Sheds His First-Class Image

Obama Administration Maintains Bush Position on ‘Extraordinary Rendition’ Lawsuit — From Jake Tapper and Ariane de Vogue: — The Obama Administration today announced that it would keep the same position as the Bush Administration in the lawsuit Mohamed et al v Jeppesen Dataplan, Inc.
Salon, The Atlantic Politics Channel, The Daily Dish,, The Raw Story, Ben Smith's Blogs, NPR and Brian Beutler

Obama's Unscreened Town Hall Audience Is Clean Break From Bush's Supporters-Only Public Events — Today, President Obama hosted a town hall meeting in Elkhart, IN — which faces the nation's fastest-rising unemployment rate — to promote his recovery and reinvestment plan.
The Politico, White House Watch, Washington Monthly, The White House, MyDD, Swampland, D-Day and Salon

Leahy: Investigate Bush Now — Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy insisted on Monday in firm and passionate terms that a comprehensive investigation be launched into the conduct of the Bush administration, saying anything less would prevent the country from moving forward.

Newsweek Plans Makeover to Fit a Smaller Audience — When US Airways Flight 1549 glided safely onto the Hudson River last month, Newsweek did what news organizations have done for more than a century — it sent reporters and photographers to the scene. Considerable effort yielded …

High-ranking Foreign Office diplomat arrested over anti-Semitic gym tirade … A high-ranking diplomat at the Foreign Office has been arrested after allegations that he launched a foul-mouthed anti-Semitic tirade. — Middle East expert Rowan Laxton, 47, was watching TV reports of the Israeli attack …
Little Green Footballs

Comparing this recession to the last five — The dramatic chart Nancy Pelosi's office put out comparing job losses so far in the current recession with those in 2001 and 1990-1991 has gotten a lot of play in the Internets. As well it should-it paints a dramatic picture (job losses in the current recession have been much more severe).

IT'S A RECESSION NOT A ‘CATASTROPHE’ — PRESIDENT Obama, writing in The Washington Post, said, “By now, it's clear to everyone that we have inherited an economic crisis as deep and dire as any since the days of the Great Depression.” But how would we know if and when this crisis is really more “deep and dire” than others?
The New Republic

Plouffe to Donate Speaking Fee — President Barack Obama's former campaign manager intends to give away the fee he received from a paid private speech he made Monday in the oil-rich but authoritarian nation of Azerbaijan. — The speech was arranged by lobbyists working with a group …

Obama Stumps for Stimulus in a City Hit Hard by Downturn — ELKHART, Ind. — President Obama took his case for an $800 billion economic recovery package to one of the most distressed places in America on Monday as he opened a series of campaign-style events intended to press Congress to approve the plan by week's end.

People Hate Republicans — It seems that conservative legislators are really excited about their efforts to block efforts at an economic recovery package: … The public is less entranced by this behavior: — I'm not surprised to see most Republican legislators acting this way.

Porn Star for Senate — An Interview with the Porn Star Running Against Sen. David Vitter by Max Blumenthal — Blogs and Stories — Sen. David Vitter's phone number was found in the records of the notorious D.C. madam. Now he faces re-election (and massive karmic payback) against a sultry adult entertainer named Stormy.

Coleman Says ‘God Wants Me to Serve’ — While Al Franken remains fairly elusive, Norm Coleman is keeping a high profile these days as his court challenge of the Minnesota U.S. Senate recount plods along. — Coleman is adept, somewhat too adept, his critics might say …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland

How Government Created the Financial Crisis — Research shows the failure to rescue Lehman did not trigger the fall panic. — Many are calling for a 9/11-type commission to investigate the financial crisis. Any such investigation should not rule out government itself as a major culprit.

Amazon Raises an E-Book Specter — Inc. is announcing a new version of its Kindle e-book reader on Monday. And, in a sign that the electronic book is gaining clout in the publishing world, Amazon is also expected to say it has acquired a new work by best-selling novelist Stephen King …

EXCLUSIVE: Partisan dirt-digger joins WH office — Resume lacks legal training — Amid the furor over controversies regarding Cabinet-nominee tax problems and the seismic battle over a nearly trillion-dollar economic rescue bill, President Obama made a little-noticed appointment that is now generating intrigue.

Does CNN's John King think construction work is done pro bono? — Apparently. Because asking questions about the stimulus bill, King, perfectly echoing GOP talking points, wonders if a construction project one mayor is proposing (a community wave pool) will actually create jobs.

Gitmo Detainee's ‘Genitals Were Sliced With A Scalpel,’ Waterboarding ‘Far Down The List Of Things They Did’ — Last week, two British High Court judges ruled against releasing documents describing the treatment of Binyam Mohamed, a British resident who is currently being held at Guantanamo Bay.

Gillibrand Talks to Students About Guns — In an emotional meeting on Monday morning with classmates of a Brooklyn high school student killed by gunfire, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand vowed to go after illegal gun trafficking. Ms. Gillibrand had been invited to the school …

Dingell to be longest-serving House member — Michigan congressman will enter record books on Wednesday — WASHINGTON - John Dingell first entered the House chamber as a 6-year-old, the son of a Michigan congressman who was elected at the dawn of the New Deal era.

A letter to Rush Limbaugh — Congratulations! You have been selected by the Obama administration, the mainstream media and 20 million of your most passionate followers to be the new head of the Republican Party. — As such, you are given all the rights and responsibilities that come with being a true political leader.