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Barack Obama ‘too tired’ to give proper welcome to Gordon Brown — Barack Obama's offhand approach to Gordon Brown's Washington visit last week came about because the president was facing exhaustion over America's economic crisis and is unable to focus on foreign affairs, the Sunday Telegraph has been told.
JustOneMinute, Power Line, Sister Toldjah, Pajamas Media, Political Machine, Wizbang, Six Meat Buffet, Flopping Aces, QandO and Macsmind

Great news: Obama fumbled Brown visit because he's in over his head — After insulting Gordon Brown during the British prime minister's visit this week by ignoring protocol and cheaping out on the traditional gift exchange, the UK media has erupted in outrage.

Obama Ponders Outreach to Elements of the Taliban — WASHINGTON — President Obama declared in an interview that the United States was not winning the war in Afghanistan and opened the door to a reconciliation process in which the American military would reach out to elements of the Taliban, much as it did with Sunni militias in Iraq.
Discussion:, The Gun Toting Liberal, AMERICAN DIGEST, Flopping Aces, Blogs and Stories, Gateway Pundit, NO QUARTER, Clusterstock, MyDD, Wizbang, D-Day, The Caucus, Booman Tribune, Calculated Risk, Atlas Shrugs, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Weasel Zippers and MSNBC

Why Rush is Wrong — The party of Buckley and Reagan is now bereft and dominated by the politics of Limbaugh. A conservative's lament. — Ron Edmonds / AP — Good As Is: Conservatism, Limbaugh told CPAC, ‘is what it is, and it is forever’ — From the magazine issue dated Mar 16, 2009

George W. Obama?
Pajamas Media, Daily Kos, TBogg, NO QUARTER, skippy the bush kangaroo, TalkLeft, Balloon Juice, Commentary and The Strata-Sphere

Obama's Interview Aboard Air Force One — President Obama spoke in a 35-minute interview aboard Air Force One on Friday afternoon as he traveled from Columbus, Ohio to Andrews Air Force Base. This is an edited transcript, as recorded by The New York Times.

Chas Freeman and 9/11 — How important has resentment of Israel been to Al Qaeda's terrorism? Here is one side of the argument, by an American who knows Saudi Arabia well: … And here is the opposing view, by an American who knows the Kingdom equally well: … So now you've heard two sides of the debate.
Hot Air, Lean Left, Taylor Marsh, Winds of Change.NET, PoliGazette, Little Green Footballs, Weekly Standard, The New Republic and Commentary

A Freeman Time-Line — Jon Chait argues that the opposition …
Eunomia, The New Republic, Jeffrey Goldberg, Israel Matzav, Riehl World View and James Fallows

‘Shut up about Chavez the killer’ Venezuelan co-star tells Sean Penn — The saccharine conventions of showbusiness were thrown out of the window last week, when the Hollywood actress Maria Conchita Alonso was collared by paparazzi and asked if she was pleased about her former co-star Sean Penn's recent Oscar victory.
Don Surber

CONSEQUENCES — As I noted last night, there is a growing body of evidence that February's Stimulus Bill was too small and an increasing likelihood that a second Stimulus Bill will be needed — perhaps sooner than we imagine. — But aside from the math and economics, there's a point of media criticism that needs to be made.

Ann Coulter and Red Eye Rip Olbermann's Cornell Diploma Embarrassment! — It's one of the great smackdowns of all time, and we have the video for your viewing pleasure. Check it out, check-it-outers: — Bonus! More Keith bashing from the comely Coulter:

Reid, Pelosi Swearing Match Over Omnibus — Politico: Heated, Profane Exchanges Took Place Between Democrats After Spending Bill Didn't Reach 60 Votes In Senate — Page 1 of 2 — (The Politico) This story was written by David Rogers. — After an angry, swearing late night meeting …
Don Surber

It's Time For Double Daylight Saving Time — Tonight, the clock shifts forward. Tomorrow, sunset moves from 6:07 p.m. to 7:08 p.m. But our work here is not done. If we really wanted to fill our lives with joy and save energy and money, if we really wanted to move beyond the fiction …

Siegelman Convictions Upheld — The Court of Appeals in Atlanta today upheld most of the convictions delivered against former Governor Don Siegelman, rejecting only two of the counts. In particular, the Court sustained charges that Siegelman behaved corruptly when, after a foundation received …

Specter faces make-or-break shift as challenge looms — Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) does not have the fall-back option of running as an independent should he lose his 2010 primary election, giving the senior lawmaker strong incentive to abandon his party this year.

Iran and Hamas back Sudan's Bashir — A delegation of senior Middle Eastern leaders has travelled to Sudan to express international support for Omar al-Bashir, the Sudanese president, who is accused of war crimes in Darfur. — Officials from Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah joined Syria's parliament speaker …
The Moderate Voice

SHE'S A 9-YEAR-OLD GIRL.... The crime was heinous beyond description. The Catholic Church's response literally added insult to injury. … In Brazil, abortion is only legal in cases of rape or when the mother's life is threatened. In the case of this 9-year-old girl, both standards were met …

Yes, We Did Plan for Mumbai-Style Attacks in the U.S. — Why the latest assault on Bush antiterror strategy could make us less safe. — Suppose al Qaeda branched out from crashing airliners into American cities. Using small arms, explosives, or biological, chemical or nuclear weapons …