Top Items:

Did Reid roll Pelosi? — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid played a little high-stakes chicken with each other at the tail end of Wednesday's shotgun stimulus talks. — It's not clear who won - or who blinked. — According to a half dozen Congressional aides and members …
GayPatriot, Hot Air, Kausfiles, Wizbang, Patterico's Pontifications, Truthdig and The RBC

Congressman Gives Speech in Front of Pelosi's Office: ‘There Are More Shady Deals Going on Behind Closed Doors’ — Chairman of Republican Study Committee Rep. Tom Price blasts congressional leaders for not making the stimulus bill negotiations open to the public. — Business & Media Institute
Macsmind, Balloon Juice, Sister Toldjah, RedState, Flopping Aces, Michelle Malkin and CNN

Republicans Shut Out of Stimulus Conference Negotiations — Republicans have caught the Democrats in a midnight “stimulus” power play that seeks to cut Republican conferees out of the House-Senate negotiations to resolve a final version of the Obama “stimulus” package.
Gateway Pundit, Balloon Juice, Infidel Bloggers Alliance, Flopping Aces, RADAMISTO, GOP Leader Blog and

Deal Reached in Congress on $789 Billion Stimulus Plan — WASHINGTON — House and Senate leaders on Wednesday struck a deal on a $789 billion economic stimulus bill after little more than 24 hours of rapid-fire negotiations with the Obama administration, clearing the way for final Congressional action later this week.
The Politico, Associated Press, Seattle Times, Real Clear Politics, ABCNEWS, The Caucus, The Note, US Politics, The Swamp, The Gun Toting Liberal, The Mahablog, The New Republic, Balloon Juice, The Nation, The Moderate Voice, JustOneMinute, Wonk Room, TalkLeft, Democratic Strategist, Brian Beutler and ProPublica

Will Any Other Republicans Support the Stimulus Deal?
Washington Monthly, Washington Post, Flopping Aces, The Plum Line, DownWithTyranny!, Firedoglake and Hot Air

Stimulus Support Edges Higher, Now 59% — Support up mainly among Democrats; flat among independents — PRINCETON, NJ — Public support for an $800 billion economic stimulus package has increased to 59% in a USA Today/Gallup poll conducted Tuesday night, up from 52% in Gallup polling a week ago, as well as in late January.
DownWithTyranny!, The Moderate Voice, QandO, Blog, Daily Kos and Hot Air

Remember This Catchphrase: “Maybe Too Little, Always Too Late” — Now that the stimulus package is about to become law (likely signed by Barack Obama on President's Day next Monday no less!), here's something to keep in mind. And on file. — And if this chart is correct …
Dean's World

69 computers missing from nuclear weapons lab — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — WASHINGTON - The Los Alamos nuclear weapons laboratory in New Mexico is missing 69 computers, including at least a dozen that were stolen last year, a lab spokesman said.
On Deadline

China to stick with US bonds — China will continue to buy US Treasury bonds even though it knows the dollar will depreciate because such investments remain its “only option” in a perilous world, a senior Chinese banking regulator said on Wednesday. — China has used the dollars …

Bank Test May Expand U.S. Regulators' Role — Nearly 100 federal banking regulators descended on Citigroup in New York on Wednesday morning. Dozens more fanned out through Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and other big banks across the nation. — It was just another workday.

Meltdown 101: Highlights of economic stimulus plan — WASHINGTON - Now that there's a tentative agreement on the economic stimulus plan that President Barack Obama and other supporters hope will provide a considerable jolt to the economy, how long will it take to get infrastructure and other projects moving?

Murtha May Be In Hot Water — This week might bring another ethical embarrassment to the Democrats, who have been stung in recent weeks by revelations of misconduct by some of President Obama's nominees for key positions. The FBI is investigating Representative John P. Murtha's relationship …

‘Let them arrest me’: Dutch MP vows to defy Home Office ban and fly to Britain to show anti-Islam film … A diplomatic row threatened to escalate into a religious and racial confrontation last night, after Jacqui Smith banned an extremist Dutch politician from entering Britain.

Panel Calls U.S. Drug War a Failure — MEXICO CITY — As drug violence spirals out of control in Mexico, a commission led by three former Latin American heads of state blasted the U.S.-led drug war as a failure that is pushing Latin American societies to the breaking point.

Obama's Battle on Stimulus Shows Threats to His Agenda — WASHINGTON — It is a quick, sweet victory for the new president, and potentially a historic one. The question now is whether the $789 billion economic stimulus plan agreed to by Congressional leaders on Wednesday is the opening act …

Angry survivors blame council ‘green’ policy — ANGRY residents last night accused local authorities of contributing to the bushfire toll by failing to let residents chop down trees and clear up bushland that posed a fire risk. — During question time at a packed community meeting …

Prosecutor to Interview Key Witnesses About U.S. Attorney Firings — A federal prosecutor investigating the dismissal of nine U.S. attorneys during the Bush administration has issued a subpoena to former senator Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.) and is preparing to interview key witnesses, lawyers following the case say.

Female FBI officer ‘tortured Mumbai terror attacks suspect with sex’ — A female FBI officer tortured a suspect in the Mumbai terrorist attacks by performing a sex act on him during interrogation, it has been claimed. — Fahim Ansari is accused of helping to plan the attacks in which 173 people were killed in November.
protein wisdom

AP Duped By Atlantic Swimmer Hoax — It's a good thing they have those layers of editors and fact checkers in order to prevent embarrassing episodes like this. … Typical journalistic laziness that's been on display far too long. — Finally they ran a correction.

A Stunning Israeli Election — As I noted, I'm pretty far from Israel (geographically, that is), but my cell phone works in the western desert, and I've been talking to friends in Tel Aviv. A number of quick observations: — 1. The stunner, for me at least: The Labor Party is dead.
Matthew Yglesias, The American Scene, Haaretz, Informed Comment, Weekly Standard, FP Passport, Israel Matzav and Peace Pulse Blog

Change: Triangulation Becomes 11 Dimensional Chess — I watched with inappropriate amusement as Obama DOJ spokesman reporter Marc Ambinder relayed Glenn Greenwald's queries to anonymous Justice Dept officials. The upshot? … (Emphasis supplied.) As I wrote earlier in a comment …
Los Angeles Times

Schwarzenegger, legislative leaders settle on budget framework — State Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento) arrives at a Sacramento Press Club luncheon Wednesday. The package to be voted on this week would balance the state budget for 17 months, Steinberg said.

Senate Committee Approves Solis as Labor Secretary — One week after postponing a confirmation vote on Hilda Soli as secretary of labor, the Senate Health Education, Labor and Pensions Committee today approved on a voice vote President's Obama's choice to lead the Labor Department and sent …
The Nation,, Boston Globe, Writes Like She Talks, SEIU, Firedoglake and D-Day