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My Plan for Bad Bank Assets — The private sector will set prices. Taxpayers will share in any upside. — The American economy and much of the world now face extraordinary challenges, and confronting these challenges will continue to require extraordinary actions.
The Swamp, Political Punch, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, The Baseline Scenario, The Note, Bloomberg, Eschaton, Washington Monthly,, Washington Post, The Plank, Outside The Beltway, Ben Smith's Blog, Taegan Goddard's …, Betsy's Page, The Big Picture, Democracy in America, Dealbreaker, MyDD, Corrente, Grasping Reality …, On Deadline, DownWithTyranny! and Blue Crab Boulevard
Financial Policy Despair — Over the weekend The Times and other newspapers reported leaked details about the Obama administration's bank rescue plan, which is to be officially released this week. If the reports are correct, Tim Geithner, the Treasury secretary, has persuaded President Obama …
Firedoglake, Think Progress, QandO, The Politico, Pajamas Media, Taylor Marsh, FinkelBlog and The Huffington Post
Treasury Department Releases Details on Public Private Partnership Investment Program — The Financial Stability Plan - Progress So Far: Over the past six weeks, the Treasury Department has implemented a series of initiatives as part of its Financial Stability Plan that …
Treasury Plan to Deal With Toxic Assets Banks on Private Cash — WASHINGTON — Noting that the U.S. financial system “is still working against economic recovery,” the U.S. Treasury Department on Monday revealed details of its plan to address toxic assets weighing on banks' balance sheets.
I Think Paul Krugman Is Wrong
The Daily Dish, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Kausfiles, Bronte Capital, rubber hose, Marginal Revolution and MoJo Blog Posts
The David Copperfield School of Economic Recovery, Pt. II
Buck Naked Politics, Riehl World View, Mish's Global Economic … and The Volokh Conspiracy
Man of the Hour — With Steve Kroft as Lead Correspondent, ‘60 Minutes’ Is Ticking Right Along — On the night of the Emmys last fall, when one of his stories was up for an award and his tuxedo-clad colleagues were leaving for the ceremony, Steve Kroft stayed at the office until 1 a.m. …
Kroft to Obama: Are you punch-drunk? — President Barack Obama said he believes the global financial system remains at risk of implosion with the failure of Citigroup or AIG, which could touch off “an even more destructive recession and potentially depression.”
Below The Beltway, Patterico's Pontifications, Fausta's Blog, Buck Naked Politics, Pajamas Media, Associated Press, Gawker, Maggie's Farm, AMERICAN DIGEST, But As For Me, Don Surber, No More Mister Nice Blog, Hot Air, Gateway Pundit, Whiskey Fire, Blue Crab Boulevard, This ain't Hell …, FiveThirtyEight, A Blog For All, Jules Crittenden,, New York Times and Comments from Left Field
HE'S NOT ‘PUNCH DRUNK’.... For a while, the lead story from Politico …
60 Minutes transcript — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition
The Swamp, Political Machine, MyDD, Scared Monkeys, The Moderate Voice, But As For Me and Associated Press
Obama Upsets Sarkozy With Letter to Jacques Chirac — In his latest faux pas Obama managed to pi$$ off France... President Obama wrote Jacques Chirac saying he was looking forward to working with the former French president in the coming four years(?) — Monsters and Critics reported:
500 miles later, I'm back in Madison. — Did you understand the previous post? If not, the answer — along with much congratulations and debate — appears in the comments, notably here. Let there be no doubt about it: A blogger — Althouse — is engaged to be married to a man who began …
WOW, I NEEDED THAT — As part of their efforts to make the scale and scope of Bernie Madoff's crimes clear to Judge Denny Chin in deciding the terms of his plea, confinement and eventual sentencing, the folks at the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York submitted emails …
Tea Parties, Going Galt, Iraq, and Delicious Irony — I've been following the growing “Tea Party” and “Going Galt” movements with no small amount of amusement, in part because there is really just too much sweet, delicious irony surrounding both of these groups of people (who, I might add, are largely the same people).
Nicholas Hughes, Sylvia Plath's son commits suicide — The son of the poets Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath has taken his own life, 46 years after his mother gassed herself while he slept. — Nicholas Hughes hanged himself at his home in Alaska after battling against depression for some time, his sister Frieda said yesterday.
GOV PLOTS SECRET TAX HIKE ON RICH — GOV. PATERSON and legislative Democrats have secretly agreed on an $8 billion, two- year tax hike on individuals making more than $500,000 a year that will “sunset” around the time he plans to run for election in 2010, legislative sources told The Post.
Obama links budget to environment — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama's aides say the administration will work with Congress on his budget proposal, but energy independence is not subject to wheeling and dealing.
Texas School Board Set to Vote on Challenge to Evolution — The Texas Board of Education will vote this week on a new science curriculum designed to challenge the guiding principle of evolution, a step that could influence what is taught in biology classes across the nation.
The Bellows
Various matters — (updated below) — (1) The New York Times Public Editor, Clark Hoyt, has a column today on a topic I've written about more times than I can count: that the NYT routinely grants anonymity without any justification whatsoever and, more notably, does so in flagrant violation of its own policy on anonymous sources.
From Tehran to Tel Aviv — With his bold message to Iran's leaders, President Obama achieved four things essential to any rapprochement. — He abandoned regime change as an American goal. He shelved the so-called military option. He buried a carrot-and-sticks approach viewed with contempt by Iranians as fit only for donkeys.
Venezuela's Chavez calls Obama “ignoramus” — CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez said on Sunday his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama was at best an “ignoramus” for saying the socialist leader exported terrorism and obstructed progress in Latin America.