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President Obama Jokes About Being a Bad Bowler: 'It's Like the Special Olympics' — The first appearance by a sitting president on “The Tonight Show” may well end up being the last. — President Obama, in his taping with Jay Leno Thursday afternoon, attempted to yuk it up with the funnyman, and ended up insulting the disabled.
Discussion:, Hot Air, The Sundries Shack, Right Pundits, NO QUARTER, TBogg, Taegan Goddard's …, Patterico's Pontifications, Don Surber, Ben Smith's Blog, Wizbang, TalkLeft, Little Green Footballs,, Riehl World View,, JammieWearingFool, Taylor Marsh and The New Editor

Obama's “Special Olympics” joke: The teleprompter made him do it! — Jake Tapper reports that Barack Obama pulled a Joe Biden (or a Barack Obama, for that matter) and ended up mocking the Special Olympics in a lame attempt to make fun of his weak bowling skills.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Obama to Leno: Dog ‘campaign promise’ — The economy, his first few months as commander-in-chief and that promise that he made to his daughters about a dog - President Barack Obama talked about all of that in his taped appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno that airs tonight.
The Politico

For Obama, Talk About Economy Goes Into Late Night

Heeeere's Barack... Jay Leno, who's hosting President Obama …
LA Observed

Geithner: Treasury pushed for bonus loophole — (CNN) — Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told CNN Thursday his department asked Sen. Chris Dodd to include a loophole in the stimulus bill that allowed bailed-out insurance giant American International Group to keep its bonuses.

Geithner: I should have known about bonus problems — (CNN) — Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner confirmed Thursday that the department did talk to Sen. Chris Dodd about a clause he put forth in the stimulus legislation that would have strictly limited executive bonuses.

Palin rejecting federal stimulus money — From Sean Cockerham in Juneau - — Gov. Sarah Palin just told reporters that she's accepting only 55 percent of the federal economic stimulus money being offered to Alaska. The governor said that she will accept only about $514 million of the $930 million headed to the state.
Hot Air,, Salon, The Moderate Voice, RedState, AMERICAblog News, Think Progress, Power Line, Balloon Juice, TigerHawk and TPMDC

Gordon Brown is frustrated by ‘Psycho’ in No 10 — While not exactly a film buff, Gordon Brown was touched when Barack Obama gave him a set of 25 classic American movies - including Psycho, starring Anthony Perkins on his recent visit to Washington. — Alas, when the PM settled …
Hot Air, Little Green Footballs, But As For Me, On Deadline, Stop The ACLU, protein wisdom and Fausta's Blog

Regional power — Mark (Hemingway), re that Gordon Brown box set, I was happy to string along with the jokes that the US-format DVDs wouldn't work on UK machines. Yet, at the back of my mind, I didn't quite believe that even the Obamateur Hour crowd at the White House could be that clueless.

AUDIO: Arnold on Obama: ‘Beautiful’ — LOS ANGELES - “When have you ever seen a president be that out there?” — That was a mesmerized Arnold Schwarzenegger after Obama's town hall meeting. — “I've never seen that,” Schwarzenegger said to a couple reporters as he and his wife, Maria Shriver, tried to make an exit.
CBS News

Carol Baum: Welfare CEOs are Just Like John Galt — Bloomberg columnist Carol Baum puts together a baffling analogy: … Atlas Shrugged is a stupid book, Ayn Rand is a stupid woman, and John Galt's ideas are stupid. That said, none of them are nearly this stupid.

Obamas to Plant White House Vegetable Garden — WASHINGTON — On Friday, Michelle Obama will begin digging up a patch of White House lawn to plant a vegetable garden, the first since Eleanor Roosevelt's victory garden in World War II. There will be no beets (the president doesn't like them) but arugula will make the cut.

Inside AIG-FP, Feeling the Public's Wrath — A solitary flat-screen television hangs on the back wall of the trading floor inside the headquarters of AIG Financial Products here. Wednesday afternoon, the most-talked-about employees in America huddled around it to find out just how despised they have become.

IDF in Gaza: Killing civilians, vandalism, and lax rules of engagement — During Operation Cast Lead, Israeli forces killed Palestinian civilians under permissive rules of engagement and intentionally destroyed their property, say soldiers who fought in the offensive.

Who Doesn't Love The JournoList? — How great is the JournoList, that off-the-record electronic salon where liberal journalists and policy gurus can exchange views, and which is emphatically *not* an echo chamber? — Let's see - Matt Yglesias of JL on the AIG furor - it's a distraction:

Why President Obama skipped ‘Meet the Press’ — Moderator David Gregory, center, of “Meet the Press,” hasn't lived up to the Tim Russert legacy. (Getty Images) — THE SHOW “Meet the Press,” hosted by David Gregory. — REASON TO WATCH That is the question, and one President Barack …

Obama struggles as communicator — Of all the pitfalls Barack Obama might face in the presidency, here is one not many people predicted: He is struggling as a public communicator. — The sluggish and unsteady response to the uproar over AIG bonuses highlights a larger problem of his White House …

'07 U.S. Births Break Baby Boom Record — More babies were born in the United States in 2007 than in any other year in American history, according to preliminary data reported Wednesday by the National Center for Health Statistics. — The 4,317,000 births in 2007 just edged out the figure for 1957, at the height of the baby boom.

CNBC's Kudlow lights dollar bill on fire, says “This is the value of our money” — Send in the G-Men. This guy is defacing federal money — I was thinking the same thing, isn't it a crime to destroy US currency? I thought it was just as bad as defacing the US Flag, which we know the republicans would never...

BIGGER THAN THE BOTH OF US — There's no end of puffed up outrage and opportunistic posturing over the on-going revelation of the AIG bonus scandal. But some line has been crossed. And it's worth thinking really clearly about just what that line is. — What is so damaging …

Obama envoy Holbrooke served on AIG's board — WASHINGTON (AP) — Obama administration special envoy Richard Holbooke was on the American International Group Inc. board of directors in early 2008 when the insurance company locked in the bonuses now stoking national outrage.

Stand-up guy: Obama tries to be funny — The crowd laughed politely at Barack Obama's joke about Thelma, Louise and health care. — The president's gag about chief of staff Rahm Emanuel volunteering to teach swearwords to children was so good he used it twice. — As for the crack about Nancy Reagan and séances?
Right Wing News

More Press Than Protesters Show Up At Goldman HQ — Whoops. Turns out nobody wanted to brave the rain to protest outside Goldman Sachs (GS) HQ today. According to one on-the-ground eyewitness, members of the press far outnumbered the the actual sign-wavers and chanters.