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How the Fed Failed to Tell Obama About The Bonuses — Federal Reserve officials knew for months about bonuses at American International Group but failed to tell the Obama administration, according to government and company officials, exposing problems in a relationship that is vital to addressing the financial crisis.
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GOP wary of plan to tax AIG bonuses — A plan to recoup millions of dollars of American International Group bonuses by taxing them into oblivion has put top Republicans on opposite sides of a riddle: When is a tax hike not a tax hike? — House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) …
Right Wing News, The Swamp, DownWithTyranny!, American Power, MSNBC, TPMDC and Democratic Strategist
House debates bill taxing AIG and other bonuses — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — WASHINGTON - Democrats pressed for quick action Thursday on a bill to slap punishing taxes on big employee bonuses from firms bailed out by taxpayers.
The Politico, Washington Post, The Atlantic Business Channel, Wall Street Journal and GINA COBB
First, they came for AIG bonuses
JustOneMinute, New York Post, Slate, Power Line, A Blog For All, Wizbang and The Mahablog
Republicans and executive compensation limits
Chicago Tribune,, The Anonymous Liberal, The Corner and Washington Monthly
Duke Coach to Obama: Worry About the Economy, Not NCAA Picks — Reacting to news Obama picked North Carolina to win the NCAA Championship, Mike Krzyzewski says, “the economy is something that [the president] should focus on, probably more than the brackets.”
The Atlantic Politics Channel,, FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog and The New Republic
13 firms receiving federal bailout owe back taxes — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — WASHINGTON - At least 13 firms receiving billions of dollars in bailout money owe a total of more than $220 million in unpaid federal taxes, a key lawmaker said Thursday.
Julia Alasheyeva, Moscow — A picture has emerged apparently showing Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in his former days as a KGB officer. — The 20-year old photo depicts two world leaders - US President Ronald Reagan and the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev - in Moscow.
Citigroup Said to Commit $10 Million for New Executive Suite — Citigroup Inc. plans to spend about $10 million on new offices for Chief Executive Officer Vikram Pandit and his lieutenants, after the U.S. government injected $45 billion of cash into the bank.
Audio comedy gold: Bozo the Vice President is looking out for you — The gaffetastic gift that keeps on giving. — In trying times, we can always count on Bozo the Vice President to provide some welcome comic relief. Joe Biden was The Newshour on PBS last night in full swagger …
The Grievance Committee — Angry. So very, very angry. Unable to speak due to mega-anger washing over every pore and fiber of my being. Anger is in. (Hope's so ... January.) — I am extremely angry at Tim Geithner for being such a baby that he couldn't scare a bunch …
Washington Post, Booman Tribune, Commentary, Hullabaloo, The Note and Wall Street Journal
Inside AIG-FP, Feeling the Public's Wrath — A solitary flat-screen television hangs on the back wall of the trading floor inside the headquarters of AIG Financial Products here. Wednesday afternoon, the most-talked-about employees in America huddled around it to find out just how despised they have become.
Obama to bring star power to L.A. — Arnold Schwarzenegger may be the movie star of the duo, but when Barack Obama visits California on Thursday, the governor is hoping the president's box office appeal rubs off. — Obama is set for a star turn on Leno and is scheduled to appear …
NO IDEAS, NO PLAN, NO NOTHING — Larry O'Donnell went to town this morning on Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA). The ostensible issue was whether Cantor was going to support Rep. Charlie Rangel's bill to tax the heck out the AIG bonuses when it comes up for a vote later today.
EXCLUSIVE: Obama's $500,000 book bonanza — Deal reached 5 days before he took office — As he empathized with recession-weary Americans, President Obama arranged in the days just before he took office to secure a $500,000 advance for a children's book project, a disclosure report shows.
Associated Press, JustOneMinute,, Political Punch, Wonkette, Pajamas Media and Connecting.the.Dots
IDF in Gaza: Killing civilians, vandalism, and lax rules of engagement — During Operation Cast Lead, Israeli forces killed Palestinian civilians under permissive rules of engagement and intentionally destroyed their property, say soldiers who fought in the offensive.
Top brass disturbed by GOP stalling of Iraq ambassador — There's one as yet unremarked constituency increasingly disturbed by some Republican senators' efforts to block the confirmation of former North Korea envoy Christopher Hill to be the next U.S. ambassador to Iraq: the U.S. military.
The Huffington Post, Washington Monthly, Matthew Yglesias, The New Republic and Blog
On the Bloated Defense Budget — Robert Farley has a provocative observation about the defense budget: “If an analyst had proposed, during the Reagan administration, that the U.S. outspend the Soviet Union by a factor of 5-10, he or she would have been laughed out of government by Republicans and Democrats alike.”
MoJo Blog Posts
The Edge of the American West
No Return to Normal — Why the economic crisis, and its solution, — are bigger than you think. — B arack Obama's presidency began in hope and goodwill, but its test will be its success or failure on the economics. Did the president and his team correctly diagnose the problem?
The 100 People Who Are Changing America — It would be a luxury if the function of the list we present here were simply to shake ourselves out of complacency. But, unfortunately, we are far beyond that. With the election of Barack Obama and the deep hole that his predecessor left …
Leading climate scientist: 'democratic process isn't working' — Protest and direct action could be the only way to tackle soaring carbon emissions, a leading climate scientist has said. — James Hansen, a climate modeller with Nasa, told the Guardian today that corporate lobbying …
Pelosi: House Dems blameless in AIG scandal — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) kicked blame for the insertion of a provision allowing for AIG bonuses to go forward to the White House and the Senate on Thursday morning, saying House Democrats bore no responsibility for the bonus language at the center of the AIG storm.
Photo of Charles Manson is released by prison officials — The image shows the convicted mass murderer with a receding hairline, a thick gray beard and a fading swastika-shaped scar on his forehead. — California corrections officials released a photograph taken Wednesday …
LA Observed
Our Must-Win War — The ‘Minimalist’ Path Is Wrong for Afghanistan — Later this month, the Obama administration will unveil a new strategy for the war in Afghanistan. This comes as most important indicators in Afghanistan are pointing in the wrong direction.