Top Items:
Gregg: ‘This country will go bankrupt’ — WASHINGTON (CNN) - Even though he was almost a member of the new Obama administration, New Hampshire Republican Judd Gregg Sunday slammed President Obama's approach to handling the country's fiscal outlook. — “The practical implications …
Blue Crab Boulevard, Washington Monthly, Gateway Pundit, Taylor Marsh, RedState, Fausta's Blog and Don Surber
Sen. Gregg says Obama budget will bankrupt US — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — WASHINGTON - The top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee says the Obama administration is on the right course to save the nation's financial system.
Reuters, DownWithTyranny!, FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog, and The Cloakroom
Treasury's toxic asset plan could cost $1 trillion — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — WASHINGTON - The Obama administration's latest attempt to tackle the banking crisis and get loans flowing to families and businesses rely on a new government entity …
WHY I AM DEPRESSED — Victor Davis Hanson asks why so many Americans are depressed. Suggesting five themes that might provide an answer, he thinks it might be more than the economy that explains our state of mind. I agree, but none of Dr. Hanson's themes accounts for my despair.
Thoughts About Depressed Americans
Blue Crab Boulevard
Friendly fire: NYT hits Obama — The leading liberal voices of the New York Times editorial pages all criticized—and, in some cases, clobbered—President Obama on Sunday for his handling of the economy and national security. — It's not unusual for Barack Obama to take a little friendly fire from the Times.
Airstrikes in Pakistan — If you want something a bit under the radar to worry about, consider Greg Miller's LA Times article on the increasing use of airstrikes in Pakistan against alleged al-Qaeda targets. — I can't imagine that an American president ever would or should completely disavow the right to launch this sort of attack.
U.S. missile strikes take heavy toll on Al Qaeda, officials say
On Deadline
Retailers floating union compromise — Three major retail companies with a reputation for generous dealings with their employees and very little union involvement are floating compromise legislation that would make it easier for organized labor to unionize but preserve a workers' ability to decide using a secret ballot vote.
Commentary, But As For Me, DownWithTyranny!, AmSpecBlog, Ben Smith's Blog and Wall Street Journal
The ‘Global Warming Three’ are on thin ice — The only problem with a project to prove that Arctic ice is disappearing is the fact that it is actually getting thicker, says Christopher Booker. — What a wonderful parable of our time has been the expedition to the North Pole led by the explorer Pen Hadow.
Coming soon to a lefty rag near you — The other day, left-wing muckraker Seymour Hersh went on MSNBC and said he had information, provided by the usual anonymous sources, that Dick Cheney was running an assassination squad out of the White House. — I have but one simple observation …
Obamateurism of the Day — This is a clip from a few days ago, and in this case, it's not so much what he says as the obvious fact that he got lost on his Teleprompter while saying it. Watch President Obama look nervously left and right trying to find the thread of his remarks …
Frank: Uncle Sam should sue AIG — In spite of recent signals of waning White House support for the bonus tax legislation working its way through Congress, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) on CBS's “Face the Nation” said his talks with the administration lead him to believe there is still support for the tax idea.
Are We Home Alone? — I ran into an Indian businessman friend last week and he said something to me that really struck a chord: “This is the first time I've ever visited the United States when I feel like you're acting like an immature democracy.” — You know what he meant …
Valuing the Toxic Waste — The details of Tim Geithner's plan to buy up banks' toxic waste are still a little vague, but liberal reaction (Krugman, Baker, Smith) has mostly been pretty harsh regardless. Their primary criticism is simple: banks aren't willing to sell their mortgage-backed assets …
TalkLeft, Washington Monthly, Balloon Juice, JustOneMinute, Grasping Reality … and Portfolio
A man and his dog — Governor Mark Sanford interprets Obama's intent in the real world. … Yes, Gov. Sanford, you're starting to get the message. No matter how reasonable your argument, no matter how rational your reasons for not dropping to your knees in genuflection for the money Obama wants …
Follow the Bailout Cash — From the magazine issue dated Mar 30, 2009 — There was plenty of outrage on Capitol Hill last week over the executive bonuses paid out by AIG after getting federal bailout money. But another money trail could make voters just as angry: the campaign dollars …
BofA's insider loans zoomed in 2008, but no one will say why — CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Bank of America vaulted into the top 10 banks for insider lending last year with an increase of more than $358 million, much of it coming as credit markets froze and mounting financial calamity threatened the industry's survival.
Matthew Yglesias