Top Items:

Treasury Department Releases Details on Public Private Partnership Investment Program — The Financial Stability Plan - Progress So Far: Over the past six weeks, the Treasury Department has implemented a series of initiatives as part of its Financial Stability Plan that …

Financial Policy Despair — Over the weekend The Times and other newspapers reported leaked details about the Obama administration's bank rescue plan, which is to be officially released this week. If the reports are correct, Tim Geithner, the Treasury secretary, has persuaded President Obama …
Discussion:, The New Republic, Wall Street Journal, TBogg, Commentary, Matthew Yglesias, MoJo Blog Posts, MSNBC, Wonk Room, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Washington Monthly, The Campaign Spot, McClatchy Washington Bureau, Guardian, Achenblog,, Hullabaloo, Washington Post, Democratic Strategist, The Reaction, Firedoglake, Lance Mannion, Vox Popoli and Swampland

Dow jumps close to 400 points — Wall Street welcomes Obama administration plan to buy up close to $1 trillion in bad bank assets. — NEW YORK ( — Stocks recharged a rally Monday after Treasury's plan to buy up billions in bad bank assets and a better-than-expected existing …

Inside Obama's Economic Brain Trust — It's not pretty at this moment. — Tim Geithner boarded the 6 a.m. US Airways shuttle to Washington last Wednesday at La Guardia, slid his rail-thin frame into seat 5C, then stared into the middle distance. Geithner is invariably described as boyish …
Ben Smith's Blog

Timothy Geithner: Making Countrywide Executives Rich Again — Timothy Geithner's new TALF plan, like all his other plans, seems designed to shovel billions into the coffers of the very same bankers who got rich on the mortgage bubble. When the public gets a glimpse of the tip of this giant iceberg …

My Plan for Bad Bank Assets — The private sector will set prices. Taxpayers will share in any upside. — The American economy and much of the world now face extraordinary challenges, and confronting these challenges will continue to require extraordinary actions.
Weekly Standard, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Portfolio, Bloomberg, MSNBC, Fox News, The Corner, ACSBlog, The Daily Dish, NO QUARTER, The Sundries Shack, Eschaton, Reuters, The Huffington Post, Political Punch, Right Pundits, Donklephant, The Foundry, The Washington Note, Greg's Opinion, Washington Monthly, Zero Hedge, Below The Beltway, The League of Ordinary …, The New Republic, Shakesville, Dealbreaker, The Anonymous Liberal, and Betsy's Page

Take the Steering Wheel out of Geithner's Hands
AMERICAblog News

I Was Followed, Harassed, And Ambushed By Bill O'Reilly's Producer — On March 1, ThinkProgress picked up on a story by News Hounds, which noted that Fox News host Bill O'Reilly — who has made controversial comments about rape victims in the past — was slated to speak at a March 19 fundraiser for the Alexa Foundation.

Tea Parties, Going Galt, Iraq, and Delicious Irony — I've been following the growing “Tea Party” and “Going Galt” movements with no small amount of amusement, in part because there is really just too much sweet, delicious irony surrounding both of these groups of people (who, I might add, are largely the same people).
Washington Monthly, Think Progress, Democracy in America, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Below The Beltway

The Brutal Truth — Alex Knapp: … My sense is that it is a delayed reaction in some ways to Bush, and his betrayal of conservatism. For all sorts of reasons, most of the current tea-partiers backed the GOP under Bush and Cheney, although some, to be fair, did complain about some of it.

HE'S NOT ‘PUNCH DRUNK’.... For a while, the lead story from Politico last night was the idea that President Obama chuckled a little too much during his interview with Steve Kroft on “60 Minutes.” The headline on the piece read, “Kroft to Obama: Are you punch-drunk?”
The Atlantic Politics Channel, RedState, Z on TV, Balloon Juice, Gawker, Media Blog and Commentary

JPMorgan Chase To Spend Millions on New Jets and Luxury Airport Hangar — Outraged Critics Decry the Proposal, Call For Bank To Abandon Plans — Embattled bank JPMorgan Chase, the recipient of $25 billion in TARP funds, is going ahead with a $138 million plan to buy two new luxury corporate jets and build …
The New Republic, Michelle Malkin, Think Progress, Swampland, Portfolio, PoliBlog, Gawker and Zero Hedge

The 50-Vote Senate — Could an obscure Senate rule free Barack Obama from the filibuster and enable health-care reform? — It's hard to imagine another town in which the most divisive thing you could do would be called “reconciliation.” But this is Washington.

Obama writes letter to Chirac - blogosphere goes crazy — Want to know how quickly rumors get spread on the Internet? Here's a prime example. — The right side of the web is apoplectic this morning claiming that President Obama doesn't know who the French president is.
The Volokh Conspiracy, Fausta's Blog, Barack Obama's …, Gateway Pundit, Riehl World View and The Atlanticist

Law Professor Who Advised Obama Says House AIG Bill May Be Unconstitutional — I just got off the phone with Harvard professor Laurence Tribe, who advised Obama during the campaign, and he says he's leaning towards seeing the new House bill to tax back all the AIG bonuses as unconstitutional.

Michele Bachmann on D.C.: “I'm a Foreign Correspondent On Enemy Lines” — During a Saturday afternoon interview on WWTC 1280 AM with The Northern Alliance's John Hinderaker and Brian Ward, Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann discussed her staunch opposition to several Democratic-led efforts …

Texas School Board Set to Vote on Challenge to Evolution — The Texas Board of Education will vote this week on a new science curriculum designed to challenge the guiding principle of evolution, a step that could influence what is taught in biology classes across the nation.

Dodd's Wife a Former Director of Bermuda-Based IPC Holdings, an AIG Controlled Company — No wonder Senator Christopher Dodd (D-Conn) went wobbly last week when asked about his February amendment ratifying hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses to executives at insurance giant AIG.
Little Green Footballs

Burris Seeks Permission to Establish Legal Defense Fund — Democratic Sen. Roland W. Burris has asked the Senate Ethics Committee to let him raise money to help deal with the cost of inquiries about his appointment by former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. — The committee and a prosecutor …
Taegan Goddard's …

500 miles later, I'm back in Madison. — Did you understand the previous post? If not, the answer — along with much congratulations and debate — appears in the comments, notably here. Let there be no doubt about it: A blogger — Althouse — is engaged to be married to a man who began …

SECOND TIME'S A CHARM — As far as the market is concerned, anyway, Tim Geithner's second shot at laying out a plan to rescue the nation's banking system is being received a lot better than his first. At this moment, the Dow is up over four percent. — You can read the Treasury Department's description of the plan here.

Obama Sells Out a Friend From Connecticut — The thought has surely crossed Chris Dodd's mind more than once these past few days: is this how Barack Obama treats his friends? — When word spread a week ago that A.I.G. had used $165 million in federal bailout money to lavish bonuses …

IT'S THE PRICING, STUPID. — Here, in its simplest form, is what the administration seems to think (this comes from conversations I had with administration officials over the weekend). It may be the case that these are mispriced assets rather than worthless assets.
The Corner

WOW, I NEEDED THAT — As part of their efforts to make the scale and scope of Bernie Madoff's crimes clear to Judge Denny Chin in deciding the terms of his plea, confinement and eventual sentencing, the folks at the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York submitted emails …

Tempest of the ‘toldja!’ journalists — Entertainment bloggers turning facts into fights — The Internet has given birth to a new subset of entertainment reporting: Bloggers vs. bloggers. — In recent months there have been near daily eruptions of vitriol between prominent showbiz bloggers and online journos.
Blogs and Stories

Matthews Renews Contract at MSNBC — Chris Matthews, the usually garrulous host of “Hardball” on MSNBC, has quietly signed a new long-term contract to remain with the cable network through the next election, signaling that he had quit entertaining any plans to run for a Senate seat.

Howard Dean To Become Regular CNBC Contributor — Former DNC Chair Howard Dean will become a regular contributor for the business news network CNBC, a source close to the former Vermont Governor confirms. Dean started his new gig on Monday morning with a guest-hosting appearance on the station.
Think Progress, The New Republic, Washington Monthly, Michael Calderone's Blog and Wonkette

Give Obama more time. Then give him hell — The president has had only two months - harsh judgments are premature — The former New York City mayor Ed Koch was renowned for strolling about Manhattan when he was in office, grabbing strangers by the lapel and asking, “How am I doing?”

Winning friends internationally again; Update: The missing context of the Chirac letter — Remember when Democrats insisted that we needed a change in parties in order to restore our friendships with our allies, especially in Europe? So far, they've done a bang-up job of it.

Kremlin critic says he was doused with ammonia — MOSCOW - Russian police were investigating Monday after a Kremlin critic running for mayor of the city hosting the 2014 Winter Olympics said he was doused with ammonia in an attack he blamed on the government.