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White House Cheat Sheet: (Re)Defining Rush — Democrats are engaging in a concerted campaign to link the national Republican Party to conservative talk-radio show host Rush Limbaugh, an effort that will ramp up over the next few days in the form of another round of television ads …

Jindal says Obama is the better speaker — (CNN) — CNN's Larry King talked with Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal in a prime-time exclusive interview Monday night. — Jindal gave the Republican response after President Obama's address to Congress last week. Jindal received negative reviews …

CNN Host D. L. Hughley: Republicans ‘Literally Look Like Nazi Germany’
Hot Air

Steele to Rush: I'm sorry
MSNBC, The Nation, NY Daily News, Los Angeles Times, Washington Monthly, Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Huffington Post, Salon, Taegan Goddard's …, Matthew Yglesias, Right Wing Nut House, Simply Left Behind, Bloomberg, The Note, Sister Toldjah, Washington Post, Donklephant, Talking Points Memo, The Corner, News Hounds, The Caucus and

A Moderate Manifesto — You wouldn't know it some days, but there are moderates in this country — moderate conservatives, moderate liberals, just plain moderates. We sympathize with a lot of the things that President Obama is trying to do. We like his investments in education and energy innovation.

Analysis: Obama-McCain relationship deteriorates — The rollercoaster-like relationship between President Obama and John McCain has taken a dive in recent weeks, culminated by the Arizona Republican's scathing Monday speech on the Senate floor. — McCain's diatribe on the Obama administration's decision …

Red States Gobble Up Omnibus Earmarks — If it's budget time, it's good to be a red state. And it's very good to be Mississippi. — According to an analysis by the nonpartisan Taxpayers for Common Sense, Mississippi has won the earmark contest in the omnibus budget package.

Angry McCain slams Obama
Think Progress, Salt Lake Tribune, Wake up America, Washington Times, The Caucus and Reuters

Barack Obama cancels press conference with Gordon Brown “because of snow” — Strange goings on surrounding the programme for the first day of Gordon Brown's visit to Washington. — No sooner had the Prime Minister's plane touched down at Andrews Air Force on Monday evening when word …

White House cancels Brown press conference in Rose Garden — Gordon Brown's attempts to portray himself as a global leader in a time of crisis have been dealt a blow by White House planners. — Downing Street officials discovered last night that the Prime Minister would not, as had been expected …

Obama kicks up White House entertaining
Associated Press, Agence France Presse, The Hill, Preemptive Karma, Gateway Pundit and Jules Crittenden

U.S. to send two envoys to Syria — JERUSALEM — Two U.S. officials are being sent to Damascus for talks with Syrian officials on improving ties, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced — a sign of the Obama administration's interest in moving quickly on several fronts in the Middle East.

Obama Offered Deal to Russia in Secret Letter — WASHINGTON — President Obama sent a secret letter to Russia's president last month suggesting that he would back off deploying a new missile defense system in Eastern Europe if Moscow would help stop Iran from developing long-range weapons, American officials said Monday.

Post-9/11 Memos Show More Bush-Era Legal Errors — The number of major legal errors committed by Bush administration lawyers during the formulation of its early counterterrorism policies was far greater than previously known, according to internal Bush administration documents released …

Extraordinary Measures — A new memo shows just how far …
The Reaction

Memos Reveal Scope of the Power Bush Sought
Think Progress, Cafe Talk Aggregator, Swampland,, Balkinization, Associated Press and The Politico

The Obama Economy — As the Dow keeps dropping, the President is running out of people to blame. — As 2009 opened, three weeks before Barack Obama took office, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 9034 on January 2, its highest level since the autumn panic.

“You Gotta Speak Up” — Senior citizens in this country — especially elderly women — are a big chunk of the folks who were preyed on by unscrupulous lenders in search of a quick buck: … And attorneys who are working with the at risk folks to try and forestall foreclosures?
Agence France Presse

Bloggers killed Rocky, Polis asserts — The Boulder congressman tells a forum that new media is digging journalism's grave. — U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, who made his fortune selling greeting cards and flowers online, gave a shout-out to the blogosphere Saturday, giving it — and himself …

Blacks, whites hear Obama differently — On his pre-inaugural visit to Ben's Chili Bowl, a landmark for Washington's African-American community, President Barack Obama was asked by a cashier if he wanted his change back. — “Nah, we straight,” Obama replied. — The phrase was so subtle some listeners missed it.

Same-sex spouses challenge US curbs — Call Marriage Act discriminatory — “It hurts. But I . . . need to stand up for what I believe in. This is a nation of laws, and we're all supposed to have equal treatment under the law.” - Dean T. Hara, Gerry Studds's spouse. (Wendy Maeda/ Globe Staff/ 2006)
AMERICAblog News

Coleman camp asks that election result be ‘set aside’ — Request was made as Franken's lawyers prepare to make their case. — For more than a month, Norm Coleman stressed flaws in Minnesota's election system. — And on Monday, Coleman lawyer Jim Langdon wrote the three-judge panel …

More on earmarks: Obama's chief of staff has some in bill — WASHINGTON — Even though President Barack Obama has repeatedly pledged to ban congressional earmarks, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has 16 such projects, worth about $8.5 million, in the bill the Senate is scheduled to begin debating Tuesday.

Wars, Endless Wars — The singer Edwin Starr, who died in 2003, had a big hit in 1970 called “War” in which he asked again and again: “War, what is it good for?” — The U.S. economy is in free fall, the banking system is in a state of complete collapse and Americans all across the country are downsizing their standards of living.

Newsweek Labels Israel “Palestinian Territory” — I see Brian is on the ball with the story about Newsweek's latest cover. The dhimmis at Newsweek suggest how to ‘live’ with radical Islam. I'm assuming that's not an inside joke, and that in ‘live’ they mean accepting as a part of life …

Worry Grows Over Dem Defections On EFCA — Officials tasked with helping push the Employee Free Choice Act through Congress are growing concerned about the possible defection of Senate Democrats in a debate that is bound to be heated and close. — A senior official involved in getting EFCA passed …