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Tea Party U.S.A.: The movement grows — Seattle on Monday. Denver on Tuesday. Mesa AZ on Wednesday. Overland Park, Kansas today. What a week, huh? We got the anti-stimulus, anti-entitlement protest ball rolling — and now the movement, spurred further by CNBC host Rick Santelli's call for a …

How to Organize Your Own “Tea Party” Protest — The internet is abuzz with chatter about organizing protests around the country to put an end to this madness on Wall Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. But I've talked to many people out there who have never organized a protest, and so they don't have a clue where to begin.

Anti-Stimulus Protests Sprout Up — Holding signs reading “Stimulate Business, Not Government,” “Families Against Porkulus” and “Say No To Generational Theft,” protesters opposed to the $787 billion stimulus package have been mobilizing across the country. — It started last Monday in Seattle …

Alan Keyes stokes Obama birth certificate controversy — The controversy over the validity of Barack Obama's birth certificate is back on a burner with firebrand conservative Alan Keyes making serious new charges. — In a video (see below) released Friday Keyes, who lost to Obama …
Booman Tribune

‘No US rights’ for Bagram inmates — Detainees being held at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan cannot use US courts to challenge their detention, the US says. — The justice department ruled that some 600 so-called enemy combatants at Bagram have no constitutional rights.

Report Finds Guantanamo Prison Meets Standards of Geneva Convention
Political Punch, Pirate's Cove, PoliGazette, Moe Lane, Stop The ACLU, Power Line, Jules Crittenden, Hot Air, Don Surber and New York Times

Obama Expands Missile Strikes Inside Pakistan — WASHINGTON — With two missile strikes over the past week, the Obama administration has expanded the covert war run by the Central Intelligence Agency inside Pakistan, attacking a militant network seeking to topple the Pakistani government.

Obama's hope: ‘Because of what we did’ — “Because of what we did,” President Barack Obama says today, things will get better. He says so, repeatedly. — So this is as good a time as any to ask if the president's good speechwriting is getting in the way of good policy.
The Politico

Nice job on the Stimulus, Madame Secretary. But shouldn't you be changing some diapers? — US News & World Report's Washington Whispers page currently features a poll asking readers who they would prefer to run a daycare center for their kids: First Lady Michelle Obama, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin …

Palin Ribbed by Montana Guv for Being No Show — ABC News' Teddy Davis reports: — Montana Democratic Gov. Brian Schweitzer ribbed Alaska Republican Gov. Sarah Palin Friday for announcing at the last minute that she will not be attending a Sunday discussion of energy policy that the two governors …

Islamic radicalization is on the rise — Mark Steyn Column — Recommend — In the Swat Valley, where a young Winston Churchill once served with the Malakand Field Force battling Muslim insurgents, his successors have concluded the game isn't worth the candle.

Maybe Burris should sleep with open eye — When we heard White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs talking during his media briefing yesterday about how Sen. Roland Burris, aka, “The Real Roland,” should spend his weekend, a few of us reporters heard what we thought sounded like an ominous warning:
The Politico

At Least 22 Lawmakers Have Touted The Money From The Recovery Package They Voted Against — On Wednesday, ThinkProgress pointed out that several Republican lawmakers who voted against President Obama's economic recovery package are now touting its benefits to their constituents.
The Impolitic

U.S. Officials Outraged at U.N. Over Hamas Letter to Obama — Sen. John Kerry will not be visiting Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal during his trip to Syria Saturday and U.S. officials in Jerusalem are furious at the United Nations Relief and Works agency for its handling of the letter. —

Syria, US explore improving ties as Kerry visits … DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) - The United States and Syria are exploring the possibility of better relations after years of tension—but questions remain over just how much common ground exists between the two. — In a sign that President Barack Obama …

In China, Clinton Focuses on Climate — BEIJING — Declaring that “we hope you won't make the same mistakes we made,” Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton invited China to join the United States in an ambitious effort to curb greenhouse gases, as she toured an energy-efficient power plant in Beijing on Saturday.