Top Items:

RNC Chair Michael Steele on Limbaugh: 'Yes, it's incendiary. Yes, it's ugly.' — Last night, RNC Chairman Michael Steele appeared on D.L. Hughley's show on CNN and disputed Hughley's statement that Rush Limbaugh “is the de facto leader of the Republican Party.” “I'm the de facto leader of the Republican Party!”
The Atlantic Politics Channel, George's Bottom Line, Wonkette, Salon, AMERICAblog News, CBS News and AmSpecBlog

Emanuel says Limbaugh GOP leader, Cantor rejects ‘fail’ remark — WASHINGTON (CNN) — White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel said Sunday that Rush Limbaugh is the face of the GOP. — “He is the voice and the intellectual force and energy behind the Republican party …
The Moderate Voice, The Swamp,, Blog, The Raw Story, MyDD and Salon

GOP chairman says he leads party, not Rush Limbaugh — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele is taking issue with the notion that Rush Limbaugh is the de facto leader of the GOP, calling the conservative radio talk show host an entertainer whose comments can be ugly.

Pelosi's list: Who's on her bad side? — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — Nancy Pelosi likes to keep lists. — As a young political protégé of her father, Baltimore Mayor Tommy D'Alesandro, the preteen speaker-to-be would spend hours leafing through …

Moderate Dems confront Pelosi — In a private meeting last week, Speaker Nancy Pelosi laid down a challenge to her moderate members who were complaining about a provision in the housing bill. Stand up and air your grievances, she said. — A handful of those moderate members did just that …

ACTION: Tell Speaker Pelosi To Stand Up to Ellen Tauscher …
AMERICAblog News, Congress Matters, Brendan Calling, and DownWithTyranny!

A Line Forms to Succeed Burris — CHICAGO — As Roland W. Burris, the junior senator from Illinois, took his first turn presiding over the Senate last week, hired staff members to fill his Washington office and announced co-sponsorship of a measure commemorating the role of slaves in building the Capitol …
Glenn Thrush's Blogs, The Politico, Lynn Sweet, Wall Street Journal and Democracy in America

AP Newsbreak: CIA destroyed 92 interrogation tapes — WASHINGTON (AP) — New documents show the CIA destroyed nearly 100 tapes of terror interrogations, far more than has previously been acknowledged. — The revelation Monday comes as a criminal prosecutor is wrapping up his investigation in the matter.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Washington Monthly, Think Progress, The Daily Dish, Daily Kos and Reuters

A.I.G. Reports $61.7 Billion Loss as U.S. Gives More Aid — The federal government agreed Monday morning to provide an additional $30 billion in taxpayer money to the American International Group and loosen the terms of its huge loan to the insurer, even as the insurance giant reported a$61.7 billion loss …
Runnin' Scared, DealBook, Washington Post, At-Largely, Balloon Juice, Salon, The BLT, MSNBC and On Deadline

Web-Savvy Obama Team Hits Unexpected Bumps — Issues of Technology, Security and Privacy Slow the New Administration's Effort to Foster Instant Communication — The team that ran the most technologically advanced presidential campaign in modern history is finding it difficult to adapt that model to government.

Revenge of the Glut — Remember the good old days, when we used to talk about the “subprime crisis” — and some even thought that this crisis could be “contained”? Oh, the nostalgia! — Today we know that subprime lending was only a small fraction of the problem.

Repudiating Bush — From his inauguration address forward, President Obama hasn't pulled any punches in criticizing the record of his predecessor, George W. Bush. In that process—which reached a new peak with the release of the administration's budget plan last Thursday …

Covering Obama, Pushy Jake Tapper Presses His Points — One year after joining ABC News, Jake Tapper kept pushing his bosses — “annoyingly, irritatingly, incessantly,” he says — to let him cover the unfolding 2004 presidential campaign. — “I might not have been ready,” he admits now.

Iran Clenches Its Fist — The danger is that direct talks may facilitate, not reduce, threats to U.S. interests. — As Iran prepares to fire up its Bushehr nuclear reactor — and as the International Atomic Energy Agency governing board meets this week, again confronted with further progress …

‘Potential’ Disruption? — REP. DAVID R. Obey (Wis.) and other congressional Democrats should spare us their phony concern about the children participating in the District's school voucher program. If they cared for the future of these students, they wouldn't be so quick as to try to kill …

EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Hatch's secret drug firm links — Drugmaker money to Utah senator's charity escaped disclosure — The pharmaceutical industry that long has benefited from Sen. Orrin G. Hatch's legislative efforts has directed large sums of money to a charity he helped found …

Upper-Income Taxpayers Look for Ways to Sidestep Obama Tax-Hike Plan — President Would Slap More Taxes on Those Who Make Over $250K to Fund Health Care — President Barack Obama's tax proposal - which promises to increase taxes for those families with incomes of $250,000 or more …
Cato @ Liberty

Failing the test — It's a depressing spectacle: on both sides of the Atlantic, policy-makers just keep falling short — and the odds that this slump really will turn into Great Depression II keep rising. — In Europe, leaders rejected pleas for a comprehensive rescue plan …

NO PASTA. JUST RICE. — Israel, it seems, has been denying shipments of pasta headed for Gaza. Senator John kerry, who'd been visiting Israel, heard about the idle trucks filled with food aid and asked around. “Israel does not define pasta as part of humanitarian aid,” he was told.
Matthew Yglesias

Iran, the Jews and Germany — So a Jerusalem Post article says that I'm “hardly the first American to be misled by the existence of synagogues in totalitarian countries.” — The Atlantic Monthly's Jeffrey Goldberg finds me “particularly credulous,” taken in by the Iranian hospitality and friendliness that …
Weekly Standard, The Daily Dish, Jeffrey Goldberg, Israel Matzav, The Corner, and The Agonist

Obama faces test on gay military ban — It is precisely the sort of knife fight no president wants to get into, especially in his first 100 days. But it seems that President Barack Obama is about to get dragged down the same dark alley as Bill Clinton when he was forced to confront …

How Washington can prevent ‘zombie banks’ — Beginning in 1990, Japan suffered a collapse in real estate and stock market prices that pushed major banks into insolvency. Rather than follow America's tough recommendation - and close or recapitalise these banks - Japan took an easier approach.

Dow Falls Below 7,000, a Mark Last Seen in 1997 — The Dow Jones industrial average continued is decline Monday, falling below 7,000 for first time since October 1997. — Shares declined on renewed concern about financial institutions, including the insurance giant, American International Group, and the banking giant, Citigroup.

Sympathy for the Limbaugh — Rush Limbaugh is drawing some ridicule for saying, “One thing we can all do is stop assuming that the way to beat [the Democrats] is with better policy ideas.” But I think he's basically right. Good ideas are meritorious. But being meritorious isn't what wins elections.
MoJo Blog Posts

President of Guinea-Bissau Said to Be Killed by Soldiers — Army troops shot dead the president of the tiny west African country of Guinea-Bissau early Monday, following a bomb attack that killed the army chief of staff, according to diplomats in the region.