Top Items:
Faiz Shakir / Think Progress:
Cheney's Excuse For Economic Failures Under His Watch: ‘Stuff Happens’ — During an interview with Dick Cheney this morning, CNN host John King asked the former vice president why “we should listen to you” for economic advice. To make his case, King noted the following statistical changes …
The Moderate Voice, Taylor Marsh, Associated Press, DownWithTyranny! and Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Cheney says Obama reversals risk new terror attacks — WASHINGTON (CNN) — The Obama administration has endangered Americans and opened the country to further attack by reversing Bush administration anti-terrorism policies such as harsh interrogations of suspects, former Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday.
Mike Allen / The Politico:
Cheney says Obama endangers U.S. — Asked Sunday on CNN if he thinks President Obama “has made Americans less safe,” former Vice President Dick Cheney said: “I do.” — Looking slimmer and relaxed, Cheney told John King on “State of the Union” that Bush administration policies on detention …
Ali Frick / Think Progress:
Cheney fearmongers: Obama is ‘making some choices’ that ‘raise the risk...of another attack.’ — Weeks after President Obama was inaugurated, former Vice President Cheney warned that Obama's policy promises — including closing the Guantanamo Bay prison and ending torture — would lead to a nuclear attack on U.S. soil.
The Reaction
Mike Allen / The Politico:
VIDEO: Cheney: Obama wants ‘massive expansion’
VIDEO: Cheney: Obama wants ‘massive expansion’
Jules Crittenden
New York Post:
WITH REPUBLICAN FRIENDS LIKE THESE ... THE MEDIA LOVES CONSERVATIVES, BUT ONLY IF THEY HATE REPUBLICANS — Dear Mainstream Media: — I'm a conservative who believes that other conservatives are fat, drug-stuffed, money-grubbing warthogs like Rush Limbaugh, or scary inbred backwoods retards like Sarah Palin.
New York Times:
Administration Is Open to Taxing Health Benefits — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is signaling to Congress that the president could support taxing some employee health benefits, as several influential lawmakers and many economists favor, to help pay for overhauling the health care system.
Jennifer Parker / George's Bottom Line:
Summers: AIG Bonus Bombshell ‘Outrageous’ — President Barack Obama's top economics adviser, Lawrence Summers, said that insurance giant American International Group's plan to award senior executives hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses and retention pay is “outrageous.”
New York Times:
A.I.G. Planning $100 Million in Bonuses After Huge Bailout
A.I.G. Planning $100 Million in Bonuses After Huge Bailout
CNN, TalkLeft, Angry Bear, Brilliant at Breakfast, TPMCafe, DownWithTyranny!, PoliBlog, Whiskey Fire, Wake up America, The Impolitic,, Matthew Yglesias, The Reaction,, Washington Monthly, Buck Naked Politics, Think Progress, The Atlantic Business Channel, Truthdig, naked capitalism, Congress Matters and Washington Post
Meghan McCain / Blogs and Stories:
The Politics of Size — The Politics of Size: Meghan McCain Responds to Laura Ingraham's Attack on Her Weight — Blogs and Stories — Meghan McCain responds to Laura Ingraham's attack on her weight: Why is this topic still a socially accepted prejudice—and why in the world would a woman raise it?
American Power
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS NOT DUE.... Wall Street had a nice little rally this week, but former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino hopes President Obama doesn't get too much credit. … I see. Just so we're clear, here's a helpful guide to the rules of market watching, as they relate to partisan politics:
The Huffington Post
Walter Pincus / Washington Post:
Mideast Publications Question Obama Over Top Intelligence Pick's Withdrawal — Top Intelligence Pick's Pullout Blamed on ‘Pro-Israel Hawks’ — The Middle East press has questioned President Obama's authority over Arab-Israeli issues since Charles W. Freeman Jr.'s withdrawal from his appointment to a senior intelligence position.
Weekly Standard, Little Green Footballs, Soccer Dad, Commentary, Arab News, abu muqawama and Balloon Juice
Los Angeles Times:
Is anti-Zionism hate? — Yes. It is more dangerous than anti-Semitism, threatening lives and peace in the Middle East. — By Judea Pearl — In January, at a symposium at UCLA (choreographed by the Center for Near East Studies), four longtime Israel bashers were invited to analyze …
Israel Matzav
Ronald D. Rotunda / Chicago Tribune:
Some strings attached — Is the stimulus law constitutional? — Last month, Congress enacted the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, popularly called “the stimulus plan.” It gives billions of dollars to the states, but the gift has strings attached. One of its unique provisions changes state constitutions!
Monique / HotMES:
Start smoking: It just may save a child's life! — I do realize that most people don't smoke and so they ignore all of the attacks on smokers. It's not you, and you hate those pesky smokers, anyway. They're always polluting your lungs! — I'm a smoker, I guess.
Babar Dogar / Associated Press:
Violence mars Pakistani anti-government protest — LAHORE, Pakistan - Pakistan opposition leader Nawaz Sharif defied house arrest Sunday to lead an anti-government convoy toward the barricaded capital and a showdown with its pro-Western president. — Earlier, Sharif's supporters fought running battles …