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Amid AIG Furor, Dodd Tries to Undo Bonus Protections He Put In — Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) on Monday night floated the idea of taxing American International Group (AIG) bonus recipients so the government could recoup the $450 million the company is paying to employees in its financial products unit.

The dishonest “Blame Dodd” scheme from Treasury officials — There is a major push underway — engineered by Obama's Treasury officials, enabled by a mindless media, and amplified by the right-wing press — to blame Chris Dodd for the AIG bonus payments. That would be perfectly fine if it were true.

Cuomo Details Million-Dollar Bonuses at A.I.G. — Seventy-three employees were paid more than $1 million in the latest bonuses at the insurance giant American International Group, according to the New York attorney general, Andrew M. Cuomo. — The attorney general provided some new details …

Treasury Attempts to “Blame Dodd” for AIG Bonuses — As Geithner tries to get out of the way of the AIG bonus train wreck, it looks like the designated sin eater is going to be Chris Dodd: … So Treasury says Chris Dodd did this? In a word. . . no. — What they're talking about is a clause …

Why AIG outrage rings hollow
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Pajamas Media, pw, QandO, Wizbang, Blue Crab Boulevard, TPMDC and

Lose $165 Million, Gain an Issue
NY Daily News, Clusterstock, Fox News, Pajamas Media, The Foundry, Neptunus Lex and Think Progress

It's not the bonuses. It's that AIG's counterparties are getting paid back in full. — Everybody is rushing to condemn AIG's bonuses, but this simple scandal is obscuring the real disgrace at the insurance giant: Why are AIG's counterparties getting paid back in full, to the tune of tens of billions of taxpayer dollars?

Contributions to Obama Campaign Track Bailout Money — AIG's $43.5 billion in payments to Wall Street banks that gave to the president's election is lost in the ruckus being made over the executive bonuses. — Barack Obama's lack of leadership in a down economy has now hit crisis proportions …

Santelli, Sen. Kyl Push Back Against “Outrage” Over AIG Bonuses — Defending AIG's right to award its senior executives $165 million in bonuses even after the company benefited from $170 billion in government bailout funds requires a certain amount of rhetorical or political dexterity.

JournoList: Inside the echo chamber — For the past two years, several hundred left-leaning bloggers, political reporters, magazine writers, policy wonks and academics have talked stories and compared notes in an off-the-record online meeting space called JournoList. — Proof of a vast liberal media conspiracy?
Kausfiles, Blue Crab Boulevard, The Corner, Lean Left, The Sundries Shack, Hot Air, protein wisdom, Michael Calderone's Blog, Right Wing News, Erick's blog,, Ben Smith's Blog, Vox Popoli, Grasping Reality …, Patterico's Pontifications,, PoliGazette, AmSpecBlog and Wizbang

Canadians throw shoes to protest Bush — OTTAWA (AFP) — Three Canadians were arrested and others threw shoes in protest against George W. Bush on Tuesday when he gave his first post-presidential speech in western Canada's oil patch. — The footwear was tossed at an effigy …

President Obama — Home > Nation & World > President Obama — In Obama's Mailbox, Cries for Help From Outside the Beltway — Every weekday, President Obama sits behind his big desk in the Oval Office or settles into a comfortable chair in his East Wing residence and opens …

“Off With Those Pants”: Bill O'Reilly Seduces You in Clips From His Dirty Audiobook — Your Crap Archivist brings you the finest in forgotten and bewildering crap culled from basements, thrift stores, estate sales and flea markets. I do this for one reason: Knowledge is power. — Those Who Trespass audiobook

ACORN to Play Role in 2010 Census — The U.S. Census Bureau is working with several national organizations to help recruit 1.4 million workers to produce the country's 2010 census, including one with a history of voter fraud charges: ACORN. —

Fox News apologizes for dishonest splicing of Biden clip. — Yesterday, ThinkProgress noted that Fox News spliced a six-month old clip of Vice President Biden to misleadingly imply that he recently said the “fundamentals of the economy are strong.” Today, Fox News's Martha MacCallum apologized …

Mistrial by iPhone: Juries' Web Research Upends Trials — Last week, a juror in a big federal drug trial in Florida admitted to the judge that he had been doing research on the case on the Internet, directly violating the judge's instructions and centuries of legal rules.

U.S. May Widen Strikes in Pakistan — WASHINGTON — President Obama and his national security advisers are considering expanding the American covert war in Pakistan far beyond the unruly tribal areas to strike at a different center of Taliban power in Baluchistan, where top Taliban leaders …
Danger Room

Poll: More view Afghan war as ‘mistake’
Wall Street Journal, Commentary, ATTACKERMAN, American Power, The Atlantic Politics Channel and Daily Kos

McCain Refuses To Condemn Ingraham's Attacks On His Daughter — Last week, ThinkProgress reported that hate radio host Laura Ingraham responded to Meghan McCain's criticism of right-wingers like Ann Coulter by calling her “plus-sized.” Meghan shot back, telling Ingraham, “stop talking about my body.”
Hullabaloo, George's Bottom Line, Brilliant at Breakfast, CNET News and No More Mister Nice Blog

North Korea launches perfect Italian pizza — North Korea has opened its first pizzeria after a decade of clandestine international research. — It has taken almost 10 years of work, but North Korea has acquired the technology to launch a project very dear to its leader's heart - the nation's first “authentic” Italian pizzeria.

When asked for evidence, PAC withdraws anti-Murphy ad (Updated) — The conservative National Republican Trust PAC — the organization that ran the controversial presidential election television ad implying that Barack Obama would give a driver's license to 9/11 mastermind Mohammed Atta …

Republicans Ask Obama to Withdraw Hill Nomination — The signatories include Senators Ensign, Brownback, Bond, Kyl, and Inhofe, though interestingly no Republican from the Foreign Relations Committee. The complaints echo those made by Senators Graham and McCain last week, mainly that Christopher Hill …

Federal judge scolds prosecutor — Appeals Judge Richard Posner cites misconduct as conviction overturned — U.S. Appeals Judge Richard Posner is known for his provocative opinions, but his harsh criticism of a Chicago federal prosecutor surprises even close court observers.

Dems Fuming Over White House Plan To Make Vets Pay For Service Injuries — Democrats in Congress are organizing to squash a White House proposal that would require veterans to use private insurance to pay for treatment of their combat and service-related injuries.

Yes, the Community Reinvestment Act Really Did Help Cause the Housing Crisis — There has been a lot of push back against the idea that the Community Reinvestment Act nudged banks to give mortgages to people who should have not gotten them. But then here comes this fantastic story …

AOL Leaps Into Original News Content With — This story has been updated from its original version. — New Media is about to meet Old Media. But not in the way you'd think. — AOL is about to launch a politics site, hiring well-respected political journalists …

THE TRUTH ABOUT SWEDEN'S VOUCHER PROGRAM. — In the wake of President Obama's education speech last week, a few proponents of school vouchers are suggesting that the old sawhorse shouldn't be left off the reform table. The New York Times is featuring a video op-ed by Pacific Research …

GOP turns on itself, risks losses in midterms — The California Republican Party has been pummeled by some tough body blows in recent years - and results at the ballot box have been just part of the pain. — Now, at a time when the national GOP is trying to find its voice and cultivate new candidates …
Washington Monthly