Top Items:

WSJ Editorial Page: Can a newspaper be more misleading than this? — Wall St. Journal Editorial Page, today: … Ari Fleischer, Tuesday night, The Bill O'Reilly Show: … Eric Boehlert, Lapdogs: … Michael Crowley, The New York Observer: … Deliberate deceit or complete editorial recklessness …

Obama's Press List — Membership shall have its privileges. — About half-way through President Obama's press conference Monday night, he had an unscripted question of his own. “All, Chuck Todd,” the President said, referring to NBC's White House correspondent. “Where's Chuck?”

John DiStaso's Granite Status: Nashua man's two cents worth $100,000 — A GRASSROOTS EFFORT. Fred Tausch of Nashua is a frustrated, well-to-do businessman who got tired of watching politicians of both parties spending taxpayers' money. And so, spending $100,000 of his own money, he's trying to do something about it.

Rahm's fingerprints all over package, tactics — Rahm Emanuel may have moved his office down Pennsylvania Avenue, but to stand in the hallways of the Capitol lately, it seems he never left. — And if anyone's fingerprints are on the nearly $800 billion economic stimulus package being sorted …
McClatchy Washington Bureau

Did Reid roll Pelosi? — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid played a little high-stakes chicken with each other at the tail end of Wednesday's shotgun stimulus talks. — It's not clear who won - or who blinked. — According to a half dozen Congressional aides and members …

Biden in The House — When Joe and Jill Biden moved to Washington …
Glenn Thrush's Blogs

An Open Letter to the Government of the UK — On Tuesday, February 10, 2009, Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders, leader of the Partij voor de Vrijheid (Party for Freedom), received a letter written on behalf of British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith. It informed Mr. Wilders that on traveling …

Poll: Most want inquiry into anti-terror tactics — WASHINGTON — Even as Americans struggle with two wars and an economy in tatters, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds majorities in favor of investigating some of the thorniest unfinished business from the Bush administration: Whether its tactics in the “war on terror” broke the law.

Breaking News: Late-night comedy shows make fun of Pres. Obama — Of course, one night does not a trend make. — But — Jumpin' Jon Stewart, Batboy — was that seven minutes of jokes about Barack Obama on late-night TV? The Barack Obama. The One who's president right now?

US worried over prospect of right-wing gov't — US officials are publicly taking a wait-and-see approach to the formation of a new Israeli government, but privately many have expressed concern that Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu might preside over a right-wing coalition.

Pakistan Announces Arrests for Mumbai Attacks — ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan acknowledged for the first time in public on Thursday that parts of the murderous Mumbai terror attacks were planned on its soil and said several suspects were being held. — Previously, the Pakistani authorities …

Stimulus Support Edges Higher, Now 59% — Support up mainly among Democrats; flat among independents — PRINCETON, NJ — Public support for an $800 billion economic stimulus package has increased to 59% in a USA Today/Gallup poll conducted Tuesday night, up from 52% in Gallup polling a week ago, as well as in late January.

Obama Misreads His Mandate — Reagan didn't assume his landslide was a license for whatever he wanted. — President Barack Obama's honeymoon period seems to have ended quickly. That's because Mr. Obama doesn't grasp the essentials of presidential leadership.

Meltdown 101: Highlights of economic stimulus plan — WASHINGTON - Now that there's a tentative agreement on the economic stimulus plan that President Barack Obama and other supporters hope will provide a considerable jolt to the economy, how long will it take to get infrastructure and other projects moving?

Laid-Off Foreigners Flee as Dubai Spirals Down — DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Sofia, a 34-year-old Frenchwoman, moved here a year ago to take a job in advertising, so confident about Dubai's fast-growing economy that she bought an apartment for almost $300,000 with a 15-year mortgage.

Panel Calls U.S. Drug War a Failure — MEXICO CITY — As drug violence spirals out of control in Mexico, a commission led by three former Latin American heads of state blasted the U.S.-led drug war as a failure that is pushing Latin American societies to the breaking point.

AP Duped By Atlantic Swimmer Hoax — It's a good thing they have those layers of editors and fact checkers in order to prevent embarrassing episodes like this. … Typical journalistic laziness that's been on display far too long. — Finally they ran a correction.

Remember This Catchphrase: “Maybe Too Little, Always Too Late” — Now that the stimulus package is about to become law (likely signed by Barack Obama on President's Day next Monday no less!), here's something to keep in mind. And on file. — And if this chart is correct …

More Employers Fight Unemployment Benefits — In Record Numbers, Employers Move to Block Unemployment Payouts — It's hard enough to lose a job. But for a growing proportion of U.S. workers, the troubles really set in when they apply for unemployment benefits.

Panic in Kabul — Is Islamabad next? — By Shuja Nawaz — The coordinated attacks by the Taliban in Kabul on the eve of U.S. Amb. Richard Holbrooke's arrival were no coincidence. Apart from ratcheting up fear among the citizens of Kabul, these attacks may well reflect a sense of desperation on the part of the Taliban.

Congress takes first step to impose limits on Obama's executive power — Earlier this week, I wrote about the State Secrets Protection Act of 2008, which was co-sponsored by numerous key Senators [including Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, as well as the Senate Judiciary Committee's Chair …