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CPAC: White kids on dope — Ah, to be an anthropologist at CPAC, where the kids was smokin' th' political crack. From the WaPo: … Verily, that's the way to bring the party back: blame the media. I talked to a conservative the other day who assured me that Obama's success is entirely …

Emanuel: Rush is the GOP's brain — White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel charged Sunday that conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh is “the voice and the intellectual force and energy behind the Republican Party.” — Emanuel, speaking in deliberately soothing tones, told anchor Bob Schieffer on CBS's …
The Huffington Post, Salon, George's Bottom Line, AMERICAblog News, Ben Smith's Blogs, Connecting.the.Dots and Hot Air

The Conservatives' ‘Cleansing’ Moment — Some, Deploring GOP Missteps, See Adversity as a Chance to Get Back to Basics — Same old hotel on the park, same ballrooms, same long lines down the corridor to hear the big-name speakers, but otherwise the landscape looks radically different …

Obama may use 50-vote tactic on energy, healthcare — President Obama's budget director said the White House would consider using a Senate procedural tactic so that only 50 votes would be rquired to pass major healthcare and energy reforms. — Peter Orszag, the director of the Office …

Gates and Mullen disagree on Iran — Defense Secretary Robert Gates and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff aren't on the same page regarding Iran's nuclear capabilities. — Iran may have enough nuclear material to make a bomb, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told CNN's State of the Union Sunday morning.
The Swamp

Red Eye Reams Olbermann, Garafalo for Racist Comments! — Great thanks to MikeC for the tip, and to Andy Levy for his dryly devastating final comments. It all happened on Friday night's Red Eye and we have the video for your viewing pleasure:

The Revolution Devours Its Children — In my post on the right's civil war, I saw Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh as in the same camp—a group of hyper-orthodox “ultras” so blind to reality that they not only saw Bobby Jindal as correct in his extreme opposition to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act …

Under Weight of Its Mistakes, Newspaper Industry Staggers — Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper recalls getting “a feeling in the pit of my stomach” when he learned that the Rocky Mountain News was shutting down. — “Even when they were uncovering corruption in the city …
Informed Comment

Brown woos Obama on global deal — GORDON BROWN hopes to forge a partnership with President Barack Obama in Washington this week, to call for a “global new deal” to lift the world out of recession. — As he prepares for his first White House visit since the president's inauguration …

Broadcaster Delivered ‘The Rest of the Story’ — Paul Harvey, 90, a Chicago-based radio broadcaster whose authoritative baritone voice and distinctive staccato delivery attracted millions of daily listeners for more than half a century, died Feb. 28 in Phoenix.

‘Fair and Balanced’ Fox News allows only Republicans to debate Obama's budget. — This morning on Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace welcomed Sen. John Kyl (R-AZ) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) to discuss President Obama's budget plan — with not a single congressional Democrat or White House representative present to defend it.

Gates: Obama is ‘more analytical’ than Bush. — Today, on NBC's Meet the Press, host David Gregory asked Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to compare the “styles” and “temperaments” of Presidents Bush and Obama. Gates said Obama is “somewhat more analytical” than Bush …
Washington Monthly

Buildings sprang up as donations rained down on Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion — The man who is President Obama's newly minted urban czar pocketed thousands of dollars in campaign cash from city developers whose projects he approved or funded with taxpayers' money, a Daily News probe found.

The Budget and Charitable Donations — Is our budget proposal uncharitable? — Over the past 24 hours since we debuted the President's FY 2010 Budget, some non-profits have argued that the Administration's plan to limit the amount that high-income families (those with income …

Obama shoots hoops ... at Department of the Interior — (CNN) — President Obama and long-time friend Marty Nesbitt shot hoops Saturday at a basketball court inside the U.S. Department of the Interior. — Press aide Ben Finkenbinder, who left the game drenched in sweat, teamed up with Obama on the court.

Dean Baker and Friends: Schooling Capitol Hill on Social Security — Dean Baker and some other fine folks made a trip to Capitol Hill last week to do a little fact-based pushback on Social Security and other programs. [UPDATE: Selise has the C-Span links.]

Rush Limbaugh's ‘First Ever Address to the Nation’ from CPAC — Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference Saturday in what he called his “first ever address to the nation”: — Part two embedded below the fold (with more to come when made available):

Why Limbaugh Is Right to Oppose Obama's Economic Policies
Patterico's Pontifications